Messing around with the UI

Messing around with the UI


Lets start by giving credits where credits are due: I was inspired by a guide by Temorok.

That's this one:

I based some of my initial UI-editing scripts on the script from his guide.

DisclaimerI realize scripts of this size don't look good in steam [code] blocks and I might make a github repository when/if I feel like it and put the scripts in there so it's easier to look at it.

Although I have tested and run these scripts (and they do work), I haven't cleaned them up yet and I haven't checked if there are better ways of doing things. I wanted to share this code to show you the things you can do with the UI of this game and to show that you can make your own little frameworks to make making these UI-altering scripts easier.

About This Guide

Messing around with the UI image 8

The goal of this guide is not so much to try to teach you something, but more to tell you about the things you can do and show you some of the things I did (and I hope that will inspire you to make things like these of your own (and maybe share them as well)).

Installing the file-explorerBut for those that are interested in using the file-explorer program I wrote, I'll give a quick 'how-to-install':

Copy and paste all of the scripts I've included below and give them the same name I did (the name I used is the header line above the script). You can rename them, but then you will have to edit the code to match the new file names.

Copy and paste the '.txt' files as well (same names again).

Set an alias to not have to write out the whole script every time you want to run it (takes away from the usability otherwise), I'll put the alias I use in a [code] block below.

alias explorer="run /css/main.js; run /programs/exe/explorer.js;"

I've included running the main CSS script, so you won't have to run it seperately (even though you only need to run the main CSS script only once per game session).

The file-explorer should look something like this when you start it up:

The primary color should be the color from your own color scheme, but I did use some hard coded colors as well, so to change those you should look into the CSS file.

The making ofThe rest of this guide is less of a guide and more of a diary/report on what I did to make this 'program'. Feel free to look at the code, copy the code, reuse the code and so on. Though it would be nice if you would credit me when using (parts of) my code and presenting it to others.

Plans for the futureI plan on improving this program (because I find it a usefull program with lots of potential) and will probably update this guide with newer versions of the program from time to time. I do however not plan to give (at least not a lot of) support for this program (i.e. I don't plan to go fixing bugs for other people).

A heads upI ran into one bug, while making this program, that I could not reproduce: I was no longer able to write to the terminal (I could still loop through older commands and execute them, I just couldn't type any new ones). I had to restart the game to get rid of the bug, I got the bug while I was debugging some things in the debug tool, and I don't know when exactly the bug was caused. If you run into it as well, let me know, I'm still trying to find out what happened. It is however very likely that I simply did something wrong with my debugging and the bug is not caused by the script itself.

What Are The Helper Scripts

I wrote a couple of helper scripts / frameworking tools:

A marker based template parser

A collection class for storing 'placeholder => value' pairs to use in the template parser

A css gatherer / injector

Marker based templatingI wrote a basic marker based template parser (marker based templates use placeholders like '###MONEY###') which supports basic loops. I'm planning to expand on it in the future to give better loop support and to also support simple if statements, but I didn't need those for my file explorer program, so I haven't put them in yet.

The marker based templating means that I can easily write a html file (though the game forced me to change the file extension to '.html.txt' because it only allows '.txt', '.js' and '.ns'), which I personally find way easier to work with than building all html from javascript.

Collection classI wrote the Collection class to make working with the template parser easier. It doesn't really do a lot, apart from automatically grouping placeholders into either a 'single-valued' group or a 'multi-valued' group, which is usefull for the template parsers loop system.

CSS gatherer / injectorI wrote (well more rewrote, since it's a modified version of some of the code from the guide I linked at the start of this guide) a script to gather all CSS files (once again with a different extension because the game wouldn't let me use '.css' so I'm using '.css.txt' as my file extension for CSS files).

This script gathers all CSS files present on the home server and turns the contents into a single string value and then injects that css into the game by adding a <style> element to the document object.

