Important Info
New players should make backup copies of your .sgd save files either before or immediately upon entering any of the 15 predator scenario listed below. Predator room enemies and environmental objects necessary to fulfill certain Worst Nightmare ranks do not respawn in Arkham Origins. Your .sgd saves are in the Remote folder located here:
Steam / userdata / Steam User Number / 209000 / remote
SpSave_v2_0.sgd = 1st save slot
SpSave_v2_1.sgd = 2nd save slot
SpSave_v2_2.sgd = 3rd save slot
SpSave_v2_3.sgd = 4th save slot
Rank 1
Takedown Basics - Inverted Takedown, Vent Takedown, Wall Takedown
Mission Specific Location: Coventry GCR Tower, first Gotham incursion after Blackgate.
Rank 2
Silent Takedowns - Perform 3 Silent Takedowns in a Single Predator Encounter
Free-Roam or Predator Room.
Free-Roam Location: GCPD Rooftop or Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard. Perform this before Jezebel Plaza and the Penguin Final Offer mission.
Before proceeding to the Penguin Arms Deal at Jezebel Plaza -- and certainly before entering the Final Offer -- I strongly recommend the following:
01. Complete Gotham Intel and conclude the Cyrus Pinkney mission, mini-guide here:
Gotham Intel - Anarky Tags and Pinkney Plaques
02. Perform all Shadow Vigilante tasks up to Rank 11.
03. Complete all Gotham Protector Ranks 01-15.
04. Visit Enigma HQ and attempt to destroy his server in order to spawn Enigma's Informants. Doing so discloses the location of Enigma DataPacks.
05. Complete at least one Extortion File for the Cryptographic Sequencer power upgrade. The Penguin file in Burnley District is the easiest to complete early in the game.
06. Destroy at least one set of 10 Tower Relays for the Cryptographic Sequencer range upgrade.
07. If possible, destroy all 70 Tower Relays and return to Enigma's HQ to destroy Enigma's server.
08. After WN 01 at Coventry GCR Tower and before heading to Jezebel Plaza, liberate Burnley, Industrial, and Park Row Towers. Bowery GCR Tower unlocks right after Jezebel Plaza, and Diamond and Amusement Mile Towers will unlock later in the game. Liberating these towers enables Fast Travel with the BatWing.
Doing all of the above before entering the Final Offer will rank up your XP budget more efficiently. Ignore Batman's "I must get to Jezebel Plaza" prompt; you will not run out of time. Read on.
Rank 3
Unseen - Finish a Predator Encounter Without Being Seen
Mission Specific Location: Final Offer Theater.
Personal Observation: Until proficient in this task, suggest enabling subtitles to confirm you've not been sighted. If sighted, restart map. Restarting map before last enemy elimination and completing mission without being seen will confirm Sonic Batarang upgrade. Do not collect Enigma DataPacks during task until after unlocking achievement. Doing so might invalidate achievement.
Note: If missed earlier in game, task might be achievable in free-roam (possible glitch?) in Industrial District Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard prior to breaching Bane's Park Row Hideout; also once worked at GCPD rooftop. Task might require at least one open mission objective to seal achievement in free-roam after the Final Offer incursion, otherwise it's Predator Room only.
IMPORTANT: After unlocking the Sonic Batarang upgrade in this or any other predator room, either do NOT test it and then move to the next checkpoint, or if you do test it you must wait until it FULLY recharges before moving to the next checkpoint. Players have logged the newly unlocked gadget missing from their inventory when they moved to a new checkpoint followed by a cutscene while the gadget was still recharging:
"Disappearing achievement"
"Challenges resetting"
NOTE: by using the "freeroam-to-predator room" exploit, you can actually unlock WN 03 and WN 10 at the entrance to the Final Offer instead of wasting a predator room. Follow the advice in this comment, third through fifth paragraphs:
Rank 4 & 5
Ranks 04 and 05 should be performed together free-roam. The reason I suggest a free-roam location is to keep the predator rooms reserved only for the upcoming Worst Nightmare tasks that require specific takedowns. Best Location Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard immediately after Final Offer incursion. Delay speaking to the Anarky anarchist.
