Combos, Pseudos, and Followups


These are just combos. Knowing these won't magically make you good at the game. They're only for mixing up your gameplay and being a little bit more effecient at dealing damage. Knowing how and when to use these will help you win a little bit more fights than you normally would without them, but only if you're already half decent at the game.

Think of these combos as sections of a long strings. Mix and match them together and try to get used to making the best kind of string, "organic strings". In other words, try to get used to throwing together some of these combos by adapting to what's happening. If you get good enough at this then the opponent won't be able to predict or get you off of him.

That being said; good luck, have fun, experiment, and I hope this helps you with climbing that ladder. Oh, and play however you like, but NEVER leave a room without a "gg".

This entire steam guide is out of date, but the google document is up to date

That is all. :D

The Basics And Legend

All damage numbers on a combo without a signature in them were done with a legend with 5 strength against a legend with 5 defence. The ones with signatures are done with the legend who does them's default stats against a legend with 5 armor. I'll try to make it clear when you need a higher dex character to make it true. I'm sorry if I messed any of the damage numbers up.

Heavy Attacks:

NH = Neutral/Up Signature/Heavy

DH = Down Signature/Heavy

SH = Side Signature/Heavy

Light Attacks:

NL = Neutral/Up Light

DL = Down Light

SL = Side Light

Aerial Attacks

R = Recovery (Any heavy attack in the air other then the down heavy. This helps you get back on stage hence the name.)

GP = Ground Pound (Down heavy in the air)

NA = Neutral/Up Air

DA = Down Air

SA = Side Air


GC = Gravity Cancel (Dodging without moving in the air and then doing an attack or even taunt. This does the ground version of whatever you did.)

J = Jump

FF = Fast Fall

UD = UP Dodge

FD = Forward Dodge (dodge at them)

BD = Dodge Away/Back Dodge

DD = Down Dodge

X = Whatever followup previously mentioned

Blue = It's possible and is semi-reliable to make it true without changeing dex.Bold = The combo can be true, but is very inconsistant in when it's true.

White = Pseudo Combo or Followup

The original google docs project that I made said if the combo was true or not. Please go to that if you want a more accurate, easier to read version.

I am trying to just finish the list in general, but you can help fix any misteaks by commenting here, on the Reddit post, or even on the google document if you find any faults with the list.


DL, SH (Wait for the opponent to land on you) 24.7 Damage

DL, NH 28.9 Damage

DL, J, NA (Good, reliable combo for dealing damage) 29 Damage

DL, J, SA 28 Damage

DL, J, DA (Good for setting up ledge guards) ~30 Damage falls to ~20 at red

DL, J, R (Good kill-move) 23 Damage DL, J, R, NA (low-mid damage) 44 Damage

DL, J, R, J, NA (mid-high damage) 44 Damage

DL, J, R, GP (needs low damage) 45 Damage

DL, J, R, J, R (Mid-High damage is needed) 38 Damage

DL, J, GP 30 Damage DL, J, GP, R, X (Low-Mid damage) 46.1+X Damage

DL, J, GP, J, NA (Needs low-mid health) 51 Damage

DL, J, GC, NH 28.9 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Needs to be at low health) 24.7 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Good Kill-move) 24.4 Damage

DL, J, GC, NL 33 Damage DL, J, GC, SL 23 Damage

DL, J, GC, DL, J, NA 37 Damage

DL, J, GC, DL, J, DA ~38 Damage falls to ~28 at red DL, J, GC, DL, J, SA 36 Damage

DL, J, GC, DL, J, R 31 Damage DL, J, GC, DL, J, R, J, R 46 Damage

SA, DL, X (needs to have virtually no damage) 28.7+X Damage


DL, J, SA (Good for setting up a ledge guard) 25 Damage

DL, J, DA (Good for spiking and setting up another attack) 26 Damage DL, J, DA, NA (Bounces off of the floor) 46 Damage

DL, J, DA, R (Bounces off of the floor} 52.7 Damage

DL, J, DA, SA (Bounces off of the floor} 43.4 Damage

DL, J, NA (Very Unreliable) 28 Damage

DL, FD, NA (More risky, but more reliable) 28 Damage

GP, NA (Bounces off of the floor) 42 Damage

DL, J, GP, NA (Bounces off of the floor) 50 Damage

DL, J, GP, DA (Bounces off of the floor) 49.1 Damage

DL, J, GP, SA (Bounces off of the floor) 47 Damage

DL, J, GP, R (Best at low-mid damage) ~53 Damage

DL, J, GP, R, NA (Best at low-mid damage) ~73 Damage

DL, J, GP, R, SA (Best at low-mid damage) ~70 Damage

DL, J, GP (Easiest at low-mid damage) 30 Damage

DL, R (Better at low damage) ~31 Damage - Varies based on health

DL, J, R (Get’s more hits when you jump if the opponent is highly damaged) ~31 Damage - Varies based on health

