Hello,I have made this guide in order to help other fellow newbies who have just started the out.This guide is based off of Superjombombo's video.
How To Gain Tower XP
In order to unlock tower upgrades(tiers) you have to get tower XP.You get a small amount of xp every round for each tower you have in your current setup.
There are 2 facts you should keep in your mind:
The more copies of a single tower you have deployed,the more xp you get.
Freeplay doesn't give you as much xp as you would during the rounds before freeplay
Just a note: XP is not based on how many of any monkey are on the map. Each round gives a certain amount of base XP, which is then split up between monkeys on the map based on cost. So, it may appear that more monkeys = more XP, but that's because as you spend more on a monkey type, it will get more of the share. For example, 3 towers, you have spent $100 on A, $100 on B, and $200 on C. Round 1 gives 40 XP. A and B get 10 each, C gets 20.
This came from the BTD6 wiki, and seems pretty accurate after a bit of testing. I had 2x 402 Ninja, a 402 Alchemist, a 402 Dart Monkey, and about 40x 000 Wizards. The Wizards received very little XP compared to the others.
How To Actually Farm XP
We first need to unlock Deflation on a beginner map(Monkey Meadow is the easiest as it's the very first map) .In order to do that complete the map on the "Easy Difficulty",then "Primary Only" will be unlocked and we have to complete that one aswell.After about 20 minutes you should be finished with those.
Now that we unlocked Deflation we can finally start earning some xp!
Steps1.You will start with 20000$,now choose the tower you want to upgrade.
2.Put as many copies of the said tower near the track(This will boost the xp gain by a lot)
3.You should consider saving for a cannon(If the tower doesn't have lead popping power) and put it in one of the 2 squares(If you are using Monkey Meadow),if not make sure to put it somewhere around a loop.
4.If the tower doesn't have camo detection,you might have to unlock a 0-2-3 wizard(You won't need a cannon if you have the upgrades for the 0-2-3 wizard!)
5.At last,you don't have to complete the map to gain the xp,you just have to complete a round.Wait until you die and then enjoy your sweet xp.
Some tips:If you have the upgrades for the Alchemist and the Ninja,place down a 4-0-1 Ninja and a 4-0-0 alchemist.You won't need camo detection nor lead popping power.Make sure to not place any towers in the range of the alchemist because we only want the ninja to get buffed(There will be a round with camo leads and the ninja has to be the one buffed in order to complete the round,you might even be able to complete the map).
If you have any money left make sure to spend it on the tower you want to get xp on,doesn't matter what upgrades.
The End
I hope this guide helped you,if it did make sure to rate it so others can see it aswell.Make sure to check SJB's video aswell,this is basically a written guide of it.
Good luck on murdering those bloons!
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