As mentioned above, this guide is meant to help give an understanding to bosses in BTD6 thus far.
I will go from how bosses work in general to how each one specifically behaves. Since there are multiple guides out there on how to beat bosses (especially on how to speedrun them) THIS GUIDE WILL NOT BE ON HOW TO BEAT A WEEK'S BOSS, there are plenty of those already. If anything regarding that, I will only give a recommendation on what tower(s) to use for each Tier of the boss.
With that out of the way, let's get started
Boss Bloons In General
Boss Bloons are special MOAB-class bloons that appear only on boss events. They are the biggest, slowest, and toughest type of bloons in the game. They have similar properties as a BAD, except they are immune to everything. Bosses cannot be slowed (with the exception of a Time Stop), cannot be insta-killed, and are immune to "downgrade" abilities. (Like Grand Sabotage and Ezili's MOAB Hex) Should a boss leak, it's game over, regardless of lives or if you have LotN. Raw damage is the only to defeat a boss bloon.
Boss bloons are not just a one-time fight and done. There are 5 Tiers (or phases if you prefer) when fighting a boss. Stars on the top left of the boss' healthbar show which Tier you are fighting
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 1 appears on Round 40, Tier 2 on Round 60, Tier 3 on Round 80, Tier 4 on Round 100, and Tier 5 on Round 120. Each Tier has more health and is more powerful than the last one. The boss also cosmetically changes with each Tier. Popping the Tier 5 boss, will show a victory screen saying you have truly defeated the boss.
If you look at a boss' healthbar, you will notice some skulls on it. When a skull is reached, the boss' special ability will be triggered. What the ability does and how many skulls there are depend on which boss you are fighting. Along with the Tiers, the skulls become more and more dangerous.
Skull triggered on the healthbar
Elite Bosses
After you have defeated a boss, you will unlock it's Elite version (which is the true fight if you ask me)
Elite bosses both look different from Normal, and they are vastly much more difficult. Elite bosses not only have more health, but most of them have a total of 7 skulls on their healthbar, and yes the skulls too are more dangerous with Elite. Certain Elite bosses move faster than their weaker Normal counterparts.
Elite bosses also have a much, much higher health scaling formula that they all generally follow which is listed below
Tier 1 is always set in advance
T1 X 6 = T2
T2 X 6 2/3 = T3
T3 X 4 = T4
T4 X 5 = T5* The list above is an approximate scaling formula for the Elite bosses. Only two boss bloons follow this formula on the dot
Paragons, the Anti-Boss Bloon towers
In case you do not know this information, paragons are made for fighting bosses. They do extra damage to the boss, and that extra damage is doubled for Elite bosses. In this guide, I will give a suggestion on which 4 paragons I believe is best for countering a certain boss. I will give why I believe that paragon is best for countering that specific boss as well.
Note: When covering the Anti-Boss bloon paragons for each said section, it will be based on how well the paragon can counter the boss's mechanics/tricks. If it were based on dealing raw damage, you'd see the same 4 paragons every time.
Extra Info
When playing in co-op, bosses will gain more health. An extra 20% for every extra player, combining to a max of +60% health. This health increase is to help balance out the boss since more heroes, farming towers, and T5 towers (which contribute A LOT of extra power to paragons) can be placed down
Boss bloons can be affected by game modes just like the normal bloons. In comparison to Medium difficulty, if you play against a boss on easy mode, the boss will move slower. Hard or Impoppable mode, the boss moves faster.
A boss' health can also be affected by Double HP MOABs mode, so the boss too will have twice as much health as usual
During certain boss events, Boss bloons may have modifiers applied only to itself. For example, a boss could move faster or slower than usual, or it may even have less health.
Boss bloons will also subtly change the map they are on with 2 signs. Some sort of aura signaling their imminent arrival can be seen around the map. They will also have certain objects at the spot they will spawn in on the track. What these two signs are depend on which boss you are fighting.
Fun Facts: When a boss event is active, a silhouette of that boss can be seen in the background of the main menu
Boss Bloons also have their own themes that play once they are on screen. Some of them have unique themes, others share their themes.
With that info out of the way, let's now talk about each boss specifically.
