Waifu decks

Waifu decks


Waifu decks image 1

Waifu decks image 2

I focus on decks that primarily feature female characters. I will update the guide if any other decks are requested.

I will classify the decks into three categories: aggro, combo, and control. (They can be better categorized, but I won't go into detail here; it's just to give you an idea of how the deck works).

In the "Extra deck" section, I will specify the type of monsters that are predominantly used (fusion, synchro, xyz, link, rituals, pendulum monsters).

The "Cost" section will grade the decks into three levels based on the amount of gems or UR and SR points required to build them (low, mid, high).

In the "Secret pack" section, I will mention the name of the pack where you can obtaine the majority of the cards. (If you craft a super rarity card, you will unlock the secret pack where that card comes from.)

If you believe I've made a mistake, please leave a comment, and thank you for watching.


Waifu decks image 10

Atributte: Earth

Type: Warrior

Extra deck: Fusion

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Secret pack: Warriors Unite!

Cost: Mid


Waifu decks image 19

Atributte: Various

Type: Plant

Extra deck: Synchro - Link

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Blooming in Adversity

Cost: Low


Waifu decks image 28

Atributte: Various

Type: Spellcaster

Extra deck: Link

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Secret pack: Spiritual Mastery

Cost: Low

Cyber Angel

Waifu decks image 37

Atributte: Light

Type: Fairy

Extra deck: Ritual

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Souls of Sublime Gods

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 46

Atributte: Various

Type: Dragon

Extra deck: Fusion - Link

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Secret pack: Dragonmaid-to-order (structure deck)

Cost: Low

Evil Twin / Live Twin

Waifu decks image 55

Atributte: Dark - Light

Type: Various

Extra deck: Link

Type deck: Combo

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Electron Illusions

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 64

Atributte: Light

Type: Spellcaster

Extra deck: Xyz

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: None

Cost: High

Fortune Lady

Waifu decks image 73

Atributte: Various

Type: Spellcaster

Extra deck: Synchro

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: Destiny's Sorceress

Cost: Low


Waifu decks image 82

Atributte: WInd

Type: Winged beast

Extra deck: Xyz - Link

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: Glory on Wings

Cost: Low


Waifu decks image 91

Atributte: Water

Type: Aqua

Extra deck: Synchro

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: None

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 100

Atributte: Dark

Type: Fiend

Extra deck: None

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: None (leak labrynth pack?)

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 109

Atributte: Dark

Type: Beast-warrior

Extra deck: Fusion

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Secret pack: Moonlit Avian Dance

Cost: Low


Waifu decks image 118

Atributte: Water

Type: Cyberse

Extra deck: Link

Type deck: Combo

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Essence of Flora and Ocean

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 127

Atributte: Light

Type: Fairy

Extra deck: Fusion

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: A Song of Zephyr and Petals

Cost: Mid


Waifu decks image 136

Atributte: Water

Type: Plant

Extra deck: Xyz

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Blooming in Adversity

Cost: Mid

Sky Striker

Waifu decks image 145

Atributte: Various

Type: Machine

Extra deck: Link

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★★★★

Secret pack: Singular Strike Overthrow

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 154

Atributte: Various

Type: Fairy

Extra deck: Pendulum

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Artistic Angel

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 163

Atributte: Dark

Type: Aqua

Extra deck: Fusion - Link - Xyz

Type deck: Combo

Difficulty: ★★★★★

Secret pack: None

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 172

Atributte: Earth

Type: Plant - Insect

Extra deck: Xyz - Link

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Secret pack: Mother Nature's Snare

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 181

Atributte: Light

Type: Fairy

Extra deck: Link

Type deck: Combo

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Secret pack: Essence of Flora and Ocean

Cost: Mid


Waifu decks image 190

Atributte: Light

Type: Fairy

Extra deck: Link

Type deck: Aggro

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Secret pack: Magnificence of Angels

Cost: High


Waifu decks image 199

Atributte: Various

Type: Spellcaster

Extra deck: Fusion - Link

Type deck: Control

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Secret pack: Seekers of Witchcraft

Cost: Mid

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2997051502					

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