Game Pros.
I am proud to say that I have played all 4 Batman Arkham games, but only 1 of them makes me trully feel as Batman. There is no equal to the feeling you get when you are Batman and you manage to take down everyone and win in multyplayer. Knowing the person you took down is an actual person and not a stupd A.I. thug makes you feel special, unique, and it boost your confidence through the roof! True, Origins has many issues and bugs that I will cover later, but the multyplayer alone is an amazing game in my humble opinion and I will always love it.
Note that I am only talking about multyplayer when i refer to Origins as the best Batman experience,single player is weaker than the other 3 games. But,again, this is my opinion.(shared by many others. :) )
Game Cons.
No game is without flaw, and Origins is no exception. In the game cons section I will talk about the facts that don't make the game fun, but not regarding imbalances and glitches. Those will get a separate talk later in this guide.
In my opinion this game's biggest con is the fact that you have no say in to who your partner will be. You will always be stuck with who the game gives you as partner and it can decide the game there and then sometimes. You will be many times stuck with a player who is very weak at the game and just get in your way. This is a big problem in a game such as Batman because your team only consists of 2 players: you and your partner. And if you have a bad one well.. good luck. Seriously, you'll need it :D. Sure you can talk to a friend to opt out each game untill you are 1000000% sure that you 2 are heroes, but that takes forever. And it doesn't work all the time either, believe me, I tried this a lot.
Also a big con is that sometimes 1 of the enemy teams will be much much powerful than the other( Example: bane will have a much better team than joker and will obliterate them fast). This is problematic because as a hero you win by taking down thugs and thugs win by killing each other. And if they kill each other too fast, then you lose. Mix that with a bad partner and the fact that the over powered team will most likely get the supervillain first, and you got yourself an impossible mission on your hands. Not to say that you can't win in that scenario, because you can, but it is an ordeal to do so. But damn does it feel good when you do it! :D
And the last issue I have with the game design that I am sure everyone will agree with and makes the game frustrating as hell is the ridiculously long respawn wait as a hero when gangs are at 0 reinforcements. You know that feeling when your intimidation is at 90% and you get killed by a lucky shot and you have to wait 25 seconds to respawn? Sucks, doesn't it? I honestly don't know what the devs were thinking with that. It's infuriating and it' is litteraly the worst time to punish the heroes for dying. Elites win by killing enemy elites. And this is the time you have to be most aggresive in the game to make sure that 1 team does not get killed off. So it's like the game is punishing you for trying to win...
Imbalances And Glitches.
You knew this was coming. Ain't no way the game escapes from this talk. Especially not Origins. It is a very imbalanced game with a lot of issues.
First thing I would like to talk about are the gadgets. For both heroes and elites.
Okay, I'm gonna just come out and say this: Heroes and very underpowered in this game. But not because of the little armor, no. The health heroes have is more than enough for them. But their gadgets are absolutely horrible. You only have 6 of them and the batarang/shuriken is almost completely useless.They have their use, but it is very limited.
Okay, let's start with Batman's gadgets first. The cluster batarang is a very interesting gadget, but unfortunately against elite players it is almost completely useless. You have to lock on to a person for a few good seconds and in this time he is notified that he is being locked on. This may work on noobs but against skilled people chances drop dramatically. I will talk in the Road to Victory segment about how to properly use normal batarang/shurken and cluster batarang even against the best of the best, but for now let's just say that the devs were lazy as hell and could have done a waaaay better job with these gadgets.
For batman these are the only 2 gadgets i take issue with, but 2 gadgets out of 6 is a lot to screw over. I honestly believe that heroes should have had more gadgets, instead they only got 6 and almost half of them are useless. Looking great for elites so far, no? :))
Robin's gadgets are good, except for the zip kick. The problem with this zip kick is that it is ridiculously overpowered, and to be fair, without it Robin is completely unnecesary to the game :D. The zip kick can be used almost every time and even from higher levels or if there is a gap between Robin and the elite, he can travel to his face with a kick if you do it right( and it is very hard to do the zip kick wrong).
