I charmingly welcome you to my third guide. This tutorial, compiled by me personally, is designed to help the player get absolutely ALL the achievements in the game. It will be replenished, supplemented, depending on what I can still prove. It is also worth saying right away that I described the steps of obtaining achievements without spoilers, but intuitively.
Don't forget to rate my work, comment, like, maybe even award points ^_^
P.s. achievements are numbered according to the global statistics of their ownership by players from the most frequent, i.e. simple, to the rarest, i.e. complex, respectively.
p.s. 2: this guide is translated by my other achievement guide from Russian into English, so the quality of translation can be terrible, since the translator was engaged in translation. I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it
100% Achievements. Part 1
1.A new Carl, a new Janitor!
Новый карл, новый управляющий!
Start a new Game. The achievement is credited from the beginning of the tutorial.
2. Seems familiar
Знакомые ощущения
Install your first camera.To get an achievement, you need to install your first camera.
3. One does not simply walk into...Нельзя так просто взять и не…
Нельзя так просто взять и не…
Break into an apartment for the first time. To get an achievement, it is necessary to get into someone else's apartment for the first time.
4. Need something?
Черный рынок
Buy something from the Black Market Trader. To get an achievement, you need to buy something from a smuggler / black market trader. It is located at night either at a kiosk or at a bush under a lantern.
5. Whoops, wrong door!
Ой, ошибся дверью
Get caught while entering an apartment. To get an achievement, you need to be caught in someone else's apartment for the first time.
6. Say my name!
Have drugs in your inventory. To get an achievement, you need to move the drugs to your inventory. Kim's drug addiction will help you with this.
7. Cake is no lie!
Вот это пироги!
Receive cake from Walter as a gift. To get an achievement, you need to get a pie from Walter as a gift. This automatically happens during the interrogation of the Bun about his work, because he will change the subject to the favorite pie of the main character.
8. Mama bear
Get to know Lotte Altmann. To get an achievement, you need to get acquainted with Lotte Altmann. This is the same person who meets us on the first day at work in the Ministry.
9. Welcome to the ministry
Добро пожаловать в министерство
Gain access to the ministry. To obtain an achievement, it is necessary to obtain admission to the Ministry.
10. Oh shiny!
You can read and write, right? After a long search, it turned out that this achievement is issued when the denunciation form is filled out incorrectly and its subsequent dispatch.
11. Go away from here!
Тебе надо бежать!
Warn Walter Bullhauser. To get an achievement, it is necessary to warn Walter Bullhauser that the Ministry wants to get rid of him.
12. Aaaand it's gone
Shred File 313. To obtain an achievement, it is necessary to destroy the dossier 313.
13. There's Evil Afoot!
Затаившееся зло!
Find the pistol in the bush. To get the achievement, you need to find a gun in the bushes near our house. A strange musician will put it there during a walk, after our procedure for destroying cockroaches in his house.
14. Computer says NO!
Компьютер против!
Interact with the Server for the first time. To get an achievement, you need to interact with the server for the first time.
15. Camp Grenada
Put up a flag. To get an achievement, it is necessary to raise a flag on one of the two flagpoles located near the entrance to the communal apartment during the activated task from Emma and Muller. The flags are in the closet on the first floor.
16. State-of-the-art
В ногу со временем
Get to know Stephen Huberts. To get an achievement, you need to get acquainted with Stephen Hubertus. We can find him at the Ministry.
17. Safety at work
Система безопасности
To get the achievement, you need to install 10 cameras.
18. Good Deal!
Хорошая сделка!
Do business with Magnus Hermann. To achieve the achievement, it is necessary to conclude a deal with Magnus Hermann on the sale of a prohibited drug.
Look for all other achievements in the second part! I could not put the remaining ones in this section, since character restrictions prevent me from doing this.
100% Achievements. Part 2
19. For the Nation!
На благо родины!
Write reports about 5 people. To get an achievement, you need to write denunciations for 5 people.
20. Dark Soul
Темная душа
You dead. To get an achievement, you just need to die.