Bloonarius The Inflator
Bloonarius (AKA Big Boi) was the first boss added to BTD6 in update 27.0
It is big, incredibly slow, but very tanky.
A silhouette of Bloonarius seen in the background of the main menu during its boss event
When you are about to fight Bloonarius, the map will be raining and some green fungi can be seen at where it will spawn on the track. Such can be seen below
Once Bloonarius spawns, its theme, Primal One, will play
Now, Normal Bloonarius, as seen above in the previous picture, may not seem like much, but it is to be taken very seriously. While it may be the slowest and "easiest" of the bosses, it is still a difficult bloon to take down.
The theme of Bloonarius is spawning bloons. As it takes damage, it hurls bloons all over the track and when a skull is reached, it unleashes a rush of bloons that plan to ruin your run. I should note that all bloons that come from Bloonarius do not count towards income when popped
Bloonarius "bleeding" green bloons and regurgitating ceramics at a skull
Tier 1 of Bloonarius has 20,000 health, hurls green bloons as it takes damage, and rushes you with a thick swarm of ceramics at each skull. A good tower to counter Tier 1 is Tack Zone.
Tier 2 has 75,000 health, hurls yellow bloons, and rushes you with an even thicker swarm of ceramics. Tack Zone is still good against Tier 2.
Tier 3 has 350,000 health, hurls pink bloons, and rushes with MOABs at each skull now. MAD is a good counter to Tier 3
Tier 4 has 750,000 health, hurls zebra bloons everywhere, and will rush you with a thick swarm of ZOMGs at each skull. Preferably this point on out, you'd want a paragon.
Tier 5 has 3,000,000 health, hurls Rainbow bloons, and will send out a BAD at each skull.
Elite Bloonarius
For Elite, Bloonarius becomes a far more monstrous and intimidating bloon, complete with even a mouth ready to devour monkeys.
Bloonarius moves about the same speed, but it still gains all the other "improvements" Elite bosses get.
Tier 1 has 50,000 health, hurls out pink bloons when taking damage, and will rush you with a thick swarm of ceramics at each skull. Tack Zone still works against Tier 1, but some extra help would go a long way
Tier 2 has 300,000 health, hurls Rainbow bloons, and rushes you with a very compact group of BFBs. MAD with any cleanup tower will work
Tier 3 jumps to 2,000,000 health, now shooting out ceramics, and spawning 1 BAD and several DDTs at each skull. At this point, you'll for sure want a paragon or VTSG.
Tier 4 has 8,000,000 health, hurls MOABs, and will now rush you with many fortified DDTs and 2 fortified BADs
Tier 5 has a whopping 40,000,000 health, now hurls DDTs all over the track, and will shoot out 4 fortified BADs
Best Anti-Bloonarius Paragons
The paragons in consideration here are chosen based on how well they can counter Bloonarius' mechanic of spawning bloons and cleaning them up. In my opinion, the 3 best paragons for countering Bloonarius are the Apex Plasma Master.
The Glaive Dominus
The Ascended Shadow.
and The Master Builder
Not only do the APM and GD have extremely high pierce, but both can have their projectiles bounce off something to hit the other bloons Bloonarius spawns (The GD is better at the cleanup since he's made for group damage) The Ascended Shadow is good at the cleanup as well because of its seeking shurikens. As for the Master Builder, its Mega Sentries, especially the green one, can be strategically placed anywhere on the map to deal with the bloons, although the first three paragons still reign supreme in terms of bloon cleanup.
Gravelord Lych
Lych (AKA Scary Boi) was the second boss added to BTD6 in update 28.0 and, as of right now, the only boss original to this game.
Lych's silhouette in the background of the main menu during its event
When Lych is coming, a spooky greenish aura can be seen around the map and gravestones show where it will spawn on the map
Lych's theme, Onslaught, plays once it spawns in
Lych is larger and faster than Bloonarius, but has less health. That doesn't make it easier though, as there is a lot to this boss
There are 2 themes to Lych. Draining power from others and reviving the "popped". One thing to remember when fighting Lych is, hence the name, it will steal buffs from your monkeys, briefly stunning them and healing itself. Selling a tower while Lych is on screen will also heal it. This alone changes the strategy you must use to defeat, although keep in mind, not all buffs can be stolen from Lych. It's ability to revive the "popped" only happens at a skull. During a skull a lot happens. Lych becomes ethereal (really just invincible). Lych revives all recently popped MOAB-class bloons except BADs. Revived bloons also have more health and move faster, but do not spawn children when popped.