Running commands from the terminalThough I haven't seperated this part into its own script (yet), it is supporting code that you would need for a lot of utility scripts. The code for this was provided in the documentation[] , though I may have renamed some things.

Making The File Explorer Script/program

One day I decided it would be nice to have a GUI for browsing the files on my home server, because there are a lot of them by now (I also thought about making a project sidebar for the editor, but gave up on that idea for the time being, because it sounded a lot harder to make than a file explorer).

Getting a hook into the documentWith the 'ns.alert()' function and the string "<div id='explorer-window'></div>" passed to the function as the argument, I managed to get both an overlaying window and a hook into that window. After that the window could be accessed by using:


And to combat the ram requirement of 'document' (a whopping 25GB), I simply replaced that by:

let doc = eval("document");

Making the file structureWith the help of '' and some string manipulation I made a file structure. The file structure is a tree with files as leave nodes, that way I could easily print all relevant files and folders to the file-explorer while keeping irrelevant files and folders from it.

Adding click event handlers to files and foldersBecause I know what classes and ids I've given the files and folders when making the template, I could easily fetch them from the DOM document with:

let files = doc.getElementsByClassName("explorer-file"); let dirs = doc.getElementsByClassName("explorer-directory");

And from there I could add the event listeners to the file and folder DOM elements with a simple 'for..of' loop:

for (let dir of dirs) { dir.addEventListener('dblclick', function (e) { selectedFiles = []; currentPath.push(; update(); }); }

And a similar 'for..of' loop for the files.

Adding buttonsThe HTML for the buttons could simply be added to the HTML-template and be given functionality by the script by looking the buttons up in the DOM document and adding event listeners:

doc.getElementById("explorer-remove").addEventListener('click', function (e) {



doc.getElementById("explorer-open").addEventListener('click', function (e) {



Adding the path and backlinksAdding the path with the backlinks was done a bit sloppier, because I haven't implemented a proper for loop in the template parser (a for loop with room for more than one placeholder inside of it). So the path with backlinks was added fully using javascript and then passed to the template as a whole:

let currentPathText = "/<span class='explorer-back-link' data-target='0'>"

+ "root</span>/";

for (let index in currentPath) {

currentPathText +=

"<span class='explorer-back-link' data-target='"

+ (parseInt(index) + 1) + "'>"

+ currentPath[index] + "</span>/";


data.add("PATH", currentPathText);

Possible additionsI've been thinking about what things to add to the file-explorer that might be usefull. To name a few:

Adding a list view with file sizes

Adding drag and drop file renaming (moving files to folders)

Adding file renaming (and possible folder renaming, a.k.a. mass file renaming)

Adding minimizing and closing buttons to the window (probably means using a log window instead of an alert window)

(code) Helper Scripts / Frameworking Tools


* Collection class

* A collection of data for marker based templating


export class Collection {



* Collection constructor


constructor() {

this.#data = {};



* @return {{string: string|number}}


get single() {

let single = {};

for (let item in this.#data) {

if (typeof this.#data[item] !== "object") {

single[item] = this.#data[item];



return single;



* @return {{string: string[]|number[]}}


get multi() {

let multi = {};

for (let item in this.#data) {

if (typeof this.#data[item] === "object") {

multi[item] = this.#data[item];



return multi;



* Add a key-value pair to the data

* Replaces existing key if it matches new key


add(key, value) {

this.#data[key] = value;



/programs/template/parse.jsimport { Collection } from "/programs/data/collection.js";


* TemplateParse class

* Parser for a marker based template


export class TemplateParser {



* @param {NS} ns

* @param {string} template


constructor(ns, template) {

this.#html =;



* Parse the template for the given data

* @param {Collection} data

* @return {string}


parse(data) {

let html = this.#html;

// Parse all single-valued data items

let single = data.single;

for (let placeholder in single) {

let regex = new RegExp("\\#\\#\\#" + placeholder + "\\#\\#\\#", "g");

html = html.replace(regex, single[placeholder]).trim();


