
There are a lot of guides out there saying what you should and should not do, but they can be really lengthy and I just don't like reading pages worth of general gameplay material.

The videos on youtube are good, but some of those guys are idiots and the informative ones are kinda boring. So, I'm just gonna make a list of things that I've learned throughout my time in 7dtd (I've started yersterday). If anyone has anything else to add please feel free. Just try not to make this a debate thread.


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First of all, here are the 5 best perks in the game that you should max before anything else:

5. Treasure Hunter: Allows you find buried treasure more easily by shrinking the search radius and increases the loot gained.

4. Animal Tracker: As you know, food is very scarce in 7DTD so investing all your points into this perk early on is a very good choice. It allows you to detect nearby animals that you can hunt when you crouch.

3. The Infiltrator: One of the best perks available in 7DTD, as it allows you navigate safely through minefields, causing mines and loose board traps to trigger 2 seconds slower and also gives you the ability to pick them up.

2. Well Insulated: A must have at any point of the game, giving you resistance to both hot and cold temperatures that are always a danger in the world of 7DTD. Investing a few point into this perk is a must if you want to explore the desert and tundra.

1. Pack Mule: One perk to rule them all; it is, without a doubt, the best perk in the game as it gives extra inventory slots, allowing you to carry more items without being encumbered.

Here is my full fully updated 1.0 tier list that does not contain any outdated perks:

Tips & Tricks

1. Playing on Navezgane: You shouldn't use the random map generation because as of today [1.0], it is very outdated and slow. Instead, you should use the Navezgane which contains one copy of every single POI and is very polished.

2. Using the sniper rifle: A very good gun that can one shot almost every zombie in the game in the head. It has practically no downsides and uses very little ammo.

3. Using the leather wraps: A very solid weapon that is useful throughout the game. It has the ability to knock down zombies and also has one shot potential.

4. Refrain from doing many trader quests: rushing the trader quests is pretty useless as the rewards don't scale well with the difficulty. Instead, you should be looting level 1-2 POIs as they a very efficient and safe way to get lots of loot.

5. Not going for a stealth build: Stealth builds in 7DTD aren't that good as the crit damage they deal isn't that high and it forces you to use light armor which is very dangerous.

6. Building a base ASAP: One of the most important things in this game is your base as it protects you from the harsh weather and zombies that may lurk in the wilderness at night. You should build a 5x5 wooden base right after completing the tutorial as you already have the appropriate tools to gather the wood required to upgrade the frames.

7. Running away on horde night: A surefire way to survive horde night is to run away from the zombies until daybreak. It is recommended to use a bike or other vehicle as the zombies can't catch up and you can escape without even having to worry about dying.

Closing Thoughts

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I hope that you enjoyed my guide and that these tips will come in handy in your new 1.0 playthrough. It took me a while to come up and meticulously craft each and every one of these tips and tricks so give me all your steam points:

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3275033733					

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