Steam Achievements - WIP

Steam Achievements - WIP

The Bounty Hunter Journey Part 1

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Unforgiven (Unmissable, story related)

Dig up your Bounty Hunter cache and suit up

Out on the Ebb Tide

Take down Shelby Cross in Copper Mountain Quarry

If you plan on having only one playthrough, I suggest you make a save once you reach your husband, because there are two achievements here that you can get using this save. Do not overwrite that save slot.

The first is to take down Shelby Cross, but you will need to open that Unbreakable door, and to do that, you need to pull three levers.

First lever:

You will need to carry a barrel, place it beside the ledge, stand on it and jump to the ledge.

Second lever:

This one is located behind where your husband was imprisoned. Jump over to the ledge on the right side to get there.

Third lever:

Jump from the train tracks to access this ledge.

The entrance to Shelby Cross will be opened and now, you can fight and kill him. Then escape the area for the achievement to pop.

The Great Escape

Get your spouse out of the quarry without ever alerting Shelby Cross

Now you can reload that save slot, leave the area without bothering about Shelby and save him for one of the bounty targets later.

Justice Served (Unmissable, story related)

Complete the Bounty Hunter Journey


Use a Nimp Relic to gain an ability for the first time


Use a Golden Ace of Spades to gain a perk for the first time

Let’s Ride

Recruit your first follower

Recruit an individual to your posse.

Full House

Recruit a full posse

Recruit an additional individual to your posse.

Dead or Alive

Turn in your first bounty from the board

Look up the bounty boards, pick a target and hunt them down within 15 days.

Welcome to the Weird West

Kill your first monstrous enemy

You should get this one killing a siren. Werewolves, zombies and wraiths should work as well.

The Bounty Hunter Journey Part 2

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Note: The Steam Achievements listed here on Part 2, can also be achieved when you move on to other heroes' journeys. Or course, it's better to finish them off while you're still playing the Bounty Hunter just to get them done with.

Off the Trail

Complete 10 side quests

As the description implies, look for 10 side quests to complete. Going after bounty targets works too.


Knock someone out by dropping onto them from above

A reference to the Dishonored game. You just need to get somewhere higher up and jump down landing on your target. They need to be knocked out for the achievement to pop, so if you land on them but they weren't knocked out, you need to try again.

If you're doing this on town people, remember to save your game before you do it. I did this one on the Protector's Journey.

And yes, I know I'm an a** for doing it on this poor lady grieving for her deceased family member.

Chain Reaction

Catch 2 or more enemies in Chain Lightning

Sneak close to two targets that are close together and throw a Lightning In A Bottle at them, making sure that they are within the radius of effect.

This Is Sparta

Kick someone off of a rooftop or cliff

A reference to the 300 movie. Just kick someone off a roof. Press "F" to kick.

Galen's Crossing is a good place to do this.

I Kicked a Bird and I Liked it

Kick a flying Vulture

Find a vulture snacking on carcasses and kick it.

For me, the achievement popped when I jumped and kicked one that was perched on a fence. It wasn't flying though.

Here Comes Santa Claus

Break into a building through the chimney

Make sure you have a rope in your inventory. Look for a house with a chimney, get on the roof next to the chimney and you should do this easy enough.

If you're not able to get on the roof, carrying some barrels and placing them next to the roof edge will help a lot.

Lord Inut Sends His Regards

Roast a live chicken

When you see any chicken, look for a lighted lamp to carry and throw it at the chicken.

Or if you have a Wildfire Cocktail, that works too.

Be sure to save your game before you do it, or you may be caught for vandalizing other people's property.


Start a fight against a bear while drunk… and win

I achieved this one during a random encounter against two bears. Quickly open up your inventory, drink up and fight the bears!

According to the Global Achievements stats, not many people have this one currently (03 April 2022), but that will change in time as this is really an easy one. Good luck though!


Read 50 books

Make sure you read every book and literature that you see as you explore around. It doesn't need to be done on the Bounty Hunter's journey as I got this achievement on the Pigman's Journey after reading a few more books.

Gold Digger

Dig up 10 mound caches

You have to be observant as you are exploring various places and look for these mound caches. Ten of these will help you pop the achievement.

Do Not Pass Go…

Serve time in jail

Save your game before you do this if you want to maintain your reputation.

Steal some items making sure people are looking and when the sheriff comes to pick you up, choose the option to go to jail.

Ghost Town

Turn a settlement into a ghost town

Again, save your game before you do this if you want to maintain your reputation.

