Absolver - Farming Angrel

Absolver - Farming Angrel

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Very convenient farming route in Forgotten Temple that takes advantage of dying and respawning to reload Angrel, the second Marked One.

Other Absolver Guides:
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  • Join School Failed?
  • Pyramid Locations.
  • How to Make a Better Deck.
  • Hidden Achievement: Calbot.
  • Leveling, Locations, Fighting Tips, Classes and Loot.


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We're starting our route from the Forgotten Temple shrine which will also serve as our respawn point. Forgotten Temple is reachable from either Hunting Path or Bird Caller's Outpost.

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Take a sharp left from the shrine into the ruined building and here's our main man, Angrel.

Angrel has very exploitable behavior: Sluggish to make the first move and as a Kahlt Method user his defense is limited to blocking or Absorbing (he won't even dodge!). My combat deck is figured like so, of which only relevant information for this guide is:

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  • Jumped Light Kick sequence attack starting from front-right position, ending in front-left.
  • Hammer Kick alt attack starting from front-left position and looping back to front-right.

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Other loops of alternating fast attack + breaking attack will work just as well. It'll take a couple stamina bars to chew through his health depending on his behavior and your damage. Angrel spawns next to a sword and when disarmed of he'll prioritize reacquiring it, trivializing the fight even further. I can't stress enough what a pushover he is facing repeated goldlinked breaking attacks, you'll just have to try it for yourself.

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Angrel is worth respectable couple thousand experience, even after marked one XP nerf. After some farming, it's only inevitable to also acquire his rare, although rather unsightly, mask along with his other gear of which the overtop is clean and salvageable for 45 shards.

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Leave out the back and to the right.

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The Pond

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Sharp right from the exit of Angrel room and there's a pond with few lost prospect spawn points. If you're only looking for the experience from this route, you'll immediately want to take a plunge into the pond behind the lost prospects respawning you at the shrine with a fresh Angrel and ready for another trip.

Do try to dunk a lost prospect or two into the pond with running attacks, shockwaves or what have you for couple hundred additional XP per run. Note that you need to do a damaging attack in order to flag you for XP gain from defeating them so just shockwaving them in won't do. If they're being a nuisance and don't want to fall; don't bother. Faster overall XP if you just keep fighting Angrel repeatedly.

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Optional: Dirty Loot, Sword Skills

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There's three spawnpoints for lost prospects of varying difficulty: Two near the pond and a third to the right who shares the aggro with the first two. Unlikely for three spawns on any given run.

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Sword skills are a nuisance for PvE centric completionists to acquire due swords breaking while training and the overall scarcity of 'trainers'. There's a sword spawn on the edge of the pond which a lost prospect will most likely grab and use against you. If you brought Angrel's sword with you, you now have two swords which you can give to the lost prospects for sword training.

The loot in the pond is not lost! As long as you keep hitting the pickup button while falling in you should still be able to get the items.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/2724-absolver.html					

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