// Parse all multi-valued data items

let multi = data.multi;

for (let placeholder in multi) {

// Build a regular expression for the placeholder

let regex = new RegExp("\\#\\#\\#START LOOP " + placeholder

+ "\\#\\#\\#(.*)\\#\\#\\#END LOOP " + placeholder + "\\#\\#\\#", "s");

// Get the inner template for the placeholder

let innerTemplate = html.match(regex)[1];

// Build the resulting html string

let htmlResult = "";

for (let value of multi[placeholder]) {

let regexInner = new RegExp("\\#\\#\\#" + placeholder + "\\#\\#\\#", "g");

htmlResult += innerTemplate.replace(regexInner, value).trim();


// Replace the inner template for the resulting

// html string in the main html template

html = html.replace(regex, htmlResult);


// Return the parsed template

return html;



/css/main.js/** @param {NS} ns **/

export async function main(ns) {

// Get a reference to the document

let doc = eval("document");

// Build the css

let css = "";

for (let cssFile of"home", ".css.txt")) {

css +=;


// Add the css to the game

let styleDiv = doc.getElementById('myCustomStyles');

if (!styleDiv) {

// Make a new new div

styleDiv = doc.createElement("div"); = 'myCustomStyles';



styleDiv.innerHTML = "<style>" + css + "</style>";


(code) File Explorer Script

/programs/exe/explorer.jsimport { TemplateParser } from "/programs/template/parse.js";

import { Collection } from "/programs/data/collection.js"

/** @param {NS} ns **/

export async function main(ns) {

var doc = eval("document");

let template = "/programs/html/explorer.html.txt";

var parser = new TemplateParser(ns, template);

var fileStructure = {

dirs: {},

files: []


let files ="home");

for (let file of files) {

let filePath = file.split("/");

let struct = fileStructure;

while (filePath.length > 0) {

let part = filePath.shift();

if (part !== "") {

if (filePath.length > 0) {

if (struct.dirs[part] === undefined) {

struct.dirs[part] = {

dirs: {},

files: []



struct = struct.dirs[part];

} else {






ns.alert("<div id='explorer-window' class='explorer-window'></div>");

var explorerWindow = doc.getElementById("explorer-window");

var currentPath = [];

var selectedFiles = [];

function runCommandInTerminal(command) {

// Get the terminal input field from the DOM

const terminal = doc.getElementById("terminal-input");

// Print the command to the terminal input field

terminal.value = command;

// Get a reference to the React event handler.

const handler = Object.keys(terminal)[1];

// Perform an onChange event to set some internal values.

terminal[handler].onChange({ target: terminal });

// Simulate an enter press

terminal[handler].onKeyDown({ keyCode: 13, preventDefault: () => null });


function openFiles() {

let command = "nano";

for (let file of selectedFiles.values()) {

command += " " + file;




async function removeFiles() {

let command = "";

for (let file of selectedFiles) {

command += "rm " + file + ";";




function toggleSelected(file) {

if (currentPath.length > 0) {

file = "/" + currentPath.join("/") + "/" + file;

} else {

file = "/" + file;


if (selectedFiles.includes(file)) {


selectedFiles.indexOf(file), 1


} else {




function update() {

// Make a new data collection for template parsing

let data = new Collection();

// Find the currently selected folder

let struct = fileStructure;

for (let part of currentPath) {

struct = struct.dirs[part];


// Add data for parsing to collection

data.add("FILE", struct.files);

data.add("DIR", Object.keys(struct.dirs));

let currentPathText = "/<span class='explorer-back-link' data-target='0'>"

+ "root</span>/";

for (let index in currentPath) {

currentPathText +=

"<span class='explorer-back-link' data-target='"

+ (parseInt(index) + 1) + "'>"

