The first task of the game acts as a prologue. Just follow Ernst Müller's instructions to unlock two achievements : "A new Carl, a new Janitor!" Start a new Game "Seems familiar". Install your first camera
During this task, you must talk to your family and obtain a specific object for Sabine, Kim and Alexander.Kim wants a rat. Why not encourage her?You find the animal by inspecting the washing machine.Alexander wants a trumpet. Go to the kiosko and buy one for $125Sabine's Gift can be purchased on the Black Market. Buy chocolate for $600. You unlock the achievement : "Need something?"
Easy task. You have to meet all current tenants.
After meeting them, go to the office to create their profile by having collected at least one piece of information about them.
This task aims to denounce Magnus Hermann by prescription violation. Nothing complicated, just follow the objectives. Use one of the cameras installed in the commons to install it in Magnus Hermann's apartment. Don't waste your money yet. Search the apartment and collect all available information. Don't forget to complete Magnus profile to earn the most money.Once the information has been collected, return to the character and talk to him. He will eventually return home.Spy Magnus through the keyhole to find evidence that can be used against him.You can report him with prescription violation 6025.
The task is over but you can end it another way. For more information, go to the "Hot Stuff" task.
During this task, Elisabeth Weckert asks you to help her sick son Alfred. The task can be triggered by talking to her directly or by calling on his daughter Ida. You have to find penicillin from the black market seller for $1400. No need to panic for the price, asking Elisabeth for a full refund has no consequence on the rest of the events of the game.
There is another easier way to get penicillin without having to pay for it. Refer to the "Hot Stuff" task for more information.
This task starts when you speak with Magnus Hermann about penicillin. He offers you to find a customer to buy his product. You will have to accept...
At first, he will not be cooperative. You have to spy on him through the keyhole of his apartment door.
Don't report him for the moment. You can obtain an achievement by becoming his dealer. Go talk to Elisabeth Weckert and ask her about her son.
The Cure task starts after your conversation with her. Return to Magnus and question him about what he is hiding in his place. He offers you to find a buyer for penicillin. You can accept.
Talk to Elisabeth Weckert and sell her the penicillin for $1400. To my knowledge, there is no impact on the rest of the scenario. The Cure task is over.
Go back to Magnus and give him the money from the sale. The Hot Stuff task is successfully completed and you unlock the "Good Deal!" achievement
During this task, No matter what you say to Kim, she will not change her mind. You can use this dialogue order : "She dosen't hate you" "Please don't go to demos anymore!Talk to Sabine and use this dialogue order : "Kim won't change" "I couldn't do anything" "Chill out."
The task will begin after talking with Alfred Weckert. He lost his cop suit. Examine the dumpster in the common rooms to find it. The task is complete when you give him the uniform.
Easy task, you must move two new tenants into the residence. You can rent out two apartments at once. Friederike Feinbein and Christian Suhlinger. Do not forget to visualize the prohibited objects of the tenants to send them blackmails. Do not hesitate to save the game before launching the blackmail. I have not yet understood its reliable operation and fraud can be punished.
Sabine will talk about what Kim suspects of using illegal substances. Use this dialogue order : "Why?" "More than usual?" "Do you really think so?" "You're right." Examine the closet in the central room and find the drug. (Kim's bedroom) Place the bag in your inventory and unlock the achievement : "Say my name!" Talk to Sabine again about the drug in the apartment. Follow the dialogue order to choose the right answers : So? did you find the drugs? "Yes""I'll destroy the drugs"Talk to Kim about the drugs. "The truth about the drug" "I'm worried about you"
The two tasks being played simultaneously, I prefer to link them on a single and same section of the guide.
This task coming from the Ministry and concerns Walter Bullhauser. Go to his apartment and talk with him.Walter tells you about his neighbor from apartment 4 and suggests searching for prohibited items. Chat with Wolf henker of the apartment and ask him to leave for a while. He will refuse.Go outside and find giant cockroaches in the bushes under the lantern.Return to Wolf, quietly release the cockroaches and inspect the apartment. In the central room, we study the flag of the Resistance. You can report him to the Ministry.
Take advantage of Bullhauser's absence during the day to search his apartment and collect information on him. Also, don't forget to install a camera.
Youthful Exuberance task is over when you attempt to report Wolf Henker without success.