Rank 04: Bait and Switch - Use a Sonic Batarang to Lure an Enemy into a Takedown, 3 Required. Do NOT use Detective Vision. Wait for the Sonic Batarang to recharge.
Rank 05: Old School - Complete a Predator Room without using Detective Vision
Free-Roam Location: Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard. Perform this before breaching GCPD rooftop.
Personal note: do NOT use Detective Vision for this achievement to bump to Rank 05.
Personal note: do NOT travel away from scene during Sonic Batarang recharge. Wait.
Last First-Run Location: Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard or GCPD Rooftop
Rank 6
Takedown Variation - Perform 4 Exotic Takedowns in One Predator Encounter: Vent Takedown, Exploding Gel Takedown, Corner Takedown, Reverse Ledge Takedown (listed in menu as Hanging Ledge Takedown)
Predator Room Only.
Mission Specific Location: Gotham Merchants Bank, Black Mask Mission.
For WN 06 procedure at the Bank, click here:
"Is there anywhere to do Worst Nightmare #6 besides the Bank?"
and here:
"Worst nightmare rank 6"
Personal Observation: Delay upgrading Explosive Gel Proximity Sensor until AFTER this achievement unless experienced using the Explosive Gel. Remove the Vents in the left and right stairwells with the BatClaw BEFORE breaching the bank vault vent shaft on the South wall.
Secondary Location: Also Gotham Merchants Bank, Deadshot mission provided at least one weak explodable wall is still present for the specific required takedown. More difficult than the earlier mission because of multiple thug respawns and Deadshot constantly patrolling. Get WN 06 at the Bank as early as possible.
Last First-Run Location: Blackgate Prison Nexus, near end of main story. Getting WN 06 at this late location will bump your remaining Worst Nightmare tasks into NG+.
IMPORTANT: If you do WN 06 during the Deadshot mission, as long as you do NOT attack Deadshot you can complete the 4 takedowns and defeat all 5 henchmen and then leave the room. That way you can return for WN 09 with Deadshot, as long as you can do WNs 07 and 08 elsewhere. If you're low on predator rooms, you can do WN 09 on the henchmen without touching Deadshot and later return to this room for WN 12.
Rank 7
Head-On - Complete a Predator Encounter Without Doing Any Takedowns
Observation: This task is timed to breaching Sionis Steel Mill to rescue Black Mask.
Observation: Confirmed Repetitive Free-Roam Glitch, otherwise Predator Room.
Mission Specific Locations: Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard with sniper, Black Mask Rescue Mission; conclude with multiple enemies across from Steel Mill or conclude Coventry Fire CaseFile aboard Final Offer to seal Rank 07 free-roam achievement. Also achievavble in Predator Rooms.
Note: If concluding Coventry Fire after first-run main story, be certain to engage shoreside Crime in Progress in Coventry District near Mendo Soap immediately after Coventry Fire crime scene inspection, then Fast Traveling to Final Offer Suspect Location -- without quitting the game, sidetracking, or returning to the BatCave -- to seal Rank 07 using the free-roam glitch.
First-Run After-Story Location: Final Offer, Coventry Fire CaseFile conclusion. Free-Roam glitch. Also achievable after first-run main story on Final Offer Sniper after Crime in Progress in Industrial District. Free-Roam glitch, should have at least one open mission objective to seal achievement after first-run main story.
New Game Plus Location: Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard with 3 gunmen, conclude with unarmed enemies on low rooftop north of Steel Mill early in NG+ -- during Enigma Interrogations and before Jezebel Plaza; or between Jezebel Plaza and Final Offer incursion -- to seal Rank 07 free-roam achievement.
To complete WN 7 in freeroam and avoid wasting a predator room, review this topic:
Worst Nightmare Rank 7 (possible workaround no predator room required)
Rank 8
Perfect Vision - Complete a Predator Encounter Without Using Detective Vision, and Without Being Seen
Predator Room Only.
NOTE: WN Rank 08 does NOT work at Black Mask Church Mission in all 3 play modes.
Mission Specific Location: Sionis Steel Mill Drug Lab; any later Predator Room.
Personal Note: Complete Shadow Vigilante, Gotham Protector, Dixon Docks Shooting CaseFile, and Coventry Fire CaseFile before entering Sionis Steel Mill.
New Game Plus Location: Final Offer Theater; any later Predator Room.
