We Need to Go Deeper - How to Win with Espadon

We Need to Go Deeper - How to Win with Espadon

We Need to Go Deeper - How to Win with Espadon image 0

A guide on how to win, or atleast do good, using the Espadon, including bots, items, power settings, and other strategies!


First of all, you need a good title, and something that makes people want to join, like a pun, or a lenny face, here's an example, Deeper ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). A title like this is great for attracting players to join you, because nobody wants to be alone all day, except some people, we won't judge.


Suggested items are as follows:

  • 1 Warrior/Soldier.
  • 1 Healer/Doctor.
  • 1 or 2 Mechanics.
  • If planning for completion, 1 Translation Book over Doctor.

Translator or Doctor need to be the first with a backpack, then Mechanics, then Soldier.


The ship settings and upgrades are very important, the suggested weapon is Harpoon Gun, important upgrades include hull, Espadon has only 30 hull, therefore 10 more is much safer and can be a game saver, corrosive fuel is also great, especially on volcanic depths with the enemies immune to some shots, torpedo should be used carefully, as Espadon is pushed around a lot by it, and takes damage on wall contact.

Onto stats, one the first area, Cursed, Atlantic, or Frozen, stats should be 3 engine and 1 gun, Area 2, Dark or Infected, both will work with 2 engine 1 gun 1 light, or 2 engine 1 gun 1 lightt, depending on captain's decision, Area 3 is also dependant on decisions of captain, Area 4, if Jurassic choose 2 engine and 2 gun, if Mechanical be very careful and go slow, shoot turrets, use 1 light, 2 gun, 1 engine, for The Meteor, choose 2 engine 2 gun, or if too dark for you, choose 1 light, 2 engine, 1 gun.

Use batteries however you wish.

Additional Notes

Here's some extra info:

  • Don't give kids Dynamite or Chem Kit.
  • Don't spam torpedo.
  • Constantly crouch near Trash Crab for better loot.
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/4455-we-need-to-go-deeper.html					

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