Bug Resolution Guide - List of Errors and Fixes Guide

Can't Get Past The Title Screen (Press Any Button)

Try the below steps or a combination of these

Use integrated graphics if you are using a dedicated graphics card to play the game (Graphic Card Control Panel)

Play in Window mode rather than full screen. (Alternatively use ALT+Enter to go full screen after starting in window mode) (You can do this in config file in the game folder inside documents folder)

Decrease the resolution (You can do this in config file in the game folder inside documents folder)

Turn off shadows (You can do this in config file in the game folder inside documents folder)

Turn off VSync (You can do this in config file in the game folder inside documents folder)

Turn refresh rate of display to 60hz using Windows Advanced Display Settings (Windows Settings)

Also refer to Section - Controller not working

Update - An user posted this as working solution

Go to config file -> under [rate] section the denominator text, equal to a the value 6127330. You DELETE THAT VALUE and instead of it YOU WILL WRITE 2556032 (which is the value from WWE 2K19 and that seems to work with WWE 2K22).

denominator = 2556032

numerator = 368140000

This should resolve the press any button problems, and no need to change the refresh rate.

Also, if you do this, from now on you will need to change video settings from this notepad if you want to, to be sure the value won't reset back to the old one. So, also, still in the config file, you go down below and you will see another text called "windowed" and set it to no for full screen, and there you go. Fullscreen, with working controls and your default refresh rate.

Game Crashes At Any Point In Any Mode

Custom Content. Remove it from Deletion Utility.

The notion is that there is a limit of 280 images or 100 mb file size overall. Custom superstars, arenas, titles and other stuff including shows all make use of images. This causes the game to crash as of patch 1.05. It appears that creating superstars locally does not result into the crash. However, many users have confirmed resolving the crash post deleting the created content. It can be done via Deletion Utility and if the game crashes at that then head over to Online -> Custom Content -> Image Manager -> Local and check the option to delete images. It won't crash when visited via this route.

Controller Prompts Not Displaying

Use one of the following controllers - PS4, xBox, Steam

Controller Stops Working Intermittently

Use Big Picture Mode

Make sure your controller is Player One

If possible use a PS4 / Xbox / Steam Controller

Game Slows Down In The Middle Of A Match

On PC go to Documents/WWE2K22/Config.ini and then change value of "use_action_camera = 1" to "use_action_camera = 0"

Go options and turn off cutaways

Change the resolution (To whatever your system supported resolution is and works otherwise)

Turn off Shadows option (In game and confirm with game config file)

Toggle VSync on/off (as the case maybe for you and do this using graphics card control panel as well as game config file)

Lock game to 60 FPS in the graphics card control panel

Can't Change Texture Quality In Graphics Section Of The Game

Texture quality is based on resolution. 4k gets high, 1080p is standard.

Also some users think it is tied to the memory/vram on the card. Possibly if you have an nvidia card use DSR in the control panel you can upscale to 4k. Worth a try.

Low Space Or Space In C Drive (System Drive) Reduced Post Game Installation And Initiation

PreBakeCache.bin is a file that the game creates and can go over 12 GB depending on your game. This file holds all the information on lighting calculations as real time ray tracing is very demanding on GPU hence pre baked and cached so the game can read it. If you delete it then the game will regenerate it.

You can find this file in (generally)

C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\WWE 2K22

If you want to move this for whatever reason then read up on hard linking on Windows or if you can sync the file from another folder to tthis folder or use the below guide at your own risk

Have the entire folder point to another drive

1. Manually cut and paste the folders or files to the new drive/directory you want them to be in:

For example

"E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WWE 2K22\WWE 2K22"

2. Make sure you delete the original files/folders:

Generally "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\WWE 2K22"

3. Re-create a new WWE 2K22 folder in same place:

"C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\WWE 2K22"

4. From admin level command prompt run with the quotes:

mklink /J "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\WWE 2K22" "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WWE 2K22\WWE 2K22"

5. Verify directory sizes, launch game.

Game Shows Xbox Controller Prompts When Using PS4 (or Other Controller)

That is how it is programmed. No known fix or workaround exists. Have to just get used to it for now.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2779536274					

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