Dart Monkey
the most basic monkey, he does not start with shoes.
0-0-0 (No shoes)
[Top Path] A disapointment of a path, he doesn't get shoes in any of the upgrades.
[Middle Path] Another disapointment, no shoes on the upgrades
[Bottom Path] the least disapointing path of the dart monkey, he gets a shoe at tier 4 and maintains it to tier 5
Boomerang Monkey
An even bigger disapointment of a monkey.
0-0-0 has no shoes.
[Top Path] he only gets the shoes on tier 5, what a failure of a monkey.
[Middle Path] he doesn't get shoes.
[Bottom Path] No shoes once again.
Bomb Shooter
it's a bomb shooter, it can't wear shoes.
Tack Shooter
Same deal as bomb shooter
Ice Monkey
this piece of ♥♥♥♥, this piece of ♥♥♥♥ loses the shoes.
0-0-0 again has no shoes
[Top Path] never gets shoes, what a shame
[Middle Path] he loses the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ shoes, he gets shoes on tier 4, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loses it at tier 5, why give him shoes in the first ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ place if you're gonna ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ remove it?
[Bottom Path] a solid tier 4 followed by a tier 5 that has shoes
Glue Gunner
The top basic monkey in shoe bussiness
0-0-0 doesn't have shoes
[Top Path] Gets his shoes in tier 4 and keeps them to tier 5
[Middle Path] Gets his shoes one tier early than the other paths, and keeps them
[Bottom Path] same deal as top path
Overall, the best basic monkey, solid shoe usage, loving it
Sniper Monkey
A pretty good monkey if we're talking shoe usage.
0-0-0 has no shoes
[Top Path] Gets shoes on tier 4
[Middle Path] also gets his shoes on tier 4
[Bottom Path] Gets his shoes on tier 5, the misfit of sniper tiers.
Monkey Sub
You're probably thinking "It's sub, you can't see his feet!", you're wrong.
[Top Path] Can't see his feet, I require further research
[Middle Path] No vision of feet
[Bottom Path] His feet are visible in tier 4 and 5, no shoes, leading to my belief that the other tiers have no shoe, further research is required.
Monkey Buccaneer
This monkey is just a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mess, there aren't any shoes at any point of the upgrades, I have no idea if the dude driving Bottom Path tier 4 and 5 has shoes, but I ain't gonna find out soon.
Monkey Ace
I'm not even trying, you can barely see the monkey, then he just stops showing after tier 4 of every path.
Heli Pilot
I, I... I don't know.
Mortar Monkey
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
[Top Path] Tier 4 and 5 have full body suits
Dartling Gunner
FInally got around and got the upgrades, lets go
The Dartling Gunner is an expert at heavy small arms, shoes are recommended... so...
why does the 0-0-0 not have shoes?
[Top Path] I thought NK would have learned the importance of shoes by now, but, hear me out, they haven't. Tier 3 starts dealing with lasers, no shoes, I'm not even mad, Only at tier 4 does the shoes start.
[Middle Path] It's the same thing, I'm being teased right now, really, Words? they can't describe my anger and genuine disappointment. Tier 3 he starts dealing with EXPLOSIVES, he should have a FULL SUIT, NOT ONLY SHOES, but it's the same as Top Path, he starts wearing shoes at Tier 4
[Bottom Path] not as bad as the above paths due to the fact that he isn't using laser or explosives, but still very dangerous, what if it's a bad load? hot lead right at him, he'il be asking himself "why didn't I put shoes on?" Tier 4 he gets a protection for danger, BUT HE BETTER BE WEARING SHOES INSIDE THERE!
Wizard Monkey
One of the greatest shoe related monkeys, SOLID Shoe usage
0-0-0 has no shoes
[Top Path] Tier 3 gets shoes
[Middle Path] Same thing as top path
[Bottom Path] the worst option, tier 4 instead of 3 like the above paths, still better than most monkeys tho'.