Look for an easy town and kill everyone in it. Be aware that the sheriff and devotees (if any) are harder to kill so what I did was, I sneaked up on some of them and knocked them out first without alerting other people, then kill them later while they're down.

Once everyone is dead, leave the map to another place and the achievement should pop.

The Pigman Journey

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That’s All, Folks (Unmissable, story related)

Complete the Pigman Journey

Workers' Rights

Kill Maximo and free the Lantern room’s workers

Turning the Tables (Missable)

Turn Ruth into a Pigwoman

When given the option, please make sure to choose that you want Ruth to be turned into a pig. This will also help your "Monster Hunter" achievement later on, when Ruth Bough becomes a bounty target.

Through Their Eyes

Recruit a previous Journey Hero to your posse

Go to Bell Stead and recruit Jane Bell, the Bounty Hunter.

The Protector Journey

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For Balance (Unmissable, story related)

Complete the Protector Journey

Dirt and Blame

Become a Wiindigo

I've just completed the Protector Journey but did not get this achievement as I have chosen not to be greedy. Looks like I gotta reload some save files and this time, be as greedy as I can to see if I get this one.

One would not to give the townpeople back their land title. And another, I supposed may have something to do with the Protector's cousin. Will update as I get into it.

Thanks to SKADRIL who posted in the comments! Here are the requirements:

Extort Neomi for her husband's Sheriff star, extort the villagers for their land rights-- kill them -- and sell their land rights at a bank, and do not strike a truce with the Dagger and Bones. Doing so will turn you into Wiindigo at the end where you burn Olvidado's head.

Fallen Star

Retrieve the fallen Sheriff’s star from the ruins of Boulder Creek mine

After killing all the Ravenous in Boulder Creek, you will speak to Jun Peng who tells you that their sheriff went missing. Ask more about the sheriff and you will be told that you should talk to his wife, Noemi.

Look for Noemi Del Bosque in town (she will have the side quest logo on top of her head), talk to her and ask about her husband. Agree to look for him.

She will ask you to look for his sheriff's star when you go to Boulder Creek Mine.

The achievement pops once you find it there, though you should still return it to Noemi after that.

Healing Old Wounds

Return Glenn Mills’s rifle to Maryann

Thanks to Iron Bear who posted his video in the comments!

Check out the video above to see where to find Glenn Mills' rifle and once you got it, head to Fort Glenn to give it back to Maryann.

For me, I saved the game before I gave it to her, so I can reload back and use the rifle for myself after the achievement pops.

Rain of Death

Turn one of your arrows into an elemental arrow

I achieved this one accidentally. Will update more later.

Winds of War

Turn a Tornado into an Elemental Tornado

This one popped for me at the start of the Protector's journey when I was in the cave hunting the first Ravenous. I got this one accidentally when my posse decided to use a tornado.

If that didn't happen for you too, you can purchase the Western Wind ability and anytime you see a fire, you can use the ability.

Alternatively, you can throw either a Lightning In A Bottle or a Wildfire Cocktail, then use the ability.

Who You Gonna Call?

Complete a quest given by a Ghost

After a ceremony which enables you to talk to spirits (or ghosts), you can then help them complete their quest given to you.

The problem is, I have yet to find one ghost giving me any quest and the one that you get at the Olvidado mansion don't count for this. Will update when I find one.

Monster Hunter

Collect the bounty on a Pigman or Ravenous

All you need to do is look at the bounty boards and pick a Pigman or Ravenous as your next bounty to collect. For me, I picked Ruth Bough.

Elusive Prey

Collect a bounty for turning in either Leila, Shelby Cross or Galen Weeks

As the description states, kill one of these individuals and collect their bounty for the achievement to pop.

I did this one on the Protector's Journey, but I think you can get this one during Pigman's, as Shelby would've probably been a bounty target then.

If Shelby was killed during the Bounty Hunter's journey, then any of the other two would have to suffice.

The Werewolf Journey

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Dog Days (Unmissable, story related)

Complete the Werewolf Journey

Loyalty to the Pack (Missable)

Rescue the missing Werewolf

When Laila goes missing and you are told to look for her in Grackle, go there and in the middle of town, you will see two men standing next to a body of a person killed by Laila. One is the sheriff and the other is Albert Jones, the Werewolf Hunter.

Talk to Albert and agree to go to his house. This will be a side quest and you will have to leave Grackle and on the map, choose his house which will be indicated by the blue side quest logo.

At his house, let him show you the rifle, which he will bring you to his basement and you will see a werewolf, Nancy Waddington, imprisoned there.

