good monkeys to use

good monkeys to use

What Makes A Good Tower?

Any given tower can be rated by four factors: Versatility, Output, Cost, and Skill. If a tower has a lot of versatility, it can serve many roles. This is good because with only three tower slots, using one monkey for many things can free up space for additional towers. If a tower has a lot of output, it simply has a lot of raw value. This means high DPS, good eco, effective buffs etc. If a tower has a good cost, it means the tower can be placed earlier, and become more effective earlier. Sometimes a tower can be very effective once upgraded, but is too hard to upgrade to be considered useful. If a tower has a lot of skill involved, this means when placing the tower you have to think quite a bit and consider a variety of factors. In my opinion, higher skill required = better but you can think whatever you would like to. For the purposes of this guide, after I say why the tower is good, I will give it a rating. The ratings will look like this:

V: x O: x C: x S: x

Each factor will be on a one to five scale, one being terrible in that category, five being excellent in that category. To clear up any confusion, higher cost value means a lower actual cost for the tower. The cost will compare the cost of each tier individually to the same tier of other towers on the list. From that, the average of all tier comparisons will be considered. Also, this is not a tier list of each tower, so when I say "Tower 1:" I don't mean that is the best tower out of all of them, that's just the order I wrote the sections in. You can probably figure out the rating system from that, so let us begin.

Tower 1: Banana Farm

The banana farm is great at eco, and does nothing else. Farms do however produce more eco then any other tower in the game (most of the time) and are a staple of most strategies. The most effective tiers from my experience are the middle and bottom paths. The bottom path is excellent for early game, and can make back the value of the farm easily. Additionally, the tier five bottom path is great for late game. The middle path is great for mid to late game, in large part to IMF loan. IMF loan gives you an astounding 20,000 dollars instantly, but after that point half of your money goes into a debt that does not go away until you have paid the 20,000 dollars back. This might seem like it would be useless, but you are basically borrowing money from your future self. This can allow you to get the money you would have earned in the future as soon as you click the button. You can even upgrade your banana farms with this, causing you to have better eco for the future and the debt to be paid off faster. While all of these upgrades are good, it is important to consider the cost. Banana farms are considerably expensive, but often do make their value back somewhat quickly. It is important to consider if you need money for defense, because if you do and decide to but a banana farm anyway you can be easily overwhelmed. I did not mention the top path banana farm, because it just falls short when compared to the bottom path. It should only be used late game, as it is expensive and does not output as much as the bottom path. Overall, banana farms are and have always been the best eco tower in the game, so if you plan on going late game use banana farms.

V: 1 O: 4 C: 3 S: 2

Tower 2: Engineer Monkey

The engineer monkey is a strange tower, but is one of the best once you understand the mechanics behind him. The engineer is extremely versatile, and his output isn't too bad. All paths are effective at their roles to differing degrees, but overall can fill every role on their own. Bottom path is great for eco, and the ability to destroy some bloons is pretty good. The bottom path can even outperform banana farms of the same tier, if the circumstances are right. The middle path is the least effective of the paths, but is still great. Overclocking synergises with the top path engineer quite well, because the overclocked engineer places sentries faster but the sentries disappear at the normal rate. This basically means more sentries are permanently added to the engineers army, which can quickly stack up. Speaking of the top path, it has great DPS, comparable to one and a half sun avatars. This can grow, due to the overclock effect mentioned. Engineer is decently cheap, the tier fives are quite expensive though. Overall, engineer is great for all stages of the game, and you should strongly consider adding him into your arsenal.

V: 5 O: 3 C: 3 S: 4

Tower 3: Monkey Sub

The monkey sub is good for a couple of purposes: the top path is mainly used for decamo and energizer. It is extremely cheap decamo, so it is great early game. Plus, energizer halfs the ability cooldowns of all water based monkeys, reduces ability cooldowns of any land monkeys by 20%, and makes heros earn 50% more XP while they're in the subs radius. The middle path is great with the energizer, can insta kill up to a BFB, and can almost pop a ZOMG on its own. The bottom path is great with all subs, because it buffs all subs in its radius. If I remember correctly, all subs in a tier 5 bottom path's radius get double damage and +4 pierce. The bottom path is also decently effective early game, and is a great counter to bloon spammers. Overall, subs synergise well with other subs, and can take down most threats with ease.

V: 3 O: 4 C: 3 S: 2

Tower 4: Boomerang Monkey

Boomerang Monkey is extremely useful early game, and isn't half bad late or mid game. Just a boomerang monkey with no upgrades has very good pierce for the first few rounds of the game, and can allow you to focus on other things in the early game. Boomerang monkeys are extremely cost effective, especially during early game. Top path boomerang has very good pierce, and the tier five bottom path is pretty good at taking down MOAB class bloons. The middle path is extremely good at taking down MOAB class bloons, and a top path tier 5 can solo a BAD if used correctly. The bottom path is great at stunning MOAB class bloons, but can struggle taking them down by itself. Overall, boomerang monkey is great to use in any stage of the game, and can be your main source of DPS.

V: 1 O: 5 C: 3 S: 3

Tower 5: Tack Shooter

good monkeys to use image 17

V: 1 O: 4 C: 5 S: 1

End (for Now)

I've played a lot of BTD6, but only a decent amount of this game so I don't want to add a tower to this guide that I don't fully understand. I plan to add more in the future, but for now these are the only towers I've really played with a lot or seen played a lot (cough TACK SHOOTER cough). Because of this I'm gonna experiment with some other towers, and add them accordingly. All that being said I would like to express gratitude towards the person looking at the words on this guide and processing them, and don't forget to mail a pipe bomb to a tack shooter user.


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