My Alibi Bug FIX

First Things First

Ok to start you will need to mod the game here Ali-s give us a complete guide on how to do it, once you do this you will be able to play as many characters, including the joker, red hood, etc.

Moded Already, Now The Easy Part.

Now as you has seen on the guide now you can change character by pressing F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9... So what are you waiting for? change character and you will be in no time out of My Alibi.

you did it, now you can keep on playing.

OK Now I'm Out But I Didn't Get Quite Right How To Be Good Old Batman Again.

Here is the tricky part, if opening the console and pasting the code as Ali-S explains on his guide is giving you problems, just press F2 for the XE Suit and head back to the batcave, once there go to the suits machine and change back to default batman.

Hope it works for everyone



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