Lych turned ethereal at a skull with a revived MOAB, seen with green chains around it
Lych will also send out the mini boss, Lych-Soul, at each skull, draining lives every 4 seconds for as long as it is on screen. Lych-Soul cannot be instakilled, but can be slowed/stalled by paragons, something that wasn't possible until Update 37.0
Lych-Soul seen separately
Lych cannot be attacked until Lych-Soul and all the revived MOAB-class bloons are popped.
Tier 1 Lych has 14,000 health and sends out Lych-Soul, draining 1 life, and will revive any recently popped MOABs at each skull. Lych-Soul has 1,280 health and all revived MOABs have 4 times as much health and move 1.6 times faster
Tier 2 has 52,500 health and sends out Lych-Soul, draining 2 lives, and will revive any and all recently popped MOABs at each skull. Lych-Soul has 3,050 health and revived MOABs have 6 times as much health and move 1.7 times faster.
(Let me not make this repetitive)
Tier 3 has 220,000 health. Lych-Soul now drains 5 lives and has 7,000 health. Revived bloons have 7 times as much health and mover 1.8 times faster
Tier 4 has 525,000 health. Lych-Soul drains 10 lives now and has 14,500 health. Revived bloons are 8 times as tough and move 1.9 times faster
Tier 5 gains 2,100,000 health. Lych-Soul drains 17 lives and has 47,000 health. Revived bloons are 9 times as beefy and move twice as fast
(I should note that the health of Lych-Soul does not scale in co-op)
Elite Lych
Lych becomes a living nightmare for it's Elite version, as it now not only drags a mace ready to kill some monkeys, but even has 3 eyes now. Lych now moves a bit faster and Lych-Soul becomes much more difficult to pop.
Tier 1 has 30,000 health, sending Lych-Soul as each skull who will slurp 11 lives from you and has 1,600 health. Revived bloons have 7x as much health and move 1.8x faster
Tier 2 has 180,000 health. Lych-Soul has 5,600 health and steals 12 lives. Revived bloons have 8x as much health and move 1.9x faster
Tier 3 has 1,100,000 health. Lych-Soul gains 25,000 health and will steal 15 lives. Revived bloons have 9x as much health and move twice as fast
Tier 4 has 4,800,000 health. Lych-Soul now has 100,000 health and will steal 20 lives from you. Revived bloons have 10x as much health and move 2.1x faster
Tier 5 has a ridiculous 24,000,000 health. Lych-Soul now has 485,000 health and will liberate 27 lives. Revived bloons have 12x as much health and move 2.2x faster
Best Anti-Lych Paragons
These paragons have been chosen based not only on how well they can destroy/stall Lych-Soul, but also for dealing significant damage to Lych. Those paragons I believe to be:
The Master Builder
The Ascended Shadow
The Goliath Doomship.
and The Glaive Dominus
The Master Builder's Mega Sentries not only can consistently deal major damage to Lych regardless of map, but when sold or replaced, the detonation of the Mega Sentry could one-shot even T5 Elite Lych-Soul at a high enough degree. Let's not forget that when it reaches a high enough attack speed, he can permastall Lych-Soul. The Ascended Shadow was especially made to counter Lych (It says so in the 28.0 update patch notes) Plus the permanent sabo effect is great for those revived bloons, especially DDTs. Unfortunately however, this paragon cannot stall Lych-Soul despite being able to on normal bloons (probably a bug) The Doomship's carpet bomb deal can so much damage at a high-enough degree, you can pre-emptively use the ability to deal HUGE damage to Lych and still insta-kill Lych-Soul on even T5 Elite. Finally, because of his Anti-MOAB Glaive, the Dominus excels at stalling Lych-Soul since he's the only paragon that can sends bloons backwards.
Vortex: Deadly Master Of Air
Vortex (AKA Speedy Boi) was added in update 31.0 and is the 3rd boss in the game. Whilst its map-dependent, Vortex can either be the easiest or one of hardest boss in the game.