DL, J, GC, NL 32 Damage

DL, J, GC, SL (Good for setting up a ledge-guard) ~28 Damage

DL, J, GC, DL, J, SA (True, but very hard to pull off) 33 Damage DL, GC, NH (Bödvar) (Works best with low damage) 31.8 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Hattori) (True due to the dodge startup time) 32.4 Damage DL, GC, NH (Thatch) 35.7 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Asuri) 36.5 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Sir Roland) 29.5 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Koji) 40.8 Damage

DL, NH (Need to land on the floor first and dodging can help) (Jhala) 31.4 Damage

DL, GC, SH (Bödvar) 38 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Hattori) 38.3 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Sir Roland) 36.1 Damage

DL, GC, SH (Thatch) 38.2 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Thatch) (More Reliable when you jump) 38.2 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Asuri) 30.3 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Koji) 38.1 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Bödvar) 34.4 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Sir Roland) 28.7 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Asuri) 29.9 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Jhala) 34.5 Damage

SL, NH (No to very little damage) 42.8 Damage

SL, SH (Bödvar) 50 Damage

SL, SH (Hattori) 50 Damage

SL, SH (Sir Roland) 32 Damage

SL, SH (Thatch) 50.7 Damage

SL, SH (Asuri) 41.6 Damage

SL, SH (Koji) (Low-Mid Damage) 50.1 Damage

SL, SH (Jhala) 48.3 Damage

SL, DH (Koji) Upwards of 42.2 Damage (You many need to charge it for timing)

SL, DH (Jhala) 47.1 Damage

SA, DL, X (You need to be sliding on the floor during the SA) 42 Damage

DA, SA (very damage dependent) 35.8 Damage


SA, DL, X 47+X Damage SA, NL, X 28+X Damage

SA, SL 40 Damage

DL, NL (Only works at low damage) 38 Damage

DL, SL (Only works at low damage) 28 Damage

DL, J, DA (Stacked up - Great kill move) 20 Damage

DL, J, SA 28 Damage DL, J, GP 35 Damage

DL, NH (Bödvar) 34 Damage

DL, NH (Cassidy) 21.8 Damage DL, NH (Gnash) 29.5 Damage

DL, NH (Scarlet) 31.6 Damage DL, NH (Sentinel) 36.2 Damage

DL, NH (Teros) 27.1 Damage

DL, NH (Kor) 36.8 Damage

DL, SH (Bödvar) 41.3 Damage DL, SH (Gnash) 29.8 Damage

DL, SH (Scarlet) 33.1 Damage

DL, SH (Sentinel) (Can be harder to hit than the NL version, but does more damage and is better at killing. Look at the frame by frame hitboxes for spacing. When it’s true the opponent never becomes unstunned.) 40.9 Damage

DL, SH (Kor) (Needs good spacing) 35.9 Damage{/u}[/h1]

DL, DH (Sentinel) 28.9 Damage

DL, DH (Teros) (Useful at low damage) 41.5 Damage

DL, SH (Kor) (You need to be stacked and have low damage for it to be true) 40 Damage

DL, J, GC, NL 28 Damage

DL, J, GC, SL 28 Damage DL, J, GC, DL, J, DA 28 Damage

DL, J, GC, DL, J, SA 36 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Bödvar) 33.1 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Scarlet) 19.3 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Teros) (Useful at high damage) 41.5 Damage DL, J, GC, SH (Cassidy) 34.8 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Scarlet) 33.1 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Teros) 32.3 Damage