The task asks us to follow Wolf Henker. Wait until he comes out into the street and is near the bush under the lantern. Note his suspicious behavior. After that, examine the bushes and find a gun. The achievement "There's Evil Afoot!" is unlocked.
Take the gun and go inform Bullhauser of your discovery. After this, you can talk with Wolf again but nothing special happens.Try reporting Wolf again with prescription violation 6026. Nothing happens, this citizen is protected by the Ministry. Report the news to Bullhauser to complete the task.
In this task, the Ministry order you to find incriminating material against Bullhauser. Wait for him to leave his apartment and search the kitchen. You find the gun you previously gave him. Notify the weapon. Before talking to Bullhauser, make a savegame and try blackmailing him on the gun for some easy money.Talk to Bullhauser and let him know it's urgent. In any case, the man will be caught at the border and put in jail. You will learn about it from the newspapers later. The goal here is to get an achievement. Once Bullhauser is warned, he leaves the apartment. You receive a call.
The task is over. By following this method, you get the achievement "Go away from here!"
In a letter Friederike Feinbein wrote to Kim, she congratulates Kim for quitting drugs. So she really has nothing to do with it. However, Friederike also writes that she loves my daughter. She certainly doesn't mean that kind of love - does she ?
You can ask Friederike what she thinks about drugs and if she gave any to Kim. In any case, she denies having done that.
Wait for her to leave her apartment during the day and search the kitchen. In the dining room table, you find a letter written by Friederike to Kim. "Friederike declares her love for her". Don't take the letter with you but gained Evidence.
Go back to Sabine and tell her that Feinbein is a homosexual. End the conversation with Sabine to complete the task.
Don't report Friederike. Use all evidences you find on her with blackmails. Make sure you save the game before so as not to be penalized in the event of failure. If so, reload the game and try again. 650$ is a big sum, don't waste your money.
Talk to her after this. Tell her I didn't report you & An arrest doesn't affect only you. She is about to leave the residence before Sabine call the authorities.
This quest is related to the task "Responsibilities"
The police found Kim at an illegal demonstration. We can never afford the fine for that! I have to make Kim's file disappear, it's the only way.
Sabina will tell you that her daughter went to the protests and was fined. The amount of the fine is so high that you will not be able to pay it.
Search the plant in Franck's office and take the metro ticket. You have to get to the ministry.
Buy a lockpick and a MK I camera from the gatekeeper.
Go to office 201 and use the lockpick to access it. Install the camera and search the premises. Gained informations on Sybille Fels. Wait until she returns to her office and talk to her about handling juvenile matters. You get nothing from her.
Spy on Sybille with the camera. Wait for her to commit an offense and gainded the information. Then talk to her about Speaking of leverage. You convince her and she gives you Kim's file.
Go back to Sabine to validate the task.
Probably Sibylle Fels is handing Kim's case. But she acts cautiously and leaves nothing in her office. It won't be easy to get Kim's file. I need leverage.
Talk to Emma Grundig and find out who in Department II is working on Kim's case. Sibylle Fels is the person concerned but refuses to give you the file. No need to search her desk, she keeps it on her.
Wait until nightfall or lunch break and use a lock pick to enter her office. Place a camera inside and wait for her to do a blackmail violation. Raise the offense and talk to her to threaten her. She gives in to the threat and hands you the file.
I have picked up the documents for Ernst Müller at the gatekeeper and now I have to take this to Chantalle Sieboldt or Sibylle Fels in department II.
For this task, follow the instructions and pick up first the document from the gatekeeper.
Call Ernst Müller for new objectives. You can now ask Susanne Beinert for a pick-up slip. Wait one hour and retrieve the document. show it afterwards to the gatekeeper. Hand over the document to Chantalle Siebold. I don't know if the choice of the person has an influence on the rest of the game.
Franz Hanau want informations about Bullhauser and is willing to pay for it. I decided not to reveal anything to him, as this may lead to additional events. Talk to him for the first time and wait for him to leave the apartment during the day to collect information about him.
Wait for his return to finish him off. He definitely leaves the apartment afterwards.
During this task, Ernst Müller call you for an exchange of song text. There is nothing complicated. Answer the phone and meet Müller in the computer center of the ministry between 4 years 6 p.m.