There's a trick built into the sequence of the game. In order to get the WN achievements at the Earliest points in the game, you must leave the Royal Hotel Lobby immediately after collecting the Shock Gloves. Yes, leave. Do NOT power up the service lift to enter the Penthouse until after completing WN Rank 13. Powering the lift at this time will initiate a one-way PNR (Point of No Return) to the Penthouse. Go do other missions: Disable Diamond District GCR Tower; complete the Black Mask mission at the Cathedral for the Smoke Pellet upgrade. Come back later. Read on.
Rank 9 & 10 Info
Ranks 09 and 10 can be completed together or separately at Gotham Merchants Bank during the Deadshot Mission. They can also be completed together only at the Royal Hotel Grand Lobby, which may be easier for novice players at this location. However, it is better to complete WN 09 and 10 at Gotham Merchants Bank to unlock both Sonic Shock Batarang and BatClaw Disarm upgrades.
Another reason to complete WN 09 and 10 at the Bank during the Deadshot mission is that you can leave the room after completing WN 09 as long as you do NOT assualt Deadshot, exit through the roof access and then return to complete WN 10. To my best current knowledge, this is the only predator room in which you can complete multiple separate WN ranks by exiting and returning.
Rank 9
Loud Takedowns - Perform 4 Loud Takedowns: Grate Takedown, Inverted Takedown, Knock-Out Smash, LedgeTakedown
Mission Specific Location 1: Gotham Merchants Bank, Deadshot Mission
Complete this and Rank 10 at Gotham Merchants Bank.
Mission Specific Location 2: Gotham Royal Hotel, Main Entrance Grand Lobby
Complete this and Rank 10 at Gotham Royal Hotel, Main Entrance Grand Lobby.
Mission Specific Location 3: Gotham Royal Hotel, East Tower 40th Floor Swimming Pool
Complete this and Rank 10 at Gotham Royal Hotel, East Tower 40th Floor Swimming Pool.
Failing Rank 09 at these locations *will* affect later gameplay.
Personal Observation 1: Enable subtitles to confirm you've not been sighted by henchmen. If sighted, restart map. Restarting map before last enemy elimination and completing Rank mission without being seen will confirm Rank 10: Apex Predator. Unless Deadshot scores a direct hit, he doesn't see you, he merely boasts and brags.
Personal Observation 2: Complete all four mission parameters before final enemy eliminations.
Personal Observation 3: Did NOT work in conjunction with Rank 08 at Sionis Steel Mill Drug Lab.
New Game Plus Location for WN Rank 09 and 10: Final Offer, GCPD Bullpen.
Rank 10
Apex Predator - Complete a Predator Encounter With a High Threat Level or Higher Without Being Seen
Mission Specific Location 1: Gotham Merchants Bank, Deadshot Mission, if unseen during Rank 09 encounter, or if you left through the roof exit without assaulting Deadshot and returned.
Complete this and Rank 09 at Gotham Merchants Bank.
Mission Specific Location 2: Gotham Royal Hotel, Main Entrance Grand Lobby, if unseen during Rank 09 encounter.
Complete this and Rank 09 at Gotham Royal Hotel, Main Entrance Grand Lobby.
Mission Specific Location 3: Gotham Royal Hotel, East Tower 40th Floor Swimming Pool, if unseen during Rank 09 encounter.
Complete this and Rank 09 at Gotham Royal Hotel, East Tower 40th Floor Swimming Pool.
Failing Rank 10 at these locations *will* affect later gameplay.
Personal Observation: Enable subtitles to confirm you've not been sighted. If sighted, restart map. Deadshot will curse and brag about spotting you, but unless you've actually been shot or spotted by Deadshot or henchmen, you can compete this predator map without being seen. Perform a final Quick Takedown on Deadshot for Rank 10 achievement. Restarting map before last enemy eliminations and completing Rank mission without being seen will confirm Rank 10.
New Game Plus Location for WN Rank 09 and 10: GCPD Bullpen.
Rank 11
Sonic Shock Batarang - Take Down an Enemy With the Sonic Shock Batarang
Free-Roam Locations: Jezebel Plaza Rooftop Gunmen after Deadshot Mission, or Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard. Enemies must be wearing a heartbeat monitor or carrying a firearm for a direct-hit takedown, otherwise aim at floor near enemy target and detonate.