SL, DH (Gnash) (Yellow-orange health) 44.4 Damage

Rocket Lances

SL, J, NA 29 Damage

SL, J, SA 32 Damage

SL, J, R 25.9 Damage SL, J, GC, DL ~29 Damage

SL, J, GC, NL 32 Damage

SL, J, GC, SL, J, NA 39 Damage

SL, J, GC, SL, J, SA 42 Damage

SL, J, GC, SL, J, R 35.9 Damage

SL, NH (Orion) (Low damage) 35.1 Damage SL, J, GC, NH (Orion) 35.1 Damage

SL, J, GC, NH (Lord Vraxx) 50.7 Damage

SL, NH (Scarlet) 27.5 Damage

SL, NH (Ulgrim) 34.9 Damage SL, NH (Sir Roland) 32.1 Damage

SL, J, GC, DH (Orion) 35.2 Damage

SL, J, GC, DH (Lord Vraxx) 32.1 Damage

SL, J, GC, DH (Sir Roland) 40 Damage

SL, J, GC, DH (Scarlet) 39.6 Damage

SL, J, GC, DH (Ulgrim) 45.1 Damage

SL, J, GC, SH (Orion) ~36 Damage

SL, J, GC, SH (Lord Vraxx) ~32 Damage

SL, J, GC, SH (Sir Roland) 33.3 Damage

SL, J, GC, SH (Scarlet) 33.1 Damage

DL, SL, X (It's good for setting up your combo in a safe way) 35.2+x Damage

DL, SH (Ulgrim) 56 Damage

SA, J, DA ~42.8 Damage

DA, SL (Only good at low health) ~30+x Damage


NL, SH (Gnash) 35 Damage

DL, J, SA (True Until Red) 32 Damage

DL, J, SA, DA (Can be a good followup) 48 Damage

DL, J, NA (Normally needs a wall) 32 Damage DL, J, NA, J, R 47 Damage

DL, R 28 Damage

SL, SL 42 Damage

SL, DL 31 Damage

SL, DL, GC, NH, DL, J, SA (Orion) (needs 0 damage) 92.5 Damage

SL, NH (Orion) (Low Damage) 46.5 Damage

SL, NH (Gnash) 36.6 Damage

SL, NH (Queen Nai) 46.4 Damage SL, NH (Hattori) (Low Damage) 19.9 Damage

SL, NH (Ada) 46.5 Damage

SL, NH (Brynn) (Low Damage) 45.9 Damage SL, SH (Orion) 44.8 Damage

SL, SH (Brynn) 44.5 Damage SL, SH (Hattori) 39.2 Damage

SL, SH (Queen Nai) 46.4 Damage

SL, DH (Queen Nai) 41.7 Damage

DL, J, GC, NL 32 Damage DL, J, GC, SL 31 Damage

DL, GC, DL, J, SA 44 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Orion) 41.8 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Gnash) (Orange Health Up) 31.1 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Queen Nai) (True until orange) 40.6 Damage DL, GC, NH (Hattori) (Mid-High Damage) 38.6 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Ada) 41.2 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Brynn) (Low Damage) 40.9 Damage

DL, GC, SH (Orion) 40.1 Damage

DL, GC, SH (Gnash) (Orange Health Up) 40.2 Damage

DL, GC, SH (Queen Nai) 40.9 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Hattori) 41.5 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Ada) 28.8 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Brynn) 39.5 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Orion) 41.5 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Gnash) (needs mid-high damage) 41.1 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Queen Nai) (Only at Medium Damage) 36.2 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Hattori) 40.5 Damage

DL, J, GC,DH (Brynn) 51.2 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Ada) 34.2 Damage

NA, J, R (Can be a good finisher) 33 Damage

NA, J, SA 36 Damage

NA, J, SA, DA 52 Damage


DA, NL 27.4 Damage

DA, SL 24.4 Damage

DA, DL 22.4 Damage

DA, SL, NL 43.4 Damage

DA, SL, DL 38.4 Damage DA, SL, DL, DA, NL 61.6 Damage

[h] DA, NA (knock them off the ledge with the DAir) 22 Damage[/h]

DA, SA (knock them off the ledge with the DAir) 24 Damage

DA, NH (Queen Nai) ~38.3 Damage

DA, NH (Lucien) ~35.4 Damage

DA, NH (Asuri) 31.7 Damage

DA, DH (Queen Nai) ~34.8 Damage

DA, DH (Lucien) (Needs high damage) 30.7 Damage

DA, DH (Asuri) 37.1 Damage

DA, DH (Ember) 30.7 Damage

DA, SH (Queen Nai) (Needs high damage) ~24.3 Damage

DA, SH (Lucien) 31.5 Damage

DA, SH (Asuri) 28.8 Damage

DA, SH (Ember) 35.3 Damage

NL, J, R (true if you start stacked up with the oponent) 39.2 Damage NL, J, NA 34 Damage