Speedy Boi's silhouette in the main menu when its event is active
Vortex establishes its presence with a stormy atmosphere and swirling leaves. Electrified crystals also show where it will spawn on the track
Primal One will play when Vortex is in the playing field
Vortex is the fastest boss in the game and has more health than Lych, but less than Bloonarius. Since storms seem to be the theme with this boss there are 2 big things with this boss.
Vortex will drastically speed up any bloons behind it until they catch up to it. All bloons will move 2.5 times as fast (Strangely it seems this doesn't change with Tiers or Elite). This makes Vortex an absolute pain to deal with on multi-lane maps since the bloons will keep their extra speed all the way through. Vortex will also emit a pulse about every 5 seconds, destroying any projectile and non-power attack on the track. This makes Spike Factory almost useless against it.
At each skull Vortex will stun any towers too close to it and move backwards up the track. Vortex will also simultaneously create a shield around itself deflecting any projectiles, making it nearly invincible for 6 seconds. However, certain attacks can penetrate the shield.
Vortex with its shield up, having stunned 2 towers at a skull, which can be seen with electricity above them
Tier 1 STARTS with the same amount of health as Bloonarius at 20,000. Any towers it stuns shall remain stunned for 16 seconds. Stun range is 60 units
Tier 2 then gets 62,800 and stuns towers for 19 seconds and the range of the stun has been slightly increased to 65 units
Tier 3 has 294,000 health and stuns towers for 21 seconds and the stun gets a range of 70 units
Tier 4 has 628,000 health and will stun towers for 24 seconds, stun's range has been increased to 75 units
Tier 5 has 2,512,500 health and stuns towers for 27 seconds, stun now has 80 units in range
Elite Vortex
Vortex is looking big and bad in it's Elite version. It has not only gained jet engines to move even faster, but even more eyes, as if 5 wasn't already enough...
While some of you (if you have played Vortex before) may have thought Normal Vortex was a pain, I hope you're ready for Elite as I find this to be one of the hardest bosses in the game so far. Elite Vortex does move faster and the stuns become a lot more unforgiving.
Tier 1 has 41,800 health and will stun towers for 18 seconds (range of stun grows at the same rate for Elite)
Tier 2 has 251,000 health and stuns for 21 seconds
Tier 3 has 1,675,000 health and will stun any close towers for 24 seconds
Tier 4 gains 6,700,000 health and the stun lasts for 27 seconds
Tier 5 has an insane 33,500,000 health and the stun is now a brutal 30 seconds
Best Anti-Vortex Paragons
This is a tough one to consider since in their own ways, all paragons are really good at countering Vortex, but I'll explain the best 4 and then say why the others are great as well.
By the way, the top 4 paragons were chosen because they deal significant damage to Vortex at a safe distance.
The 4 best paragons for Vortex altogether are the Goliath Doomship
The Master Builder
Navarch of the Seas
and Magus Perfectus
Since all of these paragons have global range, they can attack Vortex from anywhere on the map and don't need to worry much about getting stunned. That automatically puts the Goliath Doomship at #1 since it could even be placed in the very corner and still attack Vortex to the full extent without ever getting stunned. Plus its carpet bomb ability can bypass Vortex's shield if timed right. With those in mind, however, the Master Builder arguably shines as strong because of its ability to place and detonate its Mega Sentries, which cannot get stunned by the way, anywhere on the map as long as he doesn’t get stunned himself. Plus there's the fact that the detonation of its Mega Sentries too can penetrate Vortex's shield. The Navarch's 3 mini-space planes allow it to constantly deal good damage to Vortex from across the map at a safe distance. The Phoenix Explosion ability of Magus Perfectus gives a strong DoT on Vortex that not even its shield can protect it from and if some extreme damage is needed, Arcane Metamorphosis can bring it.
Now the reason I say the AS, GD, and APM are also good at countering Vortex, but not as good as the Doomship, NotS, and MB, is because of the following. The AS sticky bomb can attach to Vortex anywhere on the map and does the most damage overall for the paragon. (Plus the AS permanent sabo is perfect for slowing those speedy bloons), but the other 4 paragons can easily out-DPS the AS' sticky bomb
As for the GD and APM, they both can penetrate Vortex's shield.