Now let's move on to the elites.We will start with joker.
Okay there is no way to avoid this, joker gadgets are overpowered as hell. They are literally game changers. The Air ship in particular is as broken as a gadget can get. It it very fast, it is a 1 shot kill weapon, and also it is very maneuverable. Making it very hard to dodge by heroes and elites alike. I honestly believe this gadget needs to be baned because it only attracts spammers. I am sorry but if you use the airship for more than half time of the game you are just a sad spammer who has zero skill at this game, so you need to rely on godlike gadgets to win.
In my opinios surprise you're dead is a great gadget that can easily be avoided by heroes and elites alike. Just because it does not show up on detective vision it does not mean it is an OP gadget, it just means you have to be a bit more careful and disable that detective vision every now and then, and I can respect that. The problem i have with this gadget is that it can be deployed almost instantly in situations where it should not be possible. For example when a hero knockes you down with a glide kick of flying kick you can instantly put the mine down and you will kill the hero who is coming to do a knock out smash or explosive gel takedown on you. That is just a cheap trick used by sad spammers most of the time, but still you need to be careful.
The nailgun is a bit OP as well but considering it is not usefull at long range and that joker has much more powerful gadgets that need to be nerfed, i will let this one go.
Bane elites gadgets are very well balanced and I have no comments about them being imbalanced.
In my personal experience the game does not have THAT many glitches. I mean sure, it has a few, but most of them are not game breaking and can be solved with a good private match and good internet connection.
The biggest game glitch in my opinion is when you are selected Batman, but Robin leaves, so someone else joins the game who will take Robin's place. But when the game starts, you, who were Batman, are reverted to being Robin with the skin of the player who just joined, while he is Batman with your skin. For me this is the biggest glitch because I believe Batman to be superior in every way to Robin and when i am switched to Robin from being Batman...not gonna lie... I get pissed.
There are of course gliches and lags within the game itslelf, when you are in game, but as I stated earlier all of them are fixed with a great internet connection and if it is a private game and the host has great internet conection ,even better.
Of course another big problem is the constant dropping people seem to get while making a lobby, but, again this is easily solved if you have an amazing net. Now don't get me wrong, I am not protecting WB for making such bad conection problems with the game, I am just offering you a solution here, so please don't kill the messenger. :D
Saving the " Best" for last.
The biggest inbalance of this game is the Enhanced Vision elites have. I am sorry, but this gadget should not exist. It is called INVISIBLE predator online! And trust me, everyone knows where you are with that gadget. There is no stealth involved at all that way. Also this is such a missed opportunity to make other players feel what thugs really feel when they are up against Batman. If they have no way of knowing where he is , they would be edgy and always on guard. That would have been amazing. I know that you think it would have given the heroes too much of an advantage that way but it is a very simple way to avoid it. Something that was used on Arkham Knight and it was really easy to think of. I know Arkham Knight came after Origins but if the devs were not lazy asses they could have easily came up with this idea. When heroes use detective vision more than 5 seconds, their position is shown to the elites. Simple as that. You can use detective vision all you want, but at your own peril.
Road To Victory.
Ok this is it ladies and gentlemen... Oh..who am I kidding, only guys will read this :)). Ok guys listen up.This is my personal guide to victory. After reading this you will have Mister Allexander's own personal guide to kick ass. So you should be able to be unstoppable...or at least die with more takedowns :D.
Tips for both Batman and Robin
The number 1 tip I will give you here is to stop using the gargoyles so much. That is literaly the first place people will look for you. and considering that Enhanced vision is overpowered, you would just give away your location. So use the ground more, use the underground even more because few people will look for you there. Most people look up with enhanced vision on and then stop looking for you. That is the perfect time to surprise them with a kick in the face. Don't dissapoint them. People love surprises. :D
Also stop using the crouch ability. It is useless in Multyplayer. You can easily run behind a thug and do a silent takedown.