NL, NH (Sentinel) 34.4 Damage

NL, NH (Lucien) 34.2 Damage

NL, NH (Asuri) 42 Damage

NL, NH (Ember) 40.6 Damage

NL, J, GC, NH (Queen Nai) 51.6 Damage

NL, J, GC, DH (Queen Nai) 48.9 Damage

NL, J, GC, DH (Sentinel) 57.7 Damage

NL, J, GC, DH (Asuri) 47.3 Damage

NL, J, GC, SH (Queen Nai) 39.9 Damage

NL, J, GC, SH (Sentinel) 39.6 Damage

NL, J, GC, SH (Lucien) 40.2 Damage

NL, J, GC, SH (Ember) 40.8 Damage

SL, NH (Sentinel) 31.4 Damage

SL, DH (Queen Nai) (Only at low damage) 44.9 Damage

SL, DH (Sentinel) (Low Damage) 54,7 Damage

SL, DH (Ember) 39.9 Damage

SL, SH (Queen Nai) 36.1 Damage

SL, SH (Sentinel) (Mid Damage) 36.6 Damage

SL, SH (Lucien) 38 Damage

SL, SH (Ember) 42.8 Damage

SL, R (SL off of a ledge) 25.6 Damage

SL, NL 35 Damage

SL, DL 33 Damage DL, R 34.2 Damage

DL, GP 33 Damage

DL, J, NA 29 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Queen Nai) (Light yellow and up) 42.8 Damage

DL, GC, NH (Asuri) 37.2 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Queen Nai) 42.8 Damage

DL, GC, DH (Sentinel) 34.6 Damage

DL, GC, SL (Lucien) 36.1 Damage

R, SA 36 Damage

GP. NA 32 Damage

GP, R 40 Damage

SA, DL (Low Damage) 29 Damage


DL, J, SA (It’s true if you try to stay close to the ground, but otherwise it’s a pseudo) 43 Damage

DL, SL (Off ledge or low damage) 45 Damage DL, SL, J, SA (Off of a ledge or low damage) 61 Damage

SL, J, SA 34 Damage

DL, NH (Lucien) 50.2 Damage

DL, SH (Barraza) (Best at low damage) 57.7 Damage

DL, SH (Lord Vraxx) (Best at low damage) 60.4 Damage

DL, SH (Diana) 52.4 Damage

DL, DH (Barraza) (Needs low damage) 48.6 Damage

DL, DH (Diana) 46.8 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Lord Vraxx) 46.8 Damage

