First Steps
Now, as I mentioned before, this is a co-op mode guide. That being said, you are going to need three to four players in order to successfully pull off this little trick.
1. To begin, make sure to select Benjamin as your Hero monkey, and then set up a co-op lobby on Monkey Meadow. Difficulty is unimportant, however if you want the most broken amount of money possible, select Easy.
2. Invite your friends.
For three total players, you will just need to be the host. Co-op mode splits the map up four ways and being host on Monkey Meadow should give you the upper-right corner of the map, as well as the bottom-left corner for anybody to play on.
For four total players, things get a little bit confusing. You are going to want to have two players (including yourself) select Benjamin as their Hero. The other two players are allowed to select any hero they so choose. At this point, you will host the lobby. Invite the two non-Benjamin players first, and then invite your fellow banana-stock monger Benjamin player. After you are done, the lobby should look like this:
-YOU (Benjamin)
-Player 2 (Other Hero)
-Player 3 (Other Hero 2)
-Player 4 (Benjamin)
3. Start your match.
The Strategy
Now that you have started your journey to becoming the potassium problem-solver, here comes the slightly confusing part of your adventure. The start.
For three players, you are going to have a map that is split into fourths, with the upper-right hand corner being your area of play. The bottom-right area is also an area anybody can play in. Have your two friends place defensive towers at the beginning of the track, in order to keep you and your financial horde safe from the rubbery devils. Their play field is their zones, and your play field is your zone as well as the free-play zone. Save up your money, and work down this list of things to start doing:
Buy Benjamin and place him in an area that won't block a future banana farm.
Buy three banana farms, level one of them to be a 2-0-2 and the other two as 2-2-0.
Make the 2-0-2 into a 2-0-3 (Marketplace) or a 2-0-4 (Central Market), and then the 2-2-0's into 2-3-0's (Monkey Banks). Don't go further down that line with the 2-3-0's yet.
Continue buying banana farms and racking up money. All further banana farms you buy should be 2-3-0's.
After you have reached a high amount of money, turn one of your 2-3-0's into a 2-5-0 (Monkeynomics). Constantly spam your newfound ability to make lots of cash.
The list is pick-and-choose, you are able to work your way into any part of this list at any time. Throughout the list, however, your main objective is to fuel money into your teammates. Your teammates are essentially your hired mercenaries. You pay them, they build mass weapons of destruction to protect you, and you make more and more money every turn.
The four player guide is very similar to the three player guide. Your map is still split into fourths, however, your Benjamin zone is now the bottom-right corner, and your fellow Benjamin is above you in the top-right. Your other two friends are still there as your hired mercenaries, however they are there to be your fellow Benjamin's mercenaries. The list is also a little bit different, so follow closely.
Have one Benjamin player donate their money to the second Benjamin player immediately before starting the game.
The Benjamin player with all of the money will save to buy their Benjamin, and then donate all of their money to the first Benjamin player until they can buy their Benjamin.
Both Benjamin players now follow the next list.
Buy three banana farms, level one of them to be a 2-0-2 and the other two as 2-2-0.
Make the 2-0-2 into a 2-0-3 (Marketplace) or a 2-0-4 (Central Market), and then the 2-2-0's into 2-3-0's (Monkey Banks). Don't go further down that line with the 2-3-0's yet.
Continue buying banana farms and racking up money. All further banana farms you buy should be 2-3-0's.
After you have reached a high amount of money, turn one of your 2-3-0's into a 2-5-0 (Monkeynomics). Constantly spam your newfound ability to make lots of cash.
Remember, even during four player, your objective is not to save up all of that cash, it's to blow it all on expensive things, and those expensive things are your hired mercenary bodyguards at the beginning of the track.
The End...
This is a very work-in-progress guide. I have been developing this with a small group of my friends for a little while now and as of right now, we have made it to Round 169 with no clear signs of stopping (aside from the absolute boredom that ensues after Round 140). This is a fun way to play with a group of friends to just absolutely demolish all of the balloons in your path, so take it all with a grain of salt: there are going to be holes in my logic, or flaws, and that's okay!
Don't take my guide as an end-all, be-all. Take my guide and work it, tweak some things. Maybe you prefer the Central Marketplaces (even though Benjamin gives big bonuses to banks, wink wink). Maybe you want to implement a "Monkey City" upgrade bonus to your strategy. Maybe you want to just play the game normally, but then why did you read the guide?
In the end, have fun. Make your money, spend it however you want to, try this strat with friends or by yourself, and let me know how it goes. I know it's gone well for me!
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