If the APM is close enough to Vortex when it brings it's shield, his juggernauts can bypass the shield and damage Vortex. (Although, in the 32.0 update, NK buffed Vortex for its stun range to increase with Tiers, possibly to specifically counter this cheesy trick, so this may no longer work)
As for the GD, his Anti-MOAB glaive completely ignores the shield and will bypass it every time.
Dreadbloon: The Armored Behemoth
Dreadbloon (AKA Rocky Boi) was added to BTD6 in update 34.0 and is the 4th boss in the game.
While not original to this game, Dreadbloon is one of the the most creative bosses in BTD6.
Dreadbloon's silhouette in the main menu when its event is active
Swirling rocks and dust clouds indicate Dreadbloon is nearby underground. Some rocks will show where it will burrow out.
Primal One will play once Dreadbloon has revealed itself, although honestly, I wish that this fanmade theme created by Pizet played instead:
Back on topic, Dreadbloon isn't very large, fast, or tanky surprisingly. In fact it moves the slowest (under one condition) and has the least amount of health DISPLAYED on its healthbar, but this is a little deceiving. I'll get to why later but right now I will explain what makes it Dreadbloon very unique. It has 3 very special tricks. When it spawns in, its healthbar will be covered with rocks along with the boss itself.
Armored Dreadbloon with its corresponding healthbar
This "armor" slows the boss down to an incredibly slow speed (roughly about one-third of its base speed) and has a ceramic property to it. It must be destroyed before Dreadbloon can be damaged, but don't get too excited once you have accomplished this. Dreadbloon will then speed up to that faster than Bloonarius, but slower than Lych when its armor is gone. It also has a lead property to it, meaning only lead-popping towers (or towers buffed with M.I.B.) can damage it. By the way, this special lead property reduces all damage by 1, so towers dealing one damage will do nothing. With that in mind, there is one more VERY important fact with this boss. It is immune to tower categories. Not tower types, tower CATEGORIES (Primary, Military, Magic, and Support) This means that towers belonging to said category will do NOTHING to Dreadbloon. This immunity applies to Paragons as well.
This is a property with the boss that changes at every skull, at which a lot happens.
When one is hit, Dreadbloon's immunity property switches to the next category, and since Dreadbloon always spawns with Primary immunity, the order will always be Primary, Military, Magic, and Support.
Dreadbloon will rebuild its rock armor and slow down again at a skull, but this time while its armor is up, it will constantly summon Dreadrocks.
A lone Dreadrock
These special bloons each have a Strong taunt, meaning towers set to Strong will target them instead of Dreadbloon. If a Dreadrock leaks, it won't immediately end your game unlike Lych-Soul but will instead steal a certain amount of lives depending on which Tier. They also have similar properties as all bosses whereas they cant' be slowed, but they can be instakilled (most towers with instakill attacks can do this except the Navarch for an unknown reason). Dreadrocks have the same tower category immunities as Dreadbloon itself. So does the armor as well.
Normal *Now before I begin with the stats of Normal, I must explain its deceitful health. While the numbers displayed are relatively low for a boss, you must remember its armor which has half the health for every Tier and since Dreadbloon has 3 skulls which makes it total for 4 armor phases, Dreadbloon actually has triple the health displayed on the screen. I will showcase its true health with TH
Tier 1 has 7,500 health (TH 22,500) Dreadrocks have 300 health and take 5 lives if leaked
Tier 2 has 25,000 health (TH 75,000) Dreadrocks have 600 health and will cost you 10 lives
Tier 3 has 120,000 health (TH 360,000) Dreadrocks have 900 health and take 15 lives
Tier 4 has 260,000 health (TH 780,000) Dreadrocks now jump to 5,000 health and take 20 lives
Tier 5 has 1,000,000 health (TH 3,000,000) Dreakrocks now have 12,000 health and take away 25 lives
(With Dreadbloon, the only difference with Tiers is health and lives lost to Dreadrocks)
Elite Dreadbloon
It become clear why Dreadbloon has its name for Elite. If you knew that thing was underground coming to get you, you too would dread it.
Elite Dreadbloon does move faster but surprisingly, doesn't gain any more skulls. Perhaps this was done to avoid repeating category immunities.
