Stock market trading bot (4S req)


Terminal > nano stockbot.js

Copy paste the below code in and save

Terminal > run stockbot.js

// Stock market bot for bitburner, written by steamid/Meng- // Runs infinitely - buys and sells stock, hopefully for a profit... // version 1.21 - Added check for max stocks, cleaned things up a bit, cycle complete prints less frequently export async function main(ns) { ns.print("Starting script here"); ns.disableLog('sleep'); ns.disableLog('getServerMoneyAvailable'); let stockSymbols = ns.stock.getSymbols(); // all symbols let portfolio = []; // init portfolio let cycle = 0; // ~~~~~~~You can edit these~~~~~~~~ const forecastThresh = 0.65; // Buy above this confidence level (forecast%) const minimumCash = 50000000; // Minimum cash to keep // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ns.print("Starting run - Do we own any stocks?"); //Finds and adds any stocks we already own for(const stock of stockSymbols){ let pos = ns.stock.getPosition(stock); if(pos[0] > 0){ portfolio.push({sym: stock, value: pos[1], shares: pos[0]}) ns.print('Detected: '+ stock + ' quant: '+ pos[0] +' @ '+ pos[1]); }; }; while(true){ for(const stock of stockSymbols){ // for each stock symbol if (portfolio.findIndex(obj => obj.sym === stock) !== -1){ //if we already have this stock let i = portfolio.findIndex(obj => obj.sym === stock); // log index of symbol as i if(ns.stock.getAskPrice(stock) >= portfolio.value*1.1){ // if the price is higher than what we bought it at +10% then we SELL



else if(ns.stock.getForecast(stock) < 0.4){




else if (ns.stock.getForecast(stock) >= forecastThresh){ // if the forecast is better than threshold and we don't own then BUY



} // end of for loop (iterating stockSymbols)


if (cycle % 5 === 0){ ns.print('Cycle '+ cycle + ' Complete') };

await ns.sleep(6000);

} // end of while true loop

function buyStock(stock) {

let stockPrice = ns.stock.getAskPrice(stock); // Get the stockprice

let shares = stockBuyQuantCalc(stockPrice, stock); // calculate the shares to buy using StockBuyQuantCalc

if (ns.stock.getVolatility(stock) <= 0.05){ // if volatility is < 5%, buy the stock, shares);

ns.print('Bought: '+ stock + ' quant: '+ Math.round(shares) +' @ '+ Math.round(stockPrice));

portfolio.push({sym: stock, value: stockPrice, shares: shares}); //store the purchase info in portfolio



function sellStock(stock) {

let position = ns.stock.getPosition(stock);

var forecast = ns.stock.getForecast(stock);

if (forecast < 0.55) {

let i = portfolio.findIndex(obj => obj.sym === stock); //Find the stock info in the portfolio

ns.print('SOLD: '+ stock + 'quant: '+ portfolio.shares +'@ '+ portfolio.value);

portfolio.splice(i, 1); // Remove the stock from portfolio

ns.stock.sell(stock, position[0]);



function stockBuyQuantCalc(stockPrice, stock){ // Calculates how many shares to buy

let playerMoney = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable('home') - minimumCash;

let maxSpend = playerMoney * 0.25;

let calcShares = maxSpend/stockPrice;

let maxShares = ns.stock.getMaxShares(stock);

if (calcShares > maxShares){

return maxShares


else {return calcShares}




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