Apex Legends - PC Keyboard Controls

Apex Legends - PC Keyboard Controls

Apex Legends - PC Keyboard Controls image 0

This guide includes default keyboard shortcuts for the Apex Legends game.

Apex Legends PC Controls

Apex Legends - PC Keyboard Controls image 3


  • Move Forward - W
  • Move Back - S
  • Move Left - A
  • Move Right - D
  • Sprint - LSHIFT
  • Jump - SPACE
  • Crouch (Toggle) - C
  • Crouch (Hold) - LCTRL

Weapons And Abilities

  • Tactical Ability - Q
  • Ultimate Ability - Z
  • Interact / Pickup - E
  • Alternate Interact - X
  • Inventory (Toggle) - TAB / I
  • Map (Toggle) - M
  • Attack - LMB
  • Toggle Fire Mode - B
  • Aim Down Sight (Toggle) - RMB
  • Melee - V
  • Reload - R
  • Cycle Weapon - Mouse Wheel Scroll
  • Equip Weapon 1 - 1
  • Equip Weapon 2 - 2
  • Holster Weapons - 3
  • Equip Grenade - G
  • Use Selected Health Item - 4
  • Gibraltar Shield Toggle - H
  • Inspect Weapon - N


  • Ping - Mouse Wheel Click
  • Ping (Enemy Here) - F
  • Push to Talk (Hold) - T
  • Message Team - ENTER

Ping Options

Within the game controls interface you can also assign keys to the following specific ping alerts. Just pick a key that you feel comfortable with if you want to make use of any of these:

  • Ping (Going Here)
  • Ping (Looting Here)
  • Ping (Defending Here)
  • Ping (Watching Here)
  • Ping (Someone's Been Here)
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/6733-apex-legends.html					

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