Speaking of silent takedowns... This is the best takedown in the game.Each takedown gives+25 intimidation. Do silent takedowns as often as you can. Silent takedowns give you 5 additional intimidation points that any other takedown gives you. So they are absolutely invaluable to filling the intimidation meter. You see, each takedown gives you intimidation bonus, but silent takedown will always give you 5 additional points. So use them as much as you can. They are not that difficult to pull off. You will always find a sad spammer who is using airship and is vulnerable. Just make sure he does not have a "suprise, your dead" trap next to him and knock his light out!
Also a very neat trick you can do is to knock someone down with a glide of flying kick, go behind them and wait for them to get up and you will be able to do a silent takedown on them. Problem is this only will work against people who don't know to use the instant death mine on the floor glitch I talked about earlier...which I realized I just made more popular with this guide. :D But I have faith people that read this guide are actually looking to improve their skills, not their spamming abilities.
While elites have to go through the tedious work of killing everyone on the map and capturing control point that last around 30 seconds each( and Batman can neutralize in 2 seconds), heroes can win very fast if elites are not careful. All thanks to the intimidation meter and the way it is built. As I said earlier silent takedowns are amazing, they give more intimidation and they should always be implemented. But to win even faster you need to use variation takedowns as much as possible. What is variation? You need to make many takedowns and never do the same takedown 2 times in a row! That is a killer for intimidation. I didn't say this is easy. But if you wanna be good and win fast, you need to variate takedowns like there's no tomorrow.Each time you variate a takedown you receive a " First use" bonus, if it is the first time you use it that game,(10 intimidation points)+ the takedown points(20 intimidation points). And on top of that you receive a 5X bonus for each time you variate. That means if you variated 1 time you get 5X2 meaning additional 10 intimidation bonus besides the takedown. NOTE! Variating 1 time means having done 2 takedowns, not 1! In order to variate 1 time you need to have 2 different takedowns done in order for them to be called variated takedowns.
Take 'em out for even bigger intimidation bonus. Besides a takedown(20 points) you receive addition 20 points for each captain you take down. If you also take him down with a takedown that was not used that game and it is the 3rd different takedown in a row you get 20 points for the takedown(25 if it was silent takedown)+ 20 points cause he was captain+10 points first use bonus+10 variation points. Trust me that is ridiculous amount of damage done right there! That should fill the intimidation bar faster than a drunk fills his mouth with beer.
Bosses or Supervillains
These can be a Godsent for the elites who have them on the same team....and for professional heroes! :D Seriously there is no need to fear them. The only thing you need to make sure is that the team who is losing gets to the door to make the game last longer. Besides that supervillains are a great way to win really fast! I look at them as intimidation boosters, nothing more.
They do not have enhanced vision. Which means they have no idea where you are and where you can strike from next. Meaning you can actually do a corner takedown on them( which is the hardest takedown in the MP in my opinion). A supervillain takedown gives you huge intimidation bonus besides the takedown, you get the "supervillain bonus"+35 intimidation boost. That's a lot. If you combine it with a first use takedown and a good variation you will win in no time. And it is always fun to toy around with their fear. If you are good at stealth they will never see you coming.
I talked earlier about corner takedown and being the hardest takedown in the game next to double ledge takedown. In single player it is easy but MP has enhanced vision so I only recommend using corner takedowns against supervillains because they are the only ones who can fall for this. Also they never expect it. Just as people don't expect you to be more on the ground, they don't expect you to try a corner takedown on the while they are Joker or Bane. And believe me a corner takedown as a first use on a supervillain will fill that intimidation really fast. So give it a try. You won't regret it.
Another good tip is to always make sure you switch between turning your detective vision off and on constantly. Mines on the map are not vissible in detective mode if you don't see the thug actually putting it on the ground, and can easily get killed this way. Always lookout for them.
Try and stay away from this one as much as you can. Only use sliding takle to run away from foes, not trip them over. A good elite that sees you slide at him will do a melee attack at you and take 33% of your life, leaving you vulnerable for a few seconds to shoot you dead. Sliding tackle will never win against elite melee atack! NEVER. Trust me I've done the research. As i said slide is a good way to run away, making sure fewer bullets reach you, that's it.
