Yakuza 3 Remastered - Licensed Music, Video and Uncensor Restoration Patch

Yakuza 3 Remastered - Licensed Music, Video and Uncensor Restoration Patch

Yakuza 3 Remastered - Licensed Music, Video and Uncensor Restoration Patch image 0

This guide will instruct you on how to restore the licensed music that was cut from the western version of Yakuza 3, as well as higher quality videos from PS3 version and uncensor the game.


The purpose of this guide is to tell you how to restore the licensed music from the Japanese version of Yakuza 3 that was unfortunately cut from all western versions of the game due to SEGA refusing to license the songs in question - "Loser", "Omoi Ga Afuretara" and "Jikan yo Tomare" by Japanese singer "Eikichi Yazawa" as well as "Don Quixote Theme" of the Japanese discount chain store "Don Quijote Co., Ltd.".

Additionally, all pre-rendered videos have been replaced by the original ones from PS3 as they are higher quality than their PS4/PC counterparts, you can find a comparison between them here:

  • ScreenshotComparison.com

In top left corner you can switch between 3 different screenshots, by default they display the screenshots from PS4/PC version and on mouse-over you can see PS3 ones, you will notice that the PS4/PC ones suffer from severe video macroblocking and artifacting issues which is why for this patch we opted to replace the videos with the PS3 ones.

Finally, the Tamashiro Family Crest and Pin have been uncensored to the the original Rising Sun motif found in the original PS3 release that was unfortunately censored in PS4/PC versions due to its association with Japanese Imperialism in some regions of the world.

Those of you that might be familiar with my music restoration patches for the PS3 and PS4 Yakuza titles should be right at home with this guide, as the steps to follow will be just as simple if not simpler thanks to not needing a hacked PS3 or PS4 console to use this. This video below will give you a glimpse of what you can expect after restoring the licensed music:


Now here come the steps on how to install the patch.

First of all, you will need to download the package from one of the links below which contains the patch and all its necessary files:

  • Mirror 1: Nexus Mods
  • Mirror 2: Google Drive
  • Mirror 3: Google Drive
  • Mirror 4: Google Drive

If you run into links being blocked due to high traffic, simply right right on the folder in the link (rather than the patch 7zip archive itself) and press Download. This will make Google zip it and bypass the high traffic/download quota limits.

After that, extract the contents of the archive with the patch to a folder of your own choice, it's compressed in 7z format which can be unpacked using 7zip or WinRAR, though I do recommend 7zip for best compatibility to avoid any potential issues.

Next you'll need to open the folder with the game itself, naturally make sure it's installed beforehand.

You can do so by Right Clicking it in your Steam Library and then selecting Properties -> go into the Local Files tab -> and finally press the Browse Local Files button which will open the folder with the game.

Now all you will need to do is select all the files from the restoration patch you unpacked earlier and copy them to the folder with the game, overwriting the files when asked if you want to do so - this is crucial.

The only thing left for you at this point is to simply start the game and enjoy it in all its restored glory.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/9667-yakuza-3-remastered.html					

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