Apex Legends - Character Tier List

Apex Legends - Character Tier List

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Some characters are simply better than others. Find out who the best Legends here.

Guide To Character Tier List

1. Tier S

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The most popular choice among the players, She's great for solo play due to her small hitbox and its tactical ability, Into The Void, which serves as a "get me out" button.

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He takes 15% less damage. Combined with a 75 HP Gun Shield passive.

2. Tier A

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Her drone isn't just an excellent way for a quick revive, but the protective shield also allows for players to maneuver offensively.

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His multiple gas traps along with his special cluster gas grenade deal immense damage up close.

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His passive allows him to cloak himself and the teammate he's reviving which is quite invaluable.

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Pro Camper :v

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Her fence and pylon can make the best out of a tight situation.

3. Tier B

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B stands for Bangalore.

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Beast of the Hunt mode!

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His drone can immediately respawn teammates from Respawn Beacons.

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Grappling Hook!

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Crouch-walk faster and climb higher than other Legends.

4. Tier C

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Running fast and jumping on launch pads, fun to play.

5. Tier D

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Sees parents murdered. Doesn't become Batman.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/8833-apex-legends.html					

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