Just as with sliding tackle use them very very little. You always see noob heroes that come near you and try to punch you...Don't be that will only get yourself killed.Use melee as a last resort only.
EXCEPTION-There are sitiuations where melee can actually help. For example if a thug was in a firefight and he took damage you can try a melee on him. If his health is under 33% you will knock him out in 1 melee strike.You see the game does not care that the health was depleted by 3 consecutive melee strikes or 5 bullets and 1 melee strike. Once the health is low enough you can knock him out in 1 shot
Road To Victory- Part 2
Also Melee takedown is good against jokers with Nailguns in hand. You see nailguns reduce mobility drastically for them while they have the nailguns equipped. So if you manage to land the first punch, there is a really high chance he can't avoid the other 2 that will knock him the f"ck out! But getting the 1st punch in is tricky and does not always work. But keep in mind that elites with nailguns are susceptible to melee.
And, of course do melee against inactive players :D.
Don't forget to variate takedons. A thing i forgot to mention earlier is that if you do the same takedown more times in a row it wil halve the amount of intimidation points you receive! Meaning that if you do an explosive gel takedown 2 times in a row first time you get 20 intimidation points, and the second time you only get 10! Sure if he is a captain you still receive 20 points because he was captain, but you only get 30 intimidation points( 10 takedown +20 captain). If you do a new takedown you easily get at least 50 points( 20 takedown+10 first use+ 20 captain bonus+5X something depending on how many times you variated takedowns so far).
A final tip on this part is to always try to do the harder takedowns early in the game. Try and do a silent takedown, reverse takedown, rail(ledge) takedon fast in the game. Why? Because it will be easier to win afterwards. Think about it, you already did your though to pull takedowns of the game, now you can use ground takedown explosive gel takedown and inverted takedown( which is easy only for Batman) on captains and Supervillains. Can you say..Gave over? :)
Batman is the best of the 2 heroes. He is faster, his gadgets are more practical, his dive bomb can give him ridiculous speed throught the game, and the speed glide kick gives you many opportunities for takedowns. Also his takedowons are almost all of them faster that Robin's. What did you expect? He is Batman!
As I said earlier in this guide i will teach you a thing or two about making 2 almost useless gadgets uselful even against the best of the best. Let's start with the normal batarang. Primary use of this batarang is to destroy joker airhip and UAV. UAVs are easy to destroy with it but i don't recomend it because you can easily dodge it's fire and go after the elite and knock him out. Destroying airship is a bit more tricky because it is fast as hell but you ca throw a batarang at it, graple to another gargoyle, hit it again untill you reach 3 batarangs and it is destroyed. Yes, it needs 3 batarangs to be destroyed. Alternately, if you actually spot where the joker thug controling the airship is, dodge the airship by grapling between gargoyles throw an explosive batarang near him and, let him think he can hit you with it, dodge it again by changing between gargoyles...and boom, he's knocked out. Never knew what hit him.
A good optional use of the normal batarang is to stun elites that you don't want to win a firefight( useful when a gang is at 0 reinforcements and you want the winning elite to lose the firefight). Hit him with the batarang and he will lose his aim, so he will most likely get killed. Also use the normal batarang against joker or bane to stun them so they can't fire at enemy elites. This is most useful against Bane. If he pulls his rocket launcher out and targets your teammate, you can throw a batarang/shuriken at him to stun him and put his launcher back. This will give your teammate time to escape.
Another use of the normal batarang may be a bit...unorthodox :D. We all know Batman doesn't kill right? Riiiight... When a joker thug puts a mine near him you can easily aim 3 batarangs at the mine aaaand Booom... he is dead! Make sure to AIM the batarans,otherwise if you quickfire them Batman automatically aims at the thug. Same thing with Robin. Actually only do this with Robin because Batman can use the Cluster Batarang against it even better.