Collect the item and go talk to Wolf Henker. He gives you an envelope to give to Müller. Find him again between 4 and 6 p.m at the computer center. After the conversation, all you have to do is shred the file number 313.
At the end of the task, once the folder is destroyed you get the achievement: "Aaaand it's gone"
Stephen Huberts, a senior official in the department called me. He wants me to find out the political attitude of my colleagues in department I and II and tell him by telephone. But I am not to tell Müller and Altmann about it What is going on here ?
First stape, talk to all colleagues from departments I and II. Some of them will directly answer your question, while others will answer evasively.
Call Stephen Huberts and follow the instructions below. inform him about the political attitude of your colleagues.Susanne Beinert (room 101) - politically neutral Hans Meinhardt (room 204) - politically backward Chantalle Siebolt (room 201) - politically neutral Wilhelm Würger (room 202) - politically backward Sibylle Fels (room 203) - politically progressive
Müller has held out the prospect that I will be given a proper office in department II. All I have to do is to find incriminating material against a colleague from department II and have him arrested.
Buy a lock pick and use it to enter office 204. Identify and notify foreign money in the desk. Don't forget to identify the cactus as well to collect informations. You can now complete Hans Meinhardt profile to make money and report him through prescription violation 6004.
During the Extorsion task, you can paid the blackmailer 6000 dollars and unlock the achievement "Problem solved" Pay the ransom for Sabine
Before making a final decision on the turn of events for this quest, it is advisable to save the game to unlock two achievements and kill two birds with one stone.
Save your game a few hours before the quest time ends and don't pay Sabine's blackmail. You can unlock the achievement "Unemployed". "Don't pay the ransom for Sabine"
You can now reload the game and pay the ransom.
Ernst Müller told you to get the flag of our proud country out of the closet and hang it on the right of the two flagpoles in front of the apartment building.
Answer the phone
Get the original ministry flag from the janitor's closet
Hoist the original ministry full mast on the right pole
Call Ernst Müller
At the end of the task, you get the achievement: "Camp Grenada"
After Franz Hanau leaves, you need to rent an apartment for Nora Helm. Introduce yourself to her when she arrives, the School problem task will be taken into account after talking to Alexander.
Go to the kiosk to buy the Basic Borean Grammar Book.
Talk to Alexander about the book. After the conversation, the task updates. You need to find him a tutor.
Go to Nora Helm and ask her to be Alexander's tutor. She accepts the request without hesitation. Then go back to talk to Alex to update the task. Now, you have to wait a long moment...
The A Questionable Teacher task starts at the end of the School Problems task. Talk to Sabine, she wonders about Nora Helm's lifestyle. Once the conversation is over, the task is validated.
It's true, Nora Helm receives men in her apartment and takes money for it. But she is also a really good tutor for Alex. What do I tell Sabile ?
Ask Nora about her activities and the rumors circulating about her. Without success and without surprise, she said nothing. Spy on her with a camera or through the keyhole in her apartment door.
Find the information "Prostitute Herself" and talk to Sabine about your discovery.
Then talk to Nora and tell her you know what she's doing. For Alexander's school career to be a success, tell her that she must continue to teach Alex and that you are not going to denounce her. Nora is an important character for the next of the game. Don't report her but abuse blackmails if you want easy money.
Lotte Altmann is concerned about a major reform being planned at the ministry. She wants me to find out which employee in Departments II and III is working on it.
Find out which employee is working on the big reform
first stape, buy a reinforced lock pick to the gatekeeper.
Go to the office 303 and talk to Armin Kreinert about the reform.
After this, use the reinforced lock pick to search his desk. Collect all informations on him and take the Reform instructions. Leave the desk and call to Lotte Altmann.
I am to have the reform statement drafted by someone who knows about it and is more reactionary than Kreinert, and then put the finished, forged manuscript on Kreinert's desk.
Prevent the "Greatest Reform"
First stape, buy a Reinforced lock pick to the Gatekeeper.
Go to the office 301 and talk with Philipp Rückert.
Wait until Philipp Rückert is finished Go to the office 303 and use the lock pick.
You can find the Reform manuscript in the desk. Pick up the new reform manuscript from Philipp Rückert
Collect all informations in the office and replace the original manuscript by the (forgery) Exchange the reform manuscript in Armin Kreinert's office.
