Use. Your. Grenades.

70% Of Gamers NEVER Use Their Grenades.

My source for that statistic? "Just trust me, bruh."

For real, think about how many games you've gone through in which not a single grenade was thrown.

I won't be speaking of the Psyker, because we all know their "grenade" is both infinite in capacity to use and is a core part of their kit. If they aren't using it... They're even worse off than the rest.

Zealot's grenade can buy time, stopping enemies in their tracks and allowing you to wipe them out. Ideal for a swarm, revives or to stop a dangerous backline elite they cannot otherwise halt.

Veteran's grenade is just an all-round strong tool, as it pops hordes, busts heavy armor units and can slap backline elites ezpz.

Ogryn's grenade can bean heavy armor units, likewise, and should be used whenever an enemy Ogryn appears.

Folks, don't hold those nades for days.

Grenade pickups aren't terribly rare and there are many cases in which a well-placed grenade can lessen the pressure and save a fair chunk of ammunition otherwise spent.


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