Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 100% Tutorials Location Guide

Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 100% Tutorials Location Guide

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Der Nachtfalter (18 Tutorials)

This mission can be replayed from Abby after a few quests.

  • Information Computers

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  • Takedowns

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  • Shared Lives
  • Weapon Selection

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  • Revive

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  • Standard Keypad
  • Silver Coins

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  • Crouch

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  • Cloak

Shows only if you have cloak ability.

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  • Pep Signals

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  • Minimap
  • Weapon Upgrades

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  • Commanders

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  • Power Jump
  • Hatchet and Knife Throwing

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  • Journal

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  • Flashlight
  • Enemy Barrier

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Riverside / Post Crash - Dusk / Daylight (4 Missable Tutorials)

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Those tutorials are considered missable as they may require playing Co-op!

After you blended Winkler you crash in Riverside which have 3 variations:

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  • Post crash - Dusk.
  • Post crash - Daylight.
  • Late game.

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First one is available only at the begging of the game. Once you make your way to catacombs you can't access it alone - you need co-op partner who is hosting a game and actually doing this part.

Daylight Riverside is the version you get after you make your way to the catacombs. From what I can tell there are no differences between those two in terms of tutorials. It is mostly a reskin with minor changes (like missing mounted guns near fountain close to metro exit). Enemies starts at around lvl 20 in terms of power so you probably wouldn't be able to get those tutorials straight away without being steamrolled.

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At some point in the game (Lab X Mission?) you get the 3rd variation of the map. This version is quite different than previous versions. Section of the map from the wreck to the Keypad(4th Tutorial in this section) becomes unavailable. Some boxes on which computers rests are missing(including backup location for Sprint Crush).

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If you didn't pick those tutorials at the beginning of the game, the only option to get them (as far as I can tell) is to play with someone else.

Hopefully I can find alternative spot for them so that solo players can easily get them after first visit to catacombs or in the end-game.

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I don't think that you can rely on matchmaking here especially if you are like level 30-50+ - game just won't match you with player that is lvl 5-10 at this point.

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To get those tutorials you need: A friend + 20 minutes of your life. Get your friend to create a new character and make him/her host a game. Sprint together through Nachtfalter on easy difficulty. Get all missing tutorials from this section.

  • Collectibles

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  • Sprint Crush

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Shows only if you have crush ability.

Alternate location:

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  • Padlocks

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  • Online Keypad

Riverside / Late Game (6 Tutorials)

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  • Grenade Throwing

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  • Crush

Shows only if you have crush ability.

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  • Tag Enemies

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  • Enemy Tiers
  • Slam Crush

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Shows only if you have crush ability. This tutorial can be also found on Riverside(post crash) near the bus, close to Sprint Crush.

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  • Metro Map
  • Catacombs

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  • Catacombs

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  • In-world Markers
  • Abby's To-do List

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Unlocks after a few quests.

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Political Detention Area 4 (5 Tutorials)

While this section covers Political Detention Area 4 those tutorials should also spawn in Little Berlin and Victory Boulevard.

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  • Lean

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  • Undergrounds

This tutorial should also spawn near entrances to other undergrounds.

  • Brother Gates

This tutorial should also spawn near gates on other maps.

  • Action

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  • Paris Districts

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Little Berlin (1 Tutorial)

  • Grenade Roll

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This tutorial is in a room in Little Berlin Hospital that is locked until you get Ubercommander Fleischer quest(one of the end-game side missions).

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Brother 1 (1 Tutorial)

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  • Laserkraftwerk

Brother 2 (1 Tutorial)

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  • Dieselkraftwerk

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Brother 3 (2 Tutorials)

  • Tougher Enemies

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  • Elektrokraftwerk

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Siegturm Plaza (1 Tutorial)

  • God Key

This tutorial can be unlocked during Siegturm mission (which is replayable). It is in a first room after you exit the elevator after getting the key. Replayed mission starts at this point so it is easy to grab the key and exit to main menu.

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  • Catacombs

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  • Controls

This optional tutuorial is unlocked by entering Control menu inside Wolfenstein arcade game in Catacombs bar area.

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Co-op (1 Optional Tutorial)

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  • Co-op Sister Identity

This tutorial unlocks automatically when you join a co-op session and "your" sister is already taken by the host. As far as I know it's impossible to get this as a solo player - it isn't counted by a statistics page though.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/4839-wolfenstein-youngblood.html					

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