How to Join an eFederation

Step 1: Pick A League

The International Federation for Championship Wrestling

The primer PC eFederation, IFCW has weekly matches and systems that let you role play endless scenarios. Some benefits of IFCW are:

Control over the destiny of your wrestler in and out of the ring.

Real online matches with real results based on your skill.

No insider politics. GMs are not allowed to be wrestlers or hold championships.

Weekly show with many opportunities to compete.

Matches are edited and uploaded to Youtube/Twitch each week.

Don't see a league? Contact me on steam to have it added to this list.

Step 2: Join The EFed Discord

IFCW Discord []

Step 3: Compete

Once you've joined the discord follow the set-up steps for the league you join and stay active in chat for the chance to compete each week.

Have a great day and join the IFCW discord if you want the fastest response -


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