How to complete: I am the Night Mode

How to complete: I am the Night Mode


How to complete: I am the Night Mode image 1

So, are you going BAT crazy (yes, pun intended) over 'I am the Night' mode? Well, you should but here i'll teach you how to unintensify the mode a little and perhaps give you the advantage in overcoming this insane mode.

The Basic Premises

How to complete: I am the Night Mode image 4


you die and it's game over, simple as that. Meaning you'll be more paranoid of when your untimely death might happen, so the first trick i can give you is to believe like it's just game mode plus. Say that to yourself throughout the game HOWEVER do not ACT like it's game mode plus. Don't dawddle around in combat, don't try to make epic predator screenshots, and don't be STUPID.

Predator Tricks And Tips

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Predator is a ♥♥♥♥♥ when it comes to 'I am the Night' mode, before diving into a predator scene, anaylse the environment first.

1. If there is snipers. They are target one! Take them out before anyone else, trust me, you'll die ALOT with snipers around.

2. Play it safe, don't try to be a fricking real batboy and take out every goon when they're around other goons. Just don't, take down isolated enemies that are a distance from contact.

3. Don't attract attention, yes Deadpool, go sit in your damn corner! try to do silent takedowns, i know it's boring but if you want to live, play it safe.

And that's all you need to know in predator, however do be mindful of your environment and use vantage points.

Combat Tips And Tricks

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Combat, the mechanic that sparked copy cats all over the world. From assassin's Creed to Sleeping dogs. It's important to master Combat not just for I am the night mode but also the future video games that uses this same combat mechanic.

1.Don't do crazy quickfire gadgets, why? You risk getting hurt, picture it, you're reaching out for the shortcut keys than you suddenly get hit, or the gadgets just miss. Like i say, Play it safe.

2. Focus attention on big brutes or venom users, use beatdown on them, every so often a thug will come, just counter him. It's so very simple yet will help you alot.

3. In a tough situation? Low Health? Restart from last checkpoint! or, if you're still at a reasonable health guage, forget the combo! Run away from the enemies and then use some gadgets from a distance. But not in a middle of a bunch of thugs!

That's all you need to know about combat! Now for the boss fights.

Pay attention very carefully.

Boss Fights

Tricks for all the boss fights in the order you'll face them!

1. Killer Croc; Real simple evade Killer croc's charge and make sure you take down the thugs first before engaging on the boss.

2. Deathstroke; Focus, counter when the action slows down,spam use your batclaw and slam deathstroke to the ground for an easy way of taking down deathstroke.

3. Copperhead; spam the quickfire explosive gel, it will instantly get rid of all the hallucinations and will quickly reveal the real copperhead!

4. Bane (First Encounter) ; Evade his attacks, stun, beatdown, you're fine. Until the rooftop battle. Evade as soon as bane is about to hit you and don't go anywhere near the railing when bane is charging as he can easily chain 2 or even 3 charges in a row if you're trapped somewhere near the railing also push thugs into bane's path to make your job easier!

5. Firefly; every moment you have throw a glue grenade and keep moving and evading. Just follow his patterns and you'll be fine. when you grapple on to him for a ride. BE CAUTIOUS, He will try to knock you off of him but bumping you into structures, keep mashing the counter button and grapple button in this sequence to assure you don't die without warning.

6. Bane (second encounter) ; Pretty much the same as encounter one, but with more charges.

7. Bane TN-1 (LAST ENCOUNTER) ; Use your detective vision at all times, don't try to make a epic movie scene and purposely try to make him chase you, hide in vents, grates and sneak up behind him. When he stops and starts turning his head, its a warning that he is about to most likely turn around. Once the disrupter for the DV comes in, make sure you have eye contact on him at all times!

Side Missions

1. Anarky; a simple combat fight just avoid his grenades.

2. Shiva; be weary, if you are not good at dodging sharp object attacks then just evade and jump over the ninjas when they try to perform a multihit slash. At the end of the battle is a clash. Mash the living life out of the attack button.

3. Deadshot; watch where his aim sight is, and focus most of your attention on deadshot himself, throw smoke pellets at deadshot and do a loud takedown. Once you finish him off, the battle will end even if there is thugs in the room.

4. Bird; simple combat battles with some hardened foes take caution.

Thats the boss fights all down.


Wow, congratulations, you're on your way to becoming the next batman, or batboy if some kid is playing this brutal game. You should be proud, not even 1% of Arkham origins players have completed I am the Night mode, it's a rare achievement, so bragging rights are allowed.

If you enjoyed the guide, take the time to tell me if this helped you or if it got you killed within seconds. Your feed back is important! Heck, share some of your tips down below if you have any!


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