Getting Money At The Start
Getting rich is a long and difficult process. Before we do anything else, we need money. Start by doing the following things:
1. Sell everything you find in your home
2. Do your tasks everyday. (Taking out garbage, cleaning the washing machine, fixing the heater)
3. Profile. Profile EVERYTHING! You'll get money the more things you profile at a time, so make get at least 3 things to profile about a tenant before you send the profile to the Ministry. (If you're gonna report them, please profile anything you've got beforehand)
4. Complete all quests! Completing quests usually rewards you with 100, but maybe and just maybe the quest may contain extra money.
5. Budget money. Go to sabine after she has told you about the budget money. Upon talking to her, select the 'Regarding the budget money..." option. After that, she'll give you some money, usually around 100.
(More will be added later)
Making Money Later In The Game
Okay, you've started. Maybe at least 2000-3000 in your wallet. Now, how do you make even more money? I have listed some things below.
1. Blackmail everyone! Blackmail is a very reliable source of income, but only if you do it twice a day. Buy some cheap illegal stuff (Beware of some illegal stuff later in game, Reformers will legalize it) and then, place it in a tenant's furniture (or office worker's desk), and press F on it. After you have done this, head to your office and write up a black mail letter. Don't mess up the directive, you'll get fined! After you've sent the blackmail letter, the tenant in question will head to the flower pot next to your apartment and drop off the money there. Go to the flower pot and collect the money. If you're blackmailing a office worker, they'll drop the money off in the flower pot in the cafeteria. Pick up the money there!
2. Complete quests that pay. Most quests, when finished, turn in 100$. However, some quests will have a added income (Such as reporting your friend in apartment 4). Complete those quests!
Regulations Reformers will reform (For blackmail)
Crying, you'll be able to cry at APR 14, 1989 (AKA crying is allowed)
Dancing, you'll be able to dance at JUN 29 1989 (AKA dancing is allowed)
Apples, you'll be able to make apple pie at JUL 4 1989 (AKA apples are allowed)
Reading, you'll be able to read at JUL 4 1989 (AKA books are allowed)
more will be added later
Avoiding Losing Money
Losing money is a horrible thing. Even more so since you NEED THAT MONEY. Here are some things you can do to stop wasting/losing money.
1. Do your tasks EVERYDAY. I'm pretty sure you'll get bills for not handling tasks such as taking out the garbage (Is that what the 'garbage disposal' bill is?)
2. Make sure you've got the directive right. You will get fined for a error in your report (And blackmail, i'm sure.)
3. Do not send more than 2 blackmail per day. (Note that blackmailing might have a chance to trigger on the first blackmail, so always save before blackmailing.) Every time I send 3 blackmail in a day, I get fined. You do not want to pay the 640 fine for blackmail, now do you?
4. Do not steal anything in the apartment building. The police WILL find you no matter what. Don't pay that fine!
5. Do not break into offices past work hours (Aka when everyone leaves) in The Ministry. The policeman will find you and you'll have to pay a fine.
6. Do not blackmail THEN report! If you decide to report someone you have previously blackmailed (aka blackmail then wait for them to deliver money then report) the new prisoner will confess to the police that YOU have blackmailed them for money. To be safe, if you are going to report them, blackmail, then wait a day, then report. Should keep you safe!
7. Make sure to pay bills from the government on time. If you do not pay on time, the amount will be multiplied by 2 and keep on going.
More will be added later
Here are some miscellaneous ways to get money that usually only work once.
1. After delivering file 313, talk to the person who gave you it. He will give you some money once you choose the option "I have delivered the tattered file".
2. If you choose to sell penicillin to Elizabeth (aka person who lives in apartment 1 at the start of the game), choose to sell at $1400 in order to profit the most (she'll accept it anyways). If you want to make the most money possible, report the person who gave you the penicillin in order to keep all of the profit.
3. If you are doing the take out the garbage task and there is more than one garbage in the dumpster, save the game and take out one of the garbage and see if you can sell it to the kiosk. If you can't, (or no profit) reload the save and don't take it. Repeat this process until there is only worthless garbage that you cannot sell in the dumpster. Then click 'bring it out'.
List of all garbage that can be sold to the kiosk:
more to be added later
How To Help Others Make Money
Well you've followed this guide to the end, and now you think: "This is a bit empty" Well, you can help! Comment below something I should add (relating to money) and I might add it!
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