Call to Lotte Altmann, the task is over.
Emma Grundig wants me to immediately fly the modern version of our state flag on the left flagpole and the light blue flag on the right flagpole full mast.
● Answer the phone
● Get the modern ministry flag and the light blue flag out of the closet
Armin Kreinert has fallen out of favor with Stephen Huberts because of the "turmoil" surrounding the "Greatest travel Reform". Maybe I can use this situation in my favor?
● Answer the phone
● "Find" incriminating material against Armin Kreinert
Buy a Reinforced lock pick again ^^ and prepare to use it on the door 303.
Place your incriminating object in the office and report Armin kreinert to the state police. Wait a moment for Lotte Altmann's call.
You receive a letter indicating that Alexander has had an accident. The injury of his lower spine makes an operation necessary within the next days. The operation cost $10000. A very high sum, especially at this part of the game. If you have saved your money by spending only the bare minimum, you should have the amount with you at this time. Remember to use and abuse blackmail to achieve your ends.
As a first step, make a save and do not pay for the operation. Don't play the game, do nothing and wait for the end of the task which lasts a hundred hours.
If you follow this step, Alexander is not operated and ends up in a wheelchair. You get the achievement: "Happy Wheels"
Load the last save and pay for the operation. If you don't have enough money, don't forget you have the time for farming money by all means. When you are ready, open the invoices menu and clic on PAY. Wait a few hours and the task is successfully completed.
You get the achievement: "Reliable Father"
Susanne Beinert wants to know what happened to her sister-in-law, the artist Kerstin H.. Kerstin H. was arrested years ago for spreading rebellious songs and has been missing ever since.
● Find out who was in charge of Kerstin H. in Department III
During this task, don't waste your time with speech. If you ask the owner of the office Yvonne Seelers to give it away, she will ask for a “gift” in return. Buy a lockpick from the Gatekeeper and inspect room 302.
Take the document in the box.
● Bring Susanne Beinert the file on Kerstin H.
I found a file on Kerstin Henker, Wolf Henker's wife. Susanne Beinert, Wolf's sister, asked me to show it to him.
● Show Wolf henker the file on Kerstin
● Tell Susanne Beinert about Wolf's reaction
Wolf Henker has asked me to find out more about his wife Kerstin and her possible whereabouts.
Buy a Hardened lock pick from the gatekeeper and talk to Ersnt Müller. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't tell you anything you want to know. Wait until he leaves his office to search the premises. You find a "Note" in his desk with numbers 76281.
Connect to the ministry server and use the command "Call custody file "Kerstin Henker". Login as Ernst Müller and enter the password 7 6 2 8 1. Collect all informations and leave the ministry to inform Wolf Henker.
During this task, you must collect three types of music styles from three different people. First, buy a Camera MK III from the gatekeeper.
Pop record - You will find out that only Nora Helm listens to "pop music" (if you did not report her for prostitution). In this case, you will have to wait until the girl leaves the apartment and search the chair in the corridor. You can find a Pop Record to the black marcket for $500 too.
Rock Disc - This recording will be given to you by Wolf Henker if you complete the tasks to find Kerstin Henker. He gives you the "Rock" music in exchange for an MK III camera. Proceed with the exchange.
Punk Cassette - You can ask for a cassette from Kim before she is taken to the penitentiary.
Albert Bühlow has invited me to a round of "Minister, don't get angry!". I'm supposed to drop by.
● Meet Albert Bühlow
During this task, I opted not to reveal anything about Ernst Müller. I don't know yet if this action can have consequences on the rest of the game. "I really can't say anything"
Before going any further, save your game and prepare you for an achievement. Emma Grundig asks you to write the draft of the reform in exact instructions. Just get it wrong three times in a row to get the achievement : Goldfish brain
Once the achievement unlocks, load the game and follow the instructions below to complete the task. Punk: 35 min, Rock: 75 min, Pop: 233 min Pop: 75 decibels, Punk: 65 decibeld, Rock: 45 decibels Pop: 132 bpm, Rock 124 bpm, Punk: 107 bpm submersive, inflammatory, revolutionary content Labelling and design of music packaging
Ernst Müller would like to know more about this foreigner Lukas Schmolke. It certainly won't hurt if I help him.