Super Monkey
This monkey is weird, weird as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥.
[Top Path] Tier 1 and 2 have shoes, but for some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reason, HE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOSES THE SHOES AT TIER 3, THEN LOSES THE ENTIRE BODY EXCEPT HEAD AT 4, THEN GETS BACK THE BODY BUT HE HAS NO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SHOES ON
[Middle Path] Shoes every tier, excellent, but I mean, if you think about it he doesn't have legs since he becomes a robot.
[Bottom Path] Same deal as middle path, nice
Ninja Monkey
one of the best shoe users of the game
[Top Path] gets his shoes on Tier 4
[Middle Path] gets his shoes on tier 2, the monkey apart from super with earliest Tier with shoe.
[Bottom Path] also gets his shoes at tier 4
this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, he is the reason I made this guide
[Top Path] no shoes, what a failure of a monkey, complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ evolutionary failure.
[Middle Path] a pretty nice path, gets his shoes on tier 3, and keeps them for 4, BUT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOSES AT TIER 5, WHAT THE ACTUAL ♥♥♥♥ NK?!?! WHY CAN'T MONKEYS KEEP THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SHOES WHEN THEY REACH TIER 5.
[Bottom Path] Gets the shoes on tier 4 and unlike the above tier, KEEPS THEM TO TIER 5
Let's get into action
[Top Path] No shoes
[Middle Path] no shoes
[Bottom Path] he gains his shoes on tier 3, THEN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOSES IT ON POPLUST, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DAMMIT, BUT I'M NOT DONE YET, HE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. GETS. IT. BACK. ON TIER 5
Banana Farm
It's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tree, if you explain how a tree is suposed to wear shoes, you get the nobel award.
Spike Factory
Did I tell you how I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate support monkeys when it comes to shoes?
Monkey Village
by Me
H is for How much I hate you, right now
U is Useless piece of ♥♥♥♥, shoe-wise
T is how Terrifying bad this parody is.
Engineer Monkey
And our guide comes to a conclussion with the last monkey
0-0-0 has no shoes, HE IS A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ENGINEER, THIS IS SAFE HAZARD
[Middle Path] unlike other tier 5, this monkey only gets his shoes on tier 5
[Bottom Path] Tier 4 and 5.
Quincy has shoes, so do his skins
Gwendolin has shoes, so do her skins
Striker has shoes, so do his skins
Obyn has some sandals, and his skin does not
Mountain Guardian has some sandals too
Cap. Church, I have no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea how I'm gonna find out if he has shoes or not.
Ben doesn't have, and never gets his shoes, I'm fine with that, he isn't in any danger or operating heavy machinery and stuff. so he gets a pass
Ezili, this ♥♥♥♥♥-ass monkey doing some voodoo ♥♥♥♥ with no shoes, that seems weird for me, like, magic is dangerous, wear shoes.
Pat, this piece of ♥♥♥♥, fat, disgusting creature has no shoes and never gets any.
Adora, this fanatic, soon to be arrested for Crime against humanity (Guide about war crimes and such coming soon) doesn't get shoes, her skin does tho'
Admiral Brickel, at first glance you can't see her shoe, but if you look good enough (Not even that good) you can see she's using at least one shoes at the right foot, her skin does not show feet (unfortunetly)
Etienne, Just like Ben, he is not operating any dangerous equipement, though I advise if he were to repair or upgrade the drone to use gloves. His shoes are pretty nice, even though he doesn't need them.
Sauda has some stylish traditional chinese sandals [This was approved by the Chinese Communist Party]
Research Status, Day 1
After analysing the monkey sub I came to the conslusion that, in theory if the bottom tier 5 doesn't have shoes, why would the other have? might be wrong, no proof about my theory yet.
Research Status, Day 7
After some information hit my door, it came to my attention that Banana Farms can use shoes, on the roots, the Nobel Award is going to be delivered trough mail, or trough your window.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2133227249
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