21. Problem solved
Проблема решена
Pay the ransom for Sabine. To get the achievement, you need to pay Sabina's blackmailer.
Gain access to all ministry floors! To get an achievement, you need to get access to all floors of the Ministry.
23. Reliable Father
Ответственный отец
To get the achievement, you need to pay for the operation to Alexander.
24. Happy Wheels
To get an achievement, you do not need to pay for the operation to Alexander.
25. Overtime!
Get kicked out of Ministry at night. To get the achievement, we have to be kicked out of the Ministry at night.
26. Passport to Freedom
Спасительный паспорт
Help Elisabeth Weckert to flee. To get the achievement, we must help Elizabeth Weckert escape abroad.
27. Unemployed
Don't pay the ransom for Sabine. To get the achievement, we must not pay Sabina's blackmailer to save the workplace.
28. Voyuer
Catch the lovers in the act. Catch a couple making love. No comments, everything is clear :).
29. A nice place to live ...
Комфортабельное жилье
Help Stephen Huberts with his plans.. To achieve the achievement, it is necessary to help Stephen Huberts implement his plans.
30. For the Family
Ради семьи
Help Kim to flee. To get the achievement, we need to help Kim escape abroad.
31. A dead dream of freedom
Несбыточные мечты о свободе
Try to flee with Kim. To get the achievement, we need to try to escape abroad with Kim.
32. A war on terror
Война против террора
Help Lotte Altmann. To get the achievement, you need to help Lotte Altman realize her plans.
33. On the Street
Refuse to help Stephen Huberts. To achieve the achievement, it is necessary to refuse to help Stephen Hubertus implement his plans.
34. Part of the Revolution
Help Wolf Henker. To get the achievement, you need to help Wolf Henker implement his plans.
35. A story of a man Обычный человек
Обычный человек
Refuse to help Lotte Altmann. To achieve the achievement, it is necessary to refuse to help Lotte Altmann implement her plans.
36. Goodbye, Frank
Прощай, Фрэнк
To achieve the achievement, it is necessary to refuse to help Wolf Henker implement his plans.
37. Goldfish brain
Мозг золотой рыбки
Fail a simple dictation 3x times in a row. To get an achievement, you need to submit a draft with errors three times.
Recommend To Watch
Dear comrades, due to the fact that I liked the game quite a lot, I made an extraordinary decision: to write a lot of manuals on Beholder 3 at once.
I will try to put links to each of them in this section. At the moment, I have 4 manuals ready. All links and a brief description below:
This guide contains a really large number of ways \ tips and other information that can help you have a lot of money.
P.S. The guide is written in Russian, but this is the LARGEST reference book of information on finance in the game. If you want, I can translate it into English, just tell me that you need it ^_^
This guide is "special" in every sense of the word, because it offers you to download all the old versions of the game belonging to the category of "beta test".
P.S. This manual is written in Russian. I will not translate it, because it is intuitive and short, so you should not have any problems translating it yourself
This guide is currently the first and, in principle, the only collection of step-by-step instructions for achieving each achievement, including secret ones.
This manual is a Russified version of this manual.
This is the guide you are currently on :)
Most likely, this list will be replenished, time will tell.
Update History
06.03.2022 | 22:20 - creating a manual.
08.03.2022 | 00:35 - added a way to get the achievement "Oh shiny!". Added a link to my new manual in the "Recommend to watch" section.
Huh, well, I'm too tired with this guide. Imagine, to write it, I had to learn the help on the formation of text in my hands, many additional export functions to Photoshop, and also create my own formula for the design of the manual for your comfort. But now you are familiar with how to get all the achievements in the game :D. I remind you that if my leadership has helped you, it is your duty to support him somehow. I will be glad to every positive comment or assessment. I will be especially glad to receive community awards, hehe. Express your thoughts in the comments, find any punctuation, spelling or even semantic errors in the text, suggest the direction of the development of the training manual, because its future depends only on you!
That's it, for now :)
P.s. once again I apologize for the crooked translation, I'm not to blame.
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