The Dreadrocks now have a pinkish tone to them and are WAY more brutal.
An Elite (or enchanted) Dreadrock
Tier 1 has 15,000 health (TH 45,000) Dreadrocks have 600 health and cost 20 lives if leaked
Tier 2 has 90,000 health (TH 270,000) Dreadrocks have 2,500 health and take 30 lives
Tier 3 has 650,000 (TH 1,950,000) Dreadrocks have 10,000 health and take away 50 lives
Tier 4 has 2,625,000 health (TH 7,875,000) Dreadrocks have 22,000 health and cost 75 lives
Tier 5 has massive 12,500,000 health (TH 37,500,000) Dreadrocks have 45,000 health and take away an insane 100 lives
Best Anti-Dreadbloon Paragons
Since Dreadbloon has a permanent 1 damage reduction on it (most likely to get buffed in an update) and has the tower category immunites, Paragons that deal massive damage and are all in separate categories are good against it. So after a bit of thought I have deteremined that the best paragons for Dreadbloon are:
The Master Builder
The Goliath Doomship
Ascended Shadow
The Glaive Dominus
The fact that they are all different category paragons is why, collectively, they are very decent. Individually, they all shine for different reasons. Since the Master Builder is a Support paragon, it can always deal damage to Dreadbloon until the last skull where it is now useless, prompting you to sell it, which not only detonates all of its Sentries, but also gives a ton of money to use for a new paragon or something else. Since the Doomship does BIG damage (hundreds of damage per single projectile, and that doesn't include the carpet bomb) the damage reduction means nothing against it. The Ascended Shadow's Sticky bomb also negates the damage reduction since it does tens even hundreds of thousands of damage. While the Dominus doesn't do as much damage as the previous paragons, it excels in dealing with those Dreadrocks and the fact that after the first skull, it can keep attacking Dreadbloon.
Reality Warper Phayze
Phayze (who I will call Glitchy Boi for now) is the fifth boss added to BTD6 in update 38.0. Phayze is the second boss original to BTD6 and is the most unique one yet in terms of design and gameplay. (In all honesty, it doesn't even look like a bloon)
Phayze in the background whilst its event is active
Tears of reality itself around the corners of the map indicate Phayze is hiding somewhere in plain sight. Flashing, alternating eyes locate where it will show itself upon spawn
Phayze's theme, The Reality Warper, plays once it reveals itself
Let's delve into this enigmatic bloon.
Upon spawning in, Phayze has a Reality Shield.
Phazye's healthbar with a full Reality Shield
Phayze is the slowest boss in the game disregarding armored Dreadbloon, but the boss can counter this with its Reality Shield. This shield allows Phayze to move faster than usual, destroying it will cause Phayze to slow down. The Reality Shield allows Phayze to move even faster at later Tiers, but there's much more to it than that. Phayze also has an innate camo property, thus only camo-seeing towers and those buffed with camo detection can harm Phayze (although you can also decamo the boss too), but you'll prefer the former over the latter because every 24 seconds, Phayze causes a Radar Jam.
When such happens, Phayze disables all camo detection buffs for 12 seconds and is immune to being de-camoed for the same length of time
Dart Monkey being affected by Radar Jam
Phayze will also pulls all bloons on screen towards it when Radar Jam triggers and gives them all camo properties as well. With all of that in mind, towers with innate camo detection are best against Phayze as Radar Jam gives towers with no innate camo detection only 50% uptime on it.
When Phayze reaches a skull, it does several things. First, it rebuild its Reality Shield. Second, it briefly becomes invincible as it warps forward up the track (8% of the track to be precise). Third, it tears open a portal at its original position for the normal bloons, making them spawn there instead of the beginning of the map like normal.
Phayze dashing at a skull, leaving a portal behind for bloons to spawn
Lastly, and perhaps most important, at each skull, Phayze emits a stacking slow aura to all towers on screen increasing their attack cooldown, causing them to attack slower and slower at each skull until it is defeated.
Normal*Just like Dreadbloon, Phayze's true health is deceiving because of its Reality Shield. The shield accounts for 1/4th of Phayze's health and since it has a total of 4 shields, Phayze actually has double the health displayed on boss meter for Normal. Remember, there is a stacking slow aura at each skull. For practical reasons, I will show the stats of the bonus speed and each slow aura, in order of each skull, as percents.