+ currentPath[index] + "</span>/";


data.add("PATH", currentPathText);

let selectedFilesText = "";

if (selectedFiles.length > 0) {

selectedFilesText = "[" + selectedFiles.join(", ") + "]";


data.add("FILES SELECTED", selectedFilesText);

// Parse the template html

let html = "Something went wrong!";

try {

html = parser.parse(data);

} catch (e) {



// Update the explorer window inner html

explorerWindow.innerHTML = html;

// Make new listeners

let dirs = doc.getElementsByClassName("explorer-directory");

for (let dir of dirs) {

dir.addEventListener('dblclick', function (e) {

selectedFiles = [];





let selectedFilesTextDiv = doc.getElementById("explorer-files-selected");

let files = doc.getElementsByClassName("explorer-file");

for (let file of files) {

file.addEventListener('click', function (e) {



let selectedFilesText = "";

if (selectedFiles.length > 0) {

selectedFilesText = "[" + selectedFiles.join(", ") + "]";


selectedFilesTextDiv.innerHTML = selectedFilesText;



let backLinks = doc.getElementsByClassName("explorer-back-link");

for (let backLink of backLinks) {

backLink.addEventListener('click', function (e) {

currentPath.splice(, currentPath.length);




doc.getElementById("explorer-remove").addEventListener('click', function (e) {



doc.getElementById("explorer-open").addEventListener('click', function (e) {






(code) HTML Template And CSS File

/programs/html/explorer.html.txt<div class='explorer-path'>###PATH###</div>

<div class='explorer-content'>


<div class='explorer-directory' id='###DIR###'>

<svg class='primary-color explorer-dir-image' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><!-- Font Awesome Free 5.15.3 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) --><path fill="currentColor" d="M527.9 224H480v-48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H272l-64-64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h400c16.5 0 31.9-8.5 40.7-22.6l79.9-128c20-31.9-3-73.4-40.7-73.4zM48 118c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h134.1l64 64H426c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v42H152c-16.8 0-32.4 8.8-41.1 23.2L48 351.4zm400 282H72l77.2-128H528z"/></svg>

<span class='explorer-dir-name'>###DIR###</span>




<div class='explorer-file' id='###FILE###'>

<svg class='primary-color explorer-file-image' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><!-- Font Awesome Free 5.15.3 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) --><path fill="currentColor" d="M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48z"/></svg>

<span class='explorer-file-name'>###FILE###</span>




<div class='explorer-files-selected' id='explorer-files-selected'>



<div class='explorer-buttons'>

<button id='explorer-remove' class='css-18nrgbo'>remove</button>

<button id='explorer-open' class='css-18nrgbo'>open files</button>


/programs/css/explorer.css.txt.explorer-window {

width: 800px;

height: 100%;

white-space: normal;


.explorer-path, .explorer-files-selected {

min-height: 24px;

margin: 10px 0;

padding: 10px;

border: 1px solid currentColor;


.explorer-dir-name, .explorer-file-name {

width: 100%;

text-align: center;

display: block;

overflow: auto;

max-height: 22px;

text-overflow: ellipsis;

white-space: nowrap;

font-family: "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Fira Mono", Consolas, "Courier New", Courier, monospace, "Times New Roman";


.explorer-directory, .explorer-file {

width: calc(20% - 20px);

margin: 10px;

height: 160px;

padding: 0;

background-color: #272727;

cursor: pointer;





.explorer-file.selected {

border: 1px solid currentColor;

width: calc(20% - 22px);

height: 158px;


.explorer-dir-image, .explorer-file-image {

max-width: 80px;

max-height: 80px;

display: block;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


.explorer-content {

display: flex;

justify-content: start;

flex-wrap: wrap;

height: 440px;

overflow: scroll;

border: 2px solid;

width: calc(100% - 4px);

white-space: pre-line;


.explorer-buttons {

display: flex;


.explorer-buttons button {

margin-right: 7px;


.explorer-back-link:hover {

text-decoration: underline;


.explorer-back-link {

cursor: pointer;



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