Manage 7 days to Die Dedicated Server on Windows with Powershell


Create a windows user: non-admin to install, run steamer, and game server.

Open and forward ports for game server. Rcon (optional)

Firewall Ports

TCP - 26900

UDP - 26900-26902

Webmin and Rcon

TCP - 8080-8081 Only open these if you plan to connect to Webmin and Telnet from outside your Network. I recommend to keep them close and perform admin task locally.

Steam-Server-Manager Files From Github

open PowerShell and change directory to where you want the SSM and the server to be installed.

Server files will be in the Steam-Server-Manager folder.

cd G:\Downloads\servers\

Before First Run

Edit any default vars in Steam-Server-Manager\config-default\7days2die_defaut.ps1. They can be changed after install as well. If using a server password. add before the first run

################## Change Default Variables ################# # Server Port $global:PORT = "26900" # Server Name $global:HOSTNAME = "$env:USERNAME" ###########################/\#################################

First Run

Open a PowerShell terminal NOT as admin.

./ssm install 7d2dserver

It will ask if using Anonymous login for steamCMD.

Use Anonymous Login? Press Enter for Anonymous

Steam-server-Manager Commands

./ssm start 7d2dserver - Starts 7d2d server process

./ssm stop 7d2dserver - stop process for 7d2d server

./ssm restart 7d2dserver - stops and starts process for 7d2d server]

./ssm validate 7d2dserver - Validate App ID files

./ssm check 7d2dserver - checks process for 7d2d server

./ssm update 7d2dserver - updates server files

./ssm backup 7d2dserver - Creates zip folder of server files in backups

folder (Downloads portable 7Zip)

./ssm monitor 7d2dserver - Creates Scheduled Task with monitor and send Discord alert if off

./ssm discord 7d2dserver - Send Test Discord Alert

./ssm details 7d2dserver - get details on server and host

./ssm ssm update - Downloads and overwrites ssm github files

Locations Of Folders And Config Files

Default Vars before first run


Server FIles


Server config


Launch Param Vars and webhook

Path\To\Steam-Server-Manager\7d2dserver\Variables-7d2dserver.ps1 - Launch param and editable Vars unique to instance. Webhook goes here

More Info

After installing, fell free to configure serverconfig.xml to your liking.


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