During this task, you just have to talk with Schmolke and creat a profile of him.
This task paves the way for a decision that impacts the endgame. If you choose to protect Schmolke, you can go about your business. However, you can protect him while collecting information about him, including the sex video with Nora Helm. A video that is important for the rest of the game.
Whatever your choice for the moment, install an MK III camera preferably in his apartment. Choose to install it in the kitchen.
Ask Nora Helm for help. She offers her services for $2000. Accept.
You can do an extra task while waiting. Schmolke is looking for something to eat, go to the kiosko and buy a "Great Leader" for $750, it looks like a hamburger.
The two lovers meet at Schmolke's in the evening. Use the camera to film them during their sexu-al intercourse. Gained Evidence to proceed to the next step.
You can now report Schmolke to Lotte Altmann if you wan't continue the game with her favoritism. My personal choice is to protect Schmolke and work with Stephen.
If you decide to work with Lotte Altmann, remember to hide the sex tape in your apartment before calling her. The object will be deleted from the inventory otherwise if you validate the task in its possession. (I don't know if there are consequences to its removal. I preferred not to take risks and play the card of caution)
Retrieve the sex video once the task is completed. Keep it preciously.
After treating Elisabeth Weckert's son with penicillin, you can get a second quest with her later in the adventure. Watch for the exclamation mark that appears on her, it's a task alert.
Talk to her and find that she is evasive. You just have to wait for her to be in her home to spy on her through the keyhole of her apartment door. You can gained information on her and will know that she is trying to get a passport and go abroad.
You can get a passport from the ministry and steal it from the 401 office. You can also buy one from the blackmarket vendor.
Before giving her the passport, you can use blackmail on her to get easy money. Save your game beforehand in case of failure on the extortion.
Giving the passport to Elisabeth Weckert allows you to obtain the achievement: "Passport to Freedom"
During this task, Julia Harschberger asks you to help her find a gynecologist illegally. Accept and go to the ministry server in the computer center.
Complete the task by giving her the information. You can then use blackmail on her when her abortion is over.
I was able to get hold of some tools. I was supposed to bring them to Annemarie Pinkert so that she could repair her phone.
For this task, Annemarie Pinkert must be a tenant. introduce yourself to her and wait a few hours for the task to be available. You will see an exclamation point on her.
She need help with her brocken phone. Find tools in the kiosko for $150 and give them to her.
Ernst Müller has asked me to place a bulging envelope for Wolf Henker in a bush by the lantern in front of the apartment building. And then I should tell Wolf Henker a code...
Answer the phone and meet Müller in his office.
Place the envelope in the bush and go talk to Wolf Henker. Tell him 'The hen has landed'.
Call Ernst Müller and tell him "Man Bites Dog".
Gunther Beislaus planted that walkman on me. I'm sure it was him, even if I can't prove it yet. Emma Grundig believes me and has promised to talk to Stephen.
When you arrive at the ministry, the gatekeeper challenges you and explains what is happening to you. Go talk to Emma and explain to her that you are in trouble.
Wait for Beislaus to leave his office and use a reinforced lockpick to get inside. Install an MK I camera which will be useful later. Search his desk to find the walkman. Take it for a moment and then put it back on the desk. The task updates, you can go back to Emma to tell her that you know who is responsible.
Stephen Huberts calls you a few hours later and informs you that the walkman is legalized. The task is completed successfully and you are no longer at risk of being penalized.
Kim was taken away and is now in the re-education camp. Sabine thinks that will do her good. We will see. Kim will be in touch when she is there.
From now, several choices are available to you. There are many ways to help Kim. The most logical and considered good ending of the game is to inform Stephen If you decided to help him to protect Schmolke.
Let's proceed step by step. I will first enlighten you on a possible end by helping Kim by yourself. You can hide her in an empty apartment. If you decide to choose this option, refer you to "KIM'S HIDING PLACE" task.
If you've decided to protect Schmolke, Stephen Huberts is in charge of Kim. You must wait for Kim's call asking you to help her get out of the camp.
If you have decided to find dirt on Schmolke, you work with Lotte Altmann. Wait for Kim's call to find someone who can help her get out of the camp.