Tell Albert to get flooded and kill him. Open the prison door to free her and the achievement should pop.

You should do this one before reading Sybil's journal.

Moon Hunter

Turn a Bounty Hunter into a Werewolf

You will need to have:

1. Wolfsbane Clippings (just one is enough)

2. A Silver Knife

3. A human in your posse (mine was Jane Bell, but it seems others can suffice too)

If you aren't able to get Wolfsbane Clippings, there's one right outside Laila's house entrance in a suitcase when you visit Grackle to look for her. The only problem is there are people looking making it hard for you to take...ok, steal it.

The good thing is, you're playing the Werewolf and you have a unique ability called Yeb's Invisibility, so activate that and steal the Wolfsbane Clippings from the suitcase.

Now, you can go to Albert Jones' house (see previous achievement) as there is a tame wolf there.

Make sure it is night time, if not, Loiter. Give the Wolfsbane Clippings to your human companion and then, kill the wolf with a Silver Knife.

The achievement should pop once you see your companion turn.

Of course, you can also do this at any other places with wolves. I'm just making it easy for you to get two achievements in one place.

For a video reference, please see this YouTube video made by Iron Bear. Thanks, Iron Bear!

The conditions for this achievement are stated at the end:

"To Bring a Beast Into the Blood. Fashion ye a DAGGER from purest SILVER. Let the one MARKED FOR THE TRANSFORMATION carry upon their person a sprig of WOLFSBANE.

By NIGHT, find thee a WOLF, and hunt it with all thy craft and cunning. KILL the wolf with thy SILVER DAGGER.

With the wolf slain, let thy subject stand before the corpse, wolfsbane clutched tight, that the wolf's SPIRIT may be drawn within their beating heart, and so fixed in place, the two wedded for all time."

The Philosopher’s Stone

Aid Essex Mast on his quest

Hopefully, you have been helping Essex Mast during the previous journeys. However, it's the Werewolf's one where this achievement will pop when you help him again, this time, by looking for the soul vessel for him while you are also looking for Leila at the Oleander Temple.

As you find Leila imprisoned, there is another prisoner opposite Leila's cell who will ask you to help open the cell and in return, that prisoner will tell you how to find the soul vessel.

After you free that prisoner, you can then press a hidden mechanism on the wall, near the large incense and you will be able to get the soul vessel.

Power Behind the Pulpit

Read Sybil’s journal

In Cleric Franciscus' room, there is a hidden button behind one of the curtains. Press that and a trap door will be revealed.

Enter the trap door and you will come face to face with Sybil, an Oneirist who is hidden in this basement. Behind her table is a door with a lightning sign on it. To open it, throw a Lightning In A Bottle at it and it will be opened revealing Sybil's Journal.

Pick it up to read it and the achievement will pop.


Kill 3 enemies in less than 5 seconds in Wolf form

This one is pretty straightforward. Activate your werewolf form and kill three enemies within five seconds.

The trick is to find three enemies close to each other and do it.

The Oneirist Journey

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Something Wicked This Way Comes… (Unmissable, story related)

Complete the Oneirist Journey

Winter Has Come

Collect all 3 of Pigman Joe’s Tour du Weird West souvenir snow globes

A reference to The Game of Thrones. This one seem to be the hardest achievement to get according to the Global Achievement stats.

Other sources has consistently stated that as long as Pigman Joe still lives, you should be able to get all three snow globes at his place (Joe's Hideaway) during the Oneirist's Journey.

Yet To Achieved

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I have not achieved the Steam achievements below.

Once I do get them one by one, I will update them to their relevant Journeys.

There is Hope

Save the world

Eternity Can Wait

Spare Essex Mast at the end of the Oneirist Journey

Mystery Machine

Save both innocents in The Strangeness

Knuckle Sandwich

Beat the Heathen at her Slap Game

Getting the Gang Back Together

Bring all the Journey Heroes back to the Broken Steppe Temple alive

Make sure any previous heroes that you recruit for your posse stay alive till the end of the game.

What’s in the Box?

Return the Heathen’s Box unopened

Just don't open the box, no matter what.

It All Dies

End the world

Hog Wild

Beat Pigman Joe at a Poker Game

You have to find Pigman Joe at saloons in random towns to play poker with him and win. His appearance is random so take the chance when you see him.


Locate every Temple of the Ancients

Thanks to SKADRIL who posted in the comments!

Interact with the Stele's at Cedar Flats, Blood Moon Temple, and Horsetail Grotto. You don't even have to go to those temples. Simply interacting with the Stele's should give you the achievement


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