Absolver - Mastering the Forsaken Style

Absolver - Mastering the Forsaken Style

Absolver - Mastering the Forsaken Style image 0

This is a simple guide to mastering the Forsaken Style in a matter of minutes.

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Quick Forsaken Style Mastery Guide

Absolver - Mastering the Forsaken Style image 5

This is not a guide on how to join a forsaken school, i'm assuming you have already done so and are now in the process of mastering the style itself. This is the method I used to master the forsaken style in minutes. This does not require inconveniencing any of your friends and can be done entirely on your own. I did this in under five minutes once I hit my stride. The only thing that might slow this process down is finding the enemy NPC that has the correct moveset.

By "moveset", I really mean one move.

Find any basic enemy that has the Jump Out Elbow, it has to be the first move in their attack sequence. This shouldn't be too hard to find, I found one in the harbor, but i'm sure you can find them anywhere. As you may have already found out, if an enemy NPC is within close proximity to you and you use your style ability (parry, dodge, absorb) they will automatically attack. It's like clockwork and that is the main trick to this method. I prefer the jump out elbow because it is so slow and easy to parry, but if you're inclined you can use any medium to slow attack as long as you perfect your timing. This method has two steps.

  • Parry within close proximity of the enemy to initiate the sequence.
  • Immediately parry incoming jump out elbow.

Just repeat those two simple steps until your style is completely leveled. This method is the fastest way to grind. Once you iron out your timing (rhythm) you can continually parry till the style is completely mastered. As with learning moves, you will want to get the enemy's health as low as possible, just to make sure that you don't lose progress if things turn south.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/1096-absolver.html					

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