The fourth possibility is to ask Wolf Henker for help. If you have completed the "Trapped in the past" and "Fate of a martyr" tasks, he offers his help to get Kim out of the camp.
The task starts when you give an empty apartment to Kim. The action causes the task "The letter" to fail.
The first step is to find a hot meal for Kim. You find it in the ministry canteen and can buy it for $450.
On your return, you see an agent knocking on the door of the apartment where she is hidden. Don't panic, it's easy to make it go away, tell him the apartment is empty.
Kim then asks you to find her a pair of socks. You can buy some at the kiosko or find some in your apartment.
Kim then asks you for $750. Give it to her to finish her task.
It's time for Kim to escape. You must first find a foreigner to help him leave. You can question everyone if you wish, but only Schmolke is useful for progress.
You are going to need a diplomatic passport to complete the quest. You can find one at the ministry in Ernst Müller's office. As soon as you have it in your possession, inform Schmolke.
Good Ending
Ask Kim to escape alone. there are no consequences and no arrests. This ending unlocks the achievement: "For the Family"
Bad Ending
Run away with Kim, which unlocks the bad quest ending. Sabine denounces you and you are imprisoned with your daughter. You unlock the achievement: "A dead dream of freedom"
Peter Pranger says he suffers from a disease that does not officially exist here. He needs foreign medicine.
When Peter becomes a tenant, introduce yourself to him. He later asks you to help him find a drug named "Zidovudine".
Go to the ministry and talk to Thomas Noller in his office 304. Bye the Zidovudine to him for 2000$.
Be carreful when you leave the ministry, you have the drug with you.
Place your stuff in the Cabinet. If the Executor found illegal stuff in your inventory, ti's game over for you.
Back in home, search the stuff in the plant.
You can decide the fate of Peter Pranger. Giving him the drugs is not the logical solution to this story.
You can obtain an achievement during this task or as long as Nora and Peter are present in the building at the same time. You notice pretty early on that Nora is going to his house for sex. Take the opportunity to get the achievement "Voyuer"
The achievement is unlocked by clicking on the information "Has an affair"
It's time to do justice for Nora Helm...
After gaining "Has an affair" information on Nora Helm, you can tell her about Peter's health issues. Give her the Zidovudine to save her.
Peter ask you later if you have the Zidovudine for him. The response is No... he died few hours later :)
This task will only become available if you completed the "Protect Shmolke" quest and failed the "Find Dirt on Shmolke" quest. Stephen Huberts call you and need your help. Answer the call and take three transmitters from Lukasz Schmolke. Place them in several places:
In Wolf Henker's apartment: can only be done at night. while his roommate is asleep, walk into the apartment and place a transmitter in the first piece of furniture in the hallway. Don't run or she might wake up and kick you out.
In Ernst Müller's office, use the lockpick to open room 404 and place the transmitter in any piece of furniture.
In Lotte Altmann's office. you have to buy an electronic lockpick from the gatekeeper to unlock her office. Inside, you come face to face with Ernst Müller. He won't move from here and you have no choice but to warn the security guard Bruno Zweig to dislodge him.
Once the work is done, talk to Stephen Huberts in his office to validate the task.
This is the last task of the game, and supposed to be the best ending. Stephen Huberts call you, it's time to finish the job. However, it is possible to unlock a good and a bad ending on Stephen Huberts' quest. First, I show you how to finish the game well. Before talking to Stephen, save the game. You can now follow the instructions.
It's time to clean up the ministry. Go talk to Lotte Altmann and follow this dialogue order.
I don't know if there is a specific order but i like the process. :)
First: You are homeless! Second: Your investments are gone! Third: Your passport is invalid! Fourth: You are being sued! Fifth: You are terminated! Sixth: You are broke!
You can dismissed who you wan't, why not Erst Müller? :) The game ends with Franck's success at the ministry and you unlock the achievement : "A nice place to live ..."
For the bad ending with Stephen Huberts, you have to refuse his plans. Load your last save game and talk to him. Follow the screenshots and obtain the achievement : "On the Street"
To discover another destiny, click on this link. He will bring you back to the mission concerning Schmolke. To be able to try your luck with Lotte Altmann and work for her.https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/editguidesubsection/?id=2780069079§ionid=5258913
Stephen made sure that the possession of a walkman was legalized. The bill is now off the table, lucky me! Now I just have to prove to Beislaus that he planted that Laufmann on me.