Tier 1 has 10,000 HP (TH 20,000) The Reality Shield lets Phayze move 30% faster and the slow aura at each skull is in the following: Skull 1: 10%, Skull 2: 15%, Skull: 3 20% (This remains the same for all Tiers)
Tier 2 has 37,500 (TH 75,000), moves 35% faster with shield
Tier 3 has 175,000 HP (TH 350,000) moves 40% faster with the shield
Tier 4 has 375,000 HP (TH 750,000) gains 45% shield speed
Tier 5 has 1,500,000 HP (TH 3,000,000) +50% shield speed
Do those True Health numbers look familiar to you?
Elite Phayze
Phayze decides its time to stop playing nice in its Elite form. This time, Phayze is ready to show you why it's the most powerful bloon, both cosmetically and practically.
This here just may be the hardest boss in BTD6. The Reality Shield allows Phayze to move even faster than Normal, but its base speed remains the same. Whilst Phayze does gain more skulls, meaning more dashes forward, it actually gets 5 instead of the normal 7. This was most likely done to prevent it from dashing way too far down the track, but even then, it still gets quite far. The stacking slow aura it emits at each skull also gets way more brutal than before because now, it changes with each Tier
*since there's actually 6 Shields this time, Elite Phayze has 2.5x the health shown on the healthbar. Skulls will be shown in order with #
Tier 1 has 20,000 HP (TH 50,000) +50% shield speed (Skulls: #1 10%, #2 15%, #3 20%, #4 25%, #5 30%)
Tier 2 has 120,000 HP (TH 300,000) +55% shield speed (Skulls: Same as T1)
Tier 3 has 800,000 HP (TH 2,000,000) +60% shield speed (#1 20%, #2 30%, #3 40%, #4 50%, #5 60%)
Tier 4 has 3,200,000 HP (TH 8,000,000) +65% shield speed (#1 30%, #2 45%, #3 60%, #4 75%, #5 90%)
Tier 5 has a ludicrous 16,000,000 HP (TH 40,000,000) +70% shield speed (#1 40%, #2 60%, #3 80%, #4 100%, #5 120%)
As you should see by now, Phayze's true health is exactly the same as Bloonarius
Best Anti-Phayze Paragons
The dashes and the slowing aura are the only things to consider here as all paragons see camo bloons. Given the former, paragons with long/global range attacks are ideal, but considering the latter, paragons that have very high attack speed can counter it better. But there is one true weakness and second one to Phayze that will determine my picks the most. Its slow aura does not affect abilities and seemingly sub-towers too. So with all that in mind, I feel the 4 best paragons for Phayze are:
The Goliath Doomship
Magus Perfectus
The Master Builder
and Navarch of the Seas
All of these paragons have long-to-global range attacks, but they've been chosen for more than that. The Doomship's Carpet Bomb already does the most damage for this paragon anyway and since it's a plane and has global range, it can always do maximum damage to Phayze. Plus if the Navarch is on screen, it can receive its Carrier Flagship buff to help mitigate Phayze's slow aura a little bit. Magus Perfectus already has global range and a sub-tower in the form of the Phoenix, but its main focus are its 2 abilities. The Phoenix Explosion DoT and the revived ZOMGs on Phayze will deal consistent damage at all times regardless of the slow aura. The Arcane Metamorphosis, which is its strongest ability, makes the paragon temporarily have among the highest attack speed of the current paragons in the game. The Master Builder is currently the only paragon that directly counters Phayze's slow aura since it gains more and more attack speed each round and let's not forget the Mega Sentries which is not only his sub-tower but already the main DPS for the paragon against bosses when they're detonated along with the fact they're the global range part of the paragon. Finally, the Navarch's mini-space planes will continue to deal high damage to Phayze even if it's out of the Navarch's range.
An honorable mention will be the Ascended Shadow since he does extra damage to camo bloons allowing him to deal even more damage to Phayze.
More Bosses To Come
With NK always eager to bring more content, we can expect more bosses in future update. Should a new boss come, I will update this guide to include them in it. Until then, let's enjoy what we have now!
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Thanks to crazy man games for providing pictures without the white background
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