The Bootleg Trollface

The Bootleg Trollface

The Bootleg Trollface

The Bootleg Trollface image 1

Within Watch_Dogs 2, you can come across a Bootleg Trollface meme in some of the hackerspaces.

The Real Trollface

The Bootleg Trollface image 4

This is a REAL Trollface. You can clearly see that the real Trolface looks more Trolly and you can tell that this guy is a troll and he is going to troll you. The Watchdogs 2 Trollface looks like its missing half it's brain

In-depth Trollface Comparison

The Bootleg Trollface image 7
The Bootleg Trollface image 8

Here is the original Trollface meme.

LOL isnt it hilarous?

Now here is the Watchdogs 2 Trollface.

Doesn't it look gross?

Why Did Ubisoft Commit This Atrocity?

Believe it or not, the Trollface is actually copyrighted! In fact, there was a game on the Nintendo switch that was removed permanently from the Nintendo store because it had the Trollface as the main character!!! Le me when I sue Nintendo for le stealing my le Trollface! Ubisoft probably knew of this and I guess they thought that the inclusion of this Trollface meme was so important that they needed to change the Trollface just so they could include it. They could have spent more time polishing the game but the Trollface was a higher priority.

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