NL, J, GC, DH (Lord Vraxx) 49.8 Damage

NL, J, SA 46 Damage

NL, NH (Lord Vraxx) 59.1 Damage

NL, NH (Lucien) 53 Damage

NL, NH (Barraza) (Best at low damage) 57.2 Damage

NL, NH (Diana) 59.3 Damage

NL, GC, SH (Ada) 63 Damage

SL, SH (Lord Vraxx) 51.7 Damage

SL, SH (Barraza) 48.4 Damage

SL, DH (Barraza) 39 Damage

DA, GC, NL (Enemy on solid ground) 52 Damage DA, GC, NL, J, SA 68 Damage

DA, GC, DL 49 Damage

DA, GC, DL, J, SA 65 Damage

DA, SA (Dark Yellow to Orange Health) 38 Damage DA, GC, SL 37 Damage

DA, J, SA (Better at high damage w/ a jump) 38 Damage

DA, SA (Better at low damage w/out a jump) 38 Damage

DA, SL (Land on Floor) 40 Damage

DA, R 47 Damage

DA, NH (Cassidy) (Land on the floor first) 38.3 Damage

DA, NH (Lord Vraxx) (Land on the floor first) 53.9 Damage

DA, NH (Lucien) (Land on floor first) 48.3 Damage

DA, GC, NH (Ada) (Needs high damage) 47.9 Damage

DA, GC, NH (Thatch) (Is unreliable when compared to the SH version) 51.5 Damage

DA, GC, NH (Lucien) (Needs low damage) 45.4 Damage

DA, GC, DH (Cassidy) 48.8 Damage

DA, GC, DH (Lord Vraxx) (Need high damage) 46.4 Damage

DA, GC, DH (Ada) 48.2 Damage

DA, GC, DH (Lucien) (Low to mid damage) 45.3 Damage

DA, GC, DH (Barraza) 43.1 Damage

DA, GC, SH (Cassidy) 51.3 Damage

DA, GC, SH (Lord Vraxx) 54.8 Damage

DA, GC, SH (Thatch) 48.7 Damage

DA, GC, SH (Ada) 55 Damage

DA, GC, SH (Lucien) 44.3 Damage


NA, SA 36 Damage

SL, DL 31 Damage SL, J, SA 31 Damage

SL, J, NA 31 Damage

SL, J, DL 36 Damage

SL, J, GP 38 Damage

SL, NH (Teros) 46.8 Damage

SL, NH (Brynn) 42.8 Damage

SL, NH (Barraza) 39.6 Damage

SL, NH (Ulrim) 46.3 Damage

SL, NH (Jhala) 43.5 Damage

SL, DH (Teros) 44.5 Damage

SL, SH (Teros) (Low damage) 28.4 Damage

SL, SH (Barazza) (Low to mid Damage) 37.6 Damage

SL, SH (Azoth) 39.9 Damage

SL, J, GC, NH (Azoth) 42.7 Damage

SL, J, GC, DH (Azoth) 46.8 Damage

SL, J, GC, NH (Brynn) 42.8 Damage

SL, J, GC, SH (Brynn) 36 Damage

DL, DL (Low damage) 30 Damage

NA, J, NA 24 Damage

DA, NL (Needs really low damage) 37 Damage

DA. DL (land on the floor) 35 Damage

DA, NA (Bounce them off the floor) 30 Damage

SA, DA (Low Damage) 35 Damage

SA, DL (Low Damage) 32 Damage

SA, DL, J, SA (Low Damage) 49 Damage

SA, DL, J, SA, DA (Low Damage) 67 Damage

SA, SL, DL (Low Damage) 48 Damage

DL, J, R (High Damage) 31 Damage

DL, J, GP 37 Damage

DL, NH (Teros) 47.5 Damage

DL, NH (Brynn) 41.8 Damage

DL, NH (Barraza) 36.6 Damage

DL, DH (Teros) 27.4 Damage


DL, NL 32 Damage

DL, J, NA 31 Damage

DL, J, SA 26 Damage

DL, J, DA 28 Damage

DL, J, R 27 Damage DL, J, GP 31 Damage

DL, J, GC, SL (works best at low-mid damage) 33 Damage

DL, NH (Ember) (Only works at low damage) 33.5 Damage

DL, NH (Azoth) (Needs high damage) 38.3 Damage

DL, NH (Koji) 32.9 Damage DL, NH (Diana) 38.8 Damage

DL, DH (Ember) 33.4 Damage

DL, DH (Azoth) (Needs proper spacing) 33.7 Damage

DL, DH (Koji) (Needs proper spacing) 38.8 Damage

DL, J, GC, NH (Ember) (Works at high damage) 33.5 Damage

DL, J, GC, DH (Ember) (Best at high damage) 33.4 Damage

DL, J, GC, SH (Ember) (Good kill move) 31.7 Damage

NL, J, NA (Stacked up) 41 Damage SL, DL, NL 52 Damage

SL, DL, NL, J, R 69 Damage

SL, DL, NL, J, NA 73 Damage

SL, DL, J, NA 51 Damage

SL, SH (Azoth) (Needs low damage) 26.7 Damage

SL, SH (Koji) (Low to mid health) 33.7 Damage

SL, SH (Diana) (Dodge forward at mid-high damage) 57.9 Damage

SL, FD, DH (Diana) (low-mid damage) 44.9 Damage

SA, NA 34 Damage

SA, NL 36+X Damage

SA, SL, X [x]39+X Damage[/u]

SA, DL, X [x]36+X Damage[/u]

NA, NH (Koji) 43.9 Damage


NL, SL 30 Damage

NL, DL, X 35 Damage

NL, DL, SL, J, DA, SA, X 78+X Damage

SL, NA 23 Damage

SL, J, SA 26 Damage

SL, R 26 Damage

SL, J, DA 28 Damage

SL, J, GC, NL 19 Damage

SL, J, GC, SL, X 22+X Damage

SL, GC, NH (Kor) 32.5 Damage

DL, SL 27 Damage

DL, NL 35 Damage DL, DH (Kor) 37.6 Damage

DL, SH (Kor) 43.8 Damage

DA, NL 36 Damage SA, DL 31 Damage

SA, FD, DA 32 Damage

SA, SL 26 Damage

R, NL 27 Damage


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