World of Warships - Tips for New Players

World of Warships - Tips for New Players

World of Warships - Tips for New Players image 0

In this guide I will tell you the most basic tips and tricks you need to know to make your first steps in World of Warships.

Tips & Tricks

  • The firing range of a ship ≠ to the range that ship is most effective. There is no such thing as "snipers" in WoWS. 
  • Use the mini-map. Don't just glance at it, actually use it - it's the most useful tool in the game. Also use the "+" to make it larger. 
  • The most dangerous torpedos in the game have white triangles (meaning they have been fired by friendlies). Torpedos don't know which team they are on, they kill both sides without discrimination. 
  • Sometimes you need to attack, sometimes you need to capture a point, and sometimes you need to retreat and hide. Pay attention to points, ships remaining, and time remaining. 
  • Learn when a trade is advantageous vs not. Trading your 1/4 health ship for their full health higher tier ship is usually a good trade; trading your full health ship for their 1/4 health lower tier ship is usually not a good trade. 
  • Be patient. In your first few (hundred) games focus on learning, and staying alive. You will learn a lot more slowly and get frustrated if you charge in and die early every time. Even if you are not the best player, you are WAY more useful alive. 
  • While you might be tempted to go full broadside so you can aim as many of your guns at the enemy as possible, don't - in this game, doing so will just make you an easier target to shoot at. 
  • Try multiple ship lines. You will learn new play styles, AND the weaknesses of other ships. 
  • Use chat. Pay attention to chat. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. For all the salt in chat, the community can be pretty awesome at times. 
  • Don't worry about premium ships for a while. And for the love of God don't buy a premium at a tier higher than what you have played. 
  • Don't grind. Don't try to race up lines. Enjoy the ships. Enjoy the trip. A lot of decent low tier ships can be a lot of fun and have bad reputations because no one bothers to try and actually learn them. Tier 10 isn't the promised Land you think it is. Basically, have fun!

Use the mini-map. Don't just glance at it, actually use it - it's the most useful tool in the game. Also use the "+" to make it larger. 

The most dangerous torpedos in the game have white triangles (meaning they have been fired by friendlies). Torpedos don't know which team they are on, they kill both sides without discrimination. 

Sometimes you need to attack, sometimes you need to capture a point, and sometimes you need to retreat and hide. Pay attention to points, ships remaining, and time remaining. 

Learn when a trade is advantageous vs not. Trading your 1/4 health ship for their full health higher tier ship is usually a good trade; trading your full health ship for their 1/4 health lower tier ship is usually not a good trade. 

Be patient. In your first few (hundred) games focus on learning, and staying alive. You will learn a lot more slowly and get frustrated if you charge in and die early every time. Even if you are not the best player, you are WAY more useful alive. 

While you might be tempted to go full broadside so you can aim as many of your guns at the enemy as possible, don't - in this game, doing so will just make you an easier target to shoot at. 

Try multiple ship lines. You will learn new play styles, AND the weaknesses of other ships. 

Use chat. Pay attention to chat. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. For all the salt in chat, the community can be pretty awesome at times. 

Don't worry about premium ships for a while. And for the love of God don't buy a premium at a tier higher than what you have played. 

Don't grind. Don't try to race up lines. Enjoy the ships. Enjoy the trip. A lot of decent low tier ships can be a lot of fun and have bad reputations because no one bothers to try and actually learn them. Tier 10 isn't the promised Land you think it is. Basically, have fun!

Bonus: shoot at the enemy destroyers. If you don't like being permanently spotted and torpedoed by them, then take every opportunity you have to eliminate them.


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