Perform this before concluding Black Mask mission.
New Game Plus Location: GCPD after WN Ranks 09-10 Bullpen, or anywhere after.
Rank 12
Always Different - Complete a Predator Encounter With a High Threat Level or Above By Performing At Least 5 Different Takedowns.
Mission Specific Location 1: Gotham Royal Hotel Grand Lobby, if completed WN Ranks 09 and 10 at Gotham Merchants Bank
Mission Specific Location 2: Old Gotham Cathedral, Black Mask Mission Conclusion, if collected Shock Gloves to destroy Coventry Black Mask Stash
IMPORTANT: The Black Mask mission at the Church unlocks the Smoke Pellet upgrade which is essential to complete Rank 13 Smoke Master. The Smoke Pellet upgrade unlocks ONLY at the Church. Do NOT quit or restart from checkpoint after round 1 and 2 and do NOT get killed at the Church during round 2. Doing so will invalidate any progress in that room.
Observation: After collecting Shock Gloves, leave Gotham Royal Hotel to enable Diamond District GCR Tower, complete Black Mask Mission and later achieve Rank 13, then return to Gotham Royal Hotel to complete Rank 14.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT quit game or restart from checkpoint, or collect Enigma DataPacks after or during a disappointing round 2 combat fight with Black Mask and his henchmen at the Church. Doing so will invalidate receiving the Smole Pellet upgrade. Do NOT get killed during round 2. Confirmed Repetitive Glitch.
New Game Plus Location: Gotham Merchants Bank, Black Mask Mission or any predator room with 5 or more enemies.
Rank 13
Smoke Master - Eliminate 3 Enemies Within the Duration of 1 Smoke Pellet.
Free-Roam Location: Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard, Final Offer Exterior Deck, anywhere with more than 3 gunmen. Take down one of them and bait location with Sonic Batarang: wait until the others congregate in a group of 3 or more before releasing Smoke Pellet. Vanquish 3 or more as quickly as possible, recommend multiple Smash Takedowns.
Personal Observation 1: Complete Black Mask Mission to upgrade Smoke Pellet duration before attempting Rank 13. You MUST have the Smoke Pellet Upgrade to seal this achievement.
Personal Observation 2: Achievable in Free-Roam or Predator Room.
New Game Plus Location: Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard, Final Offer Foredeck, or GCPD Rooftop
Rank 14
Three in a Single Blow - Eliminate 3 Enemies with a Single Propane Tank.
Mission Specific Location 1: Gotham Royal Hotel East Tower 40th Floor Swimming Pool (earliest in-game opportunity).
Mission Specific Location 2: Gotham Pioneers Bridge Boiler Room, Firefly Mission.
Mission Specific Location 3: Gotham Pioneers Bridge Train Station, Firefly Mission.
Mission Specific Location 4: Blackgate Prison Courtyard (last chance for 1st run completion).
Personal Observation: Practice this in first-run playthrough while breaching through GCPD (3 opportunities).
New Game Plus Location: GCPD SWAT Division lobby, GCPD Bullpen predator room, Sionis Steel Mill Loading Bay; Sionis Steel Mill Drug Lab if missed earlier; Royal Hotel Grand Lobby, Gotham Royal Hotel East Tower 40th Floor Swimming Pool.
Rank 15
Double Fall - Pull 2 Enemies Over a Railing at the Same Time Using Advanced Gadget Techniques
Earliest Free-Roam Locations: Final Offer Fore Deck, Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard Catwalks, prior to GCPD Corpse Inspection.
Mission Specific Location 1: Gotham Pioneers Bridge Train Station, Firefly Mission Part 2.
Mission Specific Location 2: Blackgate Prison Nexus.
Mission Specific Location 3: Gotham Merchants Bank, Deadshot Mission, if saved for last.
Also achievable after main story completion in 1st run at Final Offer or Sionis Courtyard Catwalks.
New Game Plus Location: Sionis Steel Mill Drug Lab, Royal Hotel Grand Lobby, Gotham Pioneers Bridge Train Station, Firefly Mission. Final Offer Foredeck, Sionis Steel Mill Courtyard after game.
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