● Find something solid against Gunther Beislaus
If you have already reported a violation on Gunther, do not attempt to report it now, he is protected by the ministry. Use a lock pick to access his office 303 and install an MK I camera. Find the proof of the soda if you haven't already done so before and don't forget to collect all the information on him.
Ask Emma Grundig to help you against Beislaus. Go see him afterwards and tell him that the walkman is legalized. Go back to Emma who tells you she needs proof of his involvement. Beislaus will confess his involvement. Follow the dialog and everything should be fine.
Once Emma has the evidence in her possession, Beislaus' immunity is revoked. You can now report him with the prescription violation 6018.
I should get sugar, herbicide, tools and a cable for Lotte Altmann. I wonder what she needs all that for. She told me to contact Emma Grundig, who might be able to help me.
This quest marks the final turning point of the game working for Lotte Altmann. You must first have find dirt on Schmolke and validated the task. It's also a logical sequel if Kim is sent to re-education camp and you ask Lotte for help.
Answer the phone
Starting the task, search the garbage container, you find the cable.
Go to the kiosko and buy tools for $150
You can ask the black market vendor where to find the herbicide and sugar.
Wait until nightfall to search Wolf Henker's apartment. He spends his time walking down the street while Ulrike Weinerts is asleep. Enter apartment 4 and walk. If you run, Ulrike wakes up and kicks you out. Search the sideboard of the kitchen, you find the herbicide there. You can collect new information about Henker along the way.
Go to the ministry and talk to Emma Grundig. She can sell you the sugar for $1000. No need to spend more. :) There is definitely a method to get some for free by stealing it from a resident. You are free to make your choices.
Once you have the items, go see Lotte who will redirect you to Erst Müller. You must wait a few hours before receiving the Ticking package.
I gave the package to Lukas Schmolke and was able to convince him to place it on the concert stage as a "surprise". Now I should let Mrs. Altmann know that everything worked out.
If you followed my advice, you must be in possession of the sex video. Schmolke asks for compensation for depositing the package on stage. Threaten him to leak the video if he doesn't cooperate.
Call Lotte Altmann for finish the task.
Lotte wants to meet me in the ministry's projector room. She said there are big changes coming and I will finally be rewarded for my loyalty.
It's time to end Lotte Altmann's quest. Before going to talk to her, make sure you do a save game first. There are two possible endings to the scenario and two achievements can be obtained.
Let's start with the bad ending. Talk to Lotte and refuse to arrest Stephen Huberts.
You unlock the bad ending of the Lotte Altmann scenario and get the achievement: "A story of a man"
For the good ending, load the latest save game and cooperate with Lotte. You have to arrest Stephen Huberts.
After arresting Stephen, you can have anyone you want arrested at the ministry. This action completes the task and launches the end of the game. You get the achievement "A war on terror"
You have to find : ● Foreign Newspaper article ● A photo of the lifeless Great Leader You find it in Lotte Altmann office. Take it with you. ● A secret file You must ask Erst Müller about the Great Leader. He refuses to tell you anything. Wait until he leaves his office to search the premises and find a note with a password. Go to the Ministry server and "search for mermeid". Select the "Ernst Müller" profile. "Open secret file project mermeid". Enter the password "Eternal" "Life" "85"
Return to Wolf Henker and let him know your findings.
The task ends after the conversation with Wolf. You can prepare for the next one, "A peephole for the people".
The task "A Peephole for the people" begins after completing "Something wrong". You must install a camera in the TV studio on the roof of the ministry. You start the task with two objects, a "Magnetic pen" and a "Resistance camera".
There is nothing complicated. Go to the ministry at night and wait for Bruno Zweig to make his rounds to gain access to the door and use your key on it.
A cutscene starts, you discover the secret studio of the Great Leader. Go back to Wolf Henker to validate the task. Prepare for the end of the scenario.
"Hard shell, soft core" is a secondary bonus task of "A peephole for the people". At first glance, this quest may seem silly since it is not necessary to be completed to access the TV studio. Anyways, it's always good to tell yourself that there's still plenty to do. Go to the top floor of the ministry and talk to Bruno Zweig, the security guard.
