Advanced Yumko Combos

Advanced Yumko Combos


Advanced Yumko Combos image 1

Advanced Yumko Combos image 2
Advanced Yumko Combos image 3
Advanced Yumko Combos image 4

Before you read this know that if any calls these anything other than weeb mafias they are either teros mains or emo noncomformists. Neither are to be trusted.

The nearly impossible flashy 0 hp comboDlight -> Throw -> Dlight -> Nsig -> Chase Dodge -> Pivot -> Dair

works at 0 hp. Spacing is a hoe.

The Weeb MafiaDsig -> Jump -> Recovery -> Chase Dodge -> Pivot -> Dair

works at 150-160

The weeb mafia but at 130Dsig -> Recovery -> Gc -> Dlight -> Jump -> Sair

Works at 130-150

The extrememly easy but high damage weeb mafiaDsig -> Recovery -> Chase Dodge -> Nair

Works at 170-190

Do this one after you attempt the others and fail leaving your opponent with a huge advantage and dark red health. Still feels good to hit,i rate 6.9/9.6


Advanced Yumko Combos image 16

Advanced Yumko Combos image 17

Now that your pointer finger has gotten a workout from scrolling down so long cause i made the gifs so big its time for the boring bow stuff

Ok so if they are idiots and walk/fall into your dsig then here ya go, one of like 2 sig -> sig combos in the game since they killed my man gnash's dsig. Why does bmg have to kill all my favorite gimmicks. Rip gnash dsig and the 20 frames they took from it ;-;

Dsig -> Nsig

I really should'nt have to tell you that but im a generous guy

this should work to like 180 but i cant be asked to test it cause i spent liek 3 hours trying to make

those hammer combos that nobody will ever use yah yeet

sorry for incosistency on side, it wouldnt let me do full size

So here dsig nlight, probably the most consistent one cause it can hit without your opponent having stage three alshimers and walking into your dsig like a degenerate silver. downside is the tiny ammount of damage it does. It is about the same damage as dlight -> slight on gauntlets which is about 69000x more reliable and doesnt have a million and a quarter recovery frames, so im gonna go ahead and advise not using dsig too much but if the opportunity arises and you want a miniscule 30 damage go right on ahead and exercise this knowledge

Dsig -> Nlight

works at some damage range idk figure it out yourself probably till like 100-120ish

Not What You Came Here For But Here It Is Anyways

That Is All

Ok so first im accepting the collectors pack as a gift if any rich people are feeling generous, second pls lik comnt subscrib an favorit so i can be noticed by all three people who actually look at the guides on the first page and make me forget that my life has decayed to the point of making guides on steam for a free to play game and that i will be single for the forseeable future


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