You see, the cluster batarang warns a thug if you target him, but if you target the "Surprise you're dead" box, and he is close to it, it will knock him down without warning :D. Same thing can be done against a bane elite that is near to a Tactical Dart. Target the dart, and you knock him down without warning. But he has to be close to it. One last thing about the Cluster batarang. It can damage foes. That means if he is low enough on health you can actually make a takedown on him like this. I actually won a game this way. Image below:
Also there is always at least 1 guy you can knock over with it. Someone will not dodge it. And considering cluster batarang knocks all thugs in it's proximity, you can knock down and damage other elites. All because 1 of them was sloppy and did not avoid it. :D. Also try and aim the cluster batarang at an elite who is in a fire fight and you believe will win the firefight. He will be to bussy to dodge then. And by the time he rolls away it might be too late for him.
This is probably my favourite. You can variate it soo much. My favourite thing to do is to use the cluster batarang against a group of elites, knock them down and the throw an explosive batarang at them. They cannot dodge it in time, no matter how much they try. Make sure to throw the batarang right after they are knocked down.
Now pay attention cause what I'm about to teach you here will change your game. Explosive batarangs CAN be detonated with other devices such as explosive gel. So if you put explosive gel on a wall, throw a batarang then detonate the gell, it will make the batarang explode and take out everyone around. But this is just the beginning. You see, explosive batarang can be detonated with elites devices as well. This includes Sonic pulse from bane, grenades and even "suprise you're dead" mine. So if you throw a batarang near a thug and another thug throws a grenade there, the grenade's explosion will detonate the batarang and you are given the knock out. Also if a bane thug uses pulse near an explosive batarang it will detonate it instantly taking gim out. So practice luring elites to use pulse then immediately throw an explosive batarang near them. Instant K.O. Same with joker mine. But you need a bane thug near it and that is more tricky because he can shoot it from far away. But if he is stupid and walks right in it and you manage to throw a batarang there before he makes contact with the mine, you are given the knock out, he won't die! :)
Also use this tactic against supervillains as well. After a takedown( silent, grate whatever) immediately throw an explosive batarang near him. He wont dodge it in time and it will do huge damage. Especially against joker. Even more, if joker already took damage before the 1st takedown you actually take him out like this and the intimidation meter will literally fly throw the roof!
Robin is the weaker of the 2 heroes, almost all his takedowns are slower( especially the ground and inverted takedown) he does not have gadget base takedown( like explosive batarang) and he looks like a 14 year old boy after a long day of school without the Arkham City skin. I honestly don't like him because of 2 main reasons. Number 1 he has nothing better than Batman except the zip kick, and number 2 the zip kick is way to over powered to the point that you need no skill to play with Robin. Batman actually takes skill to play with, Robin....almost none.
Robins only has 1 fast takedown and it is the one in which he puts his staff around the enemy neck. Fortunately that is the only takedown he will do on the Joker( supervillain) so you don't have to worry that you can't do a fast knock out smash on him.
Bullet shield- Only usefull against noobs. An elite player will throw a grenade in your face and call it a day.Only use it to back away from a dangerous sitiuation while providing cover for yourself untill you can escape, or to protect Batman while he is doing a silent takedown. Also you can use it to lure an elite to shoot at you while Batman comes from behind. But those last 2 scenarios require teamwork.
Zip kick-As much as I hate this gadget I admit that I spam it a lot.Why? Cause it's the only way Robin can be useful. Use it as much as possible.Quick tip: If you are in danger from an elite shooting at you, do 1 evade roll and immediately use quickfire of zip kick, if he did not roll fast enough, you will put him down 100% of times.
Use takedowns that are equally fast to Batmans's such as explosve gel, ledge takedown and silent takedown( not knock out smash),reverse choke takedown. Avoid inverted takedown as much as possible. seriously, don't even bother with this takedown on maps like blackgate.
We reached the end of my review/ guide to victory. For the review part, I give this Multyplayer an 8/10. As i said most glitches can be countered with amazing net. The imbalance game is perfect. :D. I realize I am biased towards the game but you really cannot replicate the feeling you get from taking someone down as Batman knowing he is an actual player like you who knows Batman's tricks.
For the guide part- I hope you learned more than a thing or two from this guide and you can go out there and kick some serious ass. I also hope you enjoyed reading it and feel free to comment your thoughts below. Have a nice time playing!
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