the story of the wobbledog universal war so far

the story of the wobbledog universal war so far


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when the beast known as I T, appeared, it started killing and devouring anything in its sight. it enjoyed indulging in wobbledogs, so it stayed there a little longer than normal. it took over a pen and distorted it.this creature is incredibly dangerous, and has been spotted in multiple universes. it seemed it could not be stopped. until wrath awoke.

Chapter 1

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wrath awoke, spraying corrosive venom to burn i t's skin. i t fought back, but wrath mutated and lunged back

it spat venom again and completely ignored the tab wound on its side. then wrath stabbed i t with its deadly venomous tail to weaken it.

it seemed to work, but i t wasnt giving up. it scratched and slashed and bit, and wrath did the same. but suddenly, a portal opened up behind wrath, and multiple different characters from other games emerged. a terraria calamity character, carrion, and a wobbledog fought with wrath. they helped him to remove this universal tyrant, but was this enough?

Chapter 2

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the terrarian fled, carrion squirmed through a pipe and the wobbledog was devoured by i t. 2 other wobbledogs came in, and wrath immediately mutated. he tried to explain what i t was doing, but it only wants to see everything die. 2 green claws frantically dug up and emerged from the soil. i t's universal interference is waking more creatures. finally, a kaiju named radon burst growled at wrath and i t, and shot gamma energy from it's mouth. wrath roared at radon and threw i t at him, startling radon and causing him to bite i t. i t slashed at radon, and retreated. radon, now faced with only 1 threat, growled and got ready to blast gamma energy again. wrath growled deeply and radon stopped attacking.

Chapter 3

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radon simply stared at wrath, and walked away. wrath went back to fighting i t, but it was gone. wrath growled and looked around frantically, and roared in anger. but just when he thought all was well, a blue dragon-like creature broke in.It was known as scrawnix, the electric kaiju. wrath grabbed its tail, but scrawnix sent an electric shock to his hands. wrath roared and scrawnix screeched back. scrawnix stopped attacking and bursst open a wall to let cruncher, the worm, and toxis, the toxic kaiju in. wrath growled in confusion, and left to his lair. but he sensed 3 energy signals.. wait.. 4? he flew over to the source but made sure to steer clear of going to close. he saw three creatures, electro, watcher, pyro and frost. wrath observed for a while, making sure that they wouldnt leave. after watching, he flew back to his pen. wrath then sensed a drop in energy signatures. it was i t. it had.. died? a new energy signature appeared. h i m.

Chapter 4

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h i m, an unknown creature.he slew wobbledogs left and right, showing no mercy. i t somehow came back to life, and befriended a worm wobbledog.the wyrm appeared, attacking everyone. fortunately, wrath fought it off.after the fight, a long time past, and wrath mutated. when he finished, a portal opened up right in front of him. what came out was.. said, "hello, strange creature. i am vulture. and you are?

"wrath. how exactly did you do this?"

"long story.."

Chapter 5

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after a long conversation, vulture went off to conduct some experiments with his new creation and his hand-made staff. he intended to use the dna of wobbledogs and his own to create wobblebirds. at first it was a success, but then something unexpected happened.millions of dactyls emerged from the machine as it exploded, and they all were different. they now inhabited the wobble-pens.

vulture, due to having dactyl dna, had accidentally created these creatures.

while wrath was resting, he was awoken by a long-awaited friend.

void had returned from a long journey. wraths great friend had finally returned. after the meeting, void fixed a miros bird

altering its mind, void made it less aggressive and fixed its endless hunger and rage.

a while after, a new, extremely dangerous creature emerged.armed with tearing teeth, sinister eyes and strong limbs, this creature would be the perfect killing machine. it then killed cruncher and almost toxis,feasting while battling. this caused the wobblesnake to go to its location,and attempt to kill it. the new creature, UNKNOWN, tried to manipulate it. wrath's attention was caught like a bottle in a net when this happened while he was resting in his rocky wasteland. wrath had to leave.

Chapter 6

wrath sensed unknown's location in this universe. but something else was interfering. a disturbance.

the sky seemed to tremble with fear.

he could hear quiet yelps from afar.

"the wobbledogs..?"

he flew over to inspect, and cracks were forming all through the pens. all except the white room.

suddenly, the pens fell and collapsed like birds hit by rocks.


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