When you ask him for the access permit to the TV studio, he asks you for an order confirmation in return. Why make it complicated when it can be simple ? just by curiosity. :)
Go to the office 401 and search Emma's desk, you can find an Erotic letter. Gained this information and take the letter with you. Meet Emma outside her office to talk to her about a personal matter.
Emma obviously doesn't seem interested by Bruno. She seems to prefer Thomas... Let's go visit him in office 304.
Thomas seems to rebuff Emma's advances. A good thing for Bruno? let's not cut corners and go see it right away.
Sometimes you have to know how to lie. Give him the erotic letter, he goes towards the computer room and frees access to the door of the TV studio. Door that you can unlock during his night patrol without having to mess with this story. xD
The last "Finish It!" task is launched after talking to Lukas Schmolke. You have to threaten him with the sex video to get him to cooperate with you. If you followed my advice, you must be in possession of this video and should be able to do so without problems.
It's time to end it. Find Wolf Henker in front of the ministry. Before talking to him, save your game. There are two possible endings to this scenario, the good and the bad ending and you can get two achievements.
Good Ending
Follow Wolf Henker's instructions and place the bomb in the ministry projection room. You can flee the ministry after this.
The end cutscene triggers and you get the achievement: "Part of the Revolution".
Bad Ending
Load your last save game and do the reverse. Refuse to help Wolf Henker complete his plan and contemplate Frank's sad end. The cutscene is triggered and you get the achievement: "Goodbye, Frank"
Oh shiny! You can read and write, right?
This achievement is obtained by incorrectly filling out a denunciation form.
ACHIEVEMENT "Computer Says NO!"
Computer says No!
Interact with the Ministry Server for the first time. It's just a bug....
Overtime! Get kicked out of Ministry at night
Achievement easy to obtain during the night in the offices of the ministry.
The guard Bruno Zweig inspects the offices during his rounds. Break into one of these offices to be arrested and penalized for unauthorized residence.
Make a savegame beforehand so as not to lose $320
ACHIEVEMENT "Safety At Work"
Safety at work
This achievement is unlocked when you install 10 cameras. Save your game and buy cameras to install them in appartments. Reload your game later for saving your money.
ACHIEVEMENT "For The Nation!"
For the Nation! Write reports about 5 people
Nothing complicate, you must have at least 5 apartments occupied. Save your game first and buy illegal items from the black marcket. Place the objects in each apartment and denounce the tenants by prescription violation. Reload your game after that so as not to ruin the game and save the money.
Dark Soul
To get this achievement, you have to die. I found it by going to the ministry with an illegal object on me. The executor searches my bag and finds the evidence.
This action triggers a cutscene where Franck commits suicide. There are certainly other methods to obtain it.
ACHIEVEMENT "Multipass!"
Gain access to all ministry floors. You need to get access to all floors of the Ministry. It's obtained when you have reached the maximum level of "CARRIER LEADER" task.
ACHIEVEMENT "Welcome To The Ministry"
Welcome to the ministry
Gain access to the ministry. achievement obtained automatically when you start the first ministry quest. You have to obtain admission to the Ministry.
ACHIEVEMENT "Need Something?"
Need Something?
Buy something from the Black Market Trader. He is located at night either at the kiosko or at a bush under a lantern.
ACHIEVEMENT "One Does Not Simply Walk Into..."
One does not simply walk into...
Break into an apartment for the first time. Achievement unlocked when you get into someone else's apartment for the first time.
ACHIEVEMENT "Whoops, Wrong Door!"
Whoops, wrong door!
Get caught while entering an apartment. Unlock this achievement when a tenant surprises you inside their home. You can also open the door to his apartment when he is at home.
Mama bear
Get to know Lotte Altmann. Unlock this achievement when you get acquainted with Lotte Altmann. This is the same person who meets us on the first day at work in the Ministry, after the first subway ride.
ACHIEVEMENT "State-of-the-art"
Get to know Stephen Huberts. Unlock this achievement when you get acquainted with Stephen Huberts. You can find him at the Ministry on the last level, specially in the projector room.
Cake is no lie!
Receive cake from Walter Bullhauser as a gift. Unlock this achievement when you talk with Walter about his work, during the interrogation of the Bun about his work. He change the subject to the favorite pie of the main.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2780069079
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