How to defeat the ever elusive camo regen blue bloon

How to defeat the ever elusive camo regen blue bloon

What Are Camo Regen Blue Bloons

The camo regen blue is a bloon you are able to send towards your opponent at round 12 on Bloons TD Battles 2. The camo regen blue is highly elusive and is one of the most difficult bloon types to pop in the entire franchise, right in front of the camo regen red, which I also wrote a guide for 5 years ago. (Still working 2024 no scam)

How Deadly Truly Are The Camo Regen Blues?

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To put it into perspective, many people believe the fortified Big Airship of Doom (BAD) is the hardest bloon to pop, but I personally believe the camo regen blue is much more difficult and here I will explain why. Sure, you could say the BAD has more health, carries more bloons and deals more damage if it were to past your defenses, but you are able to send camo regen blue bloons much earlier in the game at round 12, compared to the BAD which you can only send at round 30 and above; meaning your opponents defenses will be much weaker and will have a harder time defending your insanely high IQ rush

How Do I Defeat Them?

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How to defeat the ever elusive camo regen blue bloon image 7

I'm glad you asked! However, please note that popping these insanely overpowered bloons is not only really expensive but nearly impossible to pull off, but without further ado here is my method: In Bloons TD Battles 2, there is a monkey dubbed the "super monkey," widely known as the tower with the highest damage per second by many bloons players across the globe.

You're gonna need the super monkey to defeat your first camo regen blues, he will cost 750 monkey money to unlock with tier 4 upgrades, which is enough for destroying camo regen blues, but NOT enough to pop camo regen greens, so please keep this in mind.

When you're finally in the game with your super monkey, you're gonna have to work towards purchasing the 4th tier top path, which will end up costing 95,400 cash in total to unlock, but you're not done yet, you also need to unlock the first 2 middle path upgrades for a total of 2000 cash. Before upgrading to the 4th tier, you will need to sacrifice some towers to the super monkey to give him camo popping capabilities, approximately 60,000 worth of towers that fall into the "support" category must be sacrificed to order to give him camo popping capabilities. This means you must place 60,000 worth of support towers around him before unlocking the 4th tier upgrade, the support tower doesn't matter.


How to defeat the ever elusive camo regen blue bloon image 12

This guide has hopefully steered you towards the right direction in your camo regen blue popping journey, with this knowledge you should be able to pop your very first camo regen blue :D I am planning on writing one for camo regen greens very shortly within the next 5 years, so be on the look out for that too. Thank you for reading and good luck on your bloon popping journey

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why don't I just use the bottom path to pop camos?

You will need the middle path instead for its extra range and pierce to pop the camo blues, without that path being unlocked you cannot successfully pop the camo blues.

How am I supposed to afford all of this before round 12?

That's your problem to figure out not mine


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