Different Enemy Armour Types

Different Enemy Armour Types

Here Are All The Types Of Units.

Different Enemy Armour Types image 1

Default Enemies (Poxwalkers)

Different Enemy Armour Types image 3

They are infested no matter where you shoot them.

Default Enemies 2

Different Enemy Armour Types image 6

Idk what they are called but they are always Unarmoured

Armoured Default Melee

Different Enemy Armour Types image 9
Different Enemy Armour Types image 10

This guy has Flak Armour unless you shoot him in the head or legs where he is then counted as Unarmoured

This guy is Unarmoured unless you shoot him in the head then he is Flak Armoured

Grunts With Guns

Different Enemy Armour Types image 14
Different Enemy Armour Types image 15
Different Enemy Armour Types image 16

This guy has Flak Armour unless shoot him in the arms or legs then he is Unarmoured

These guys are both Flak Armoured unless you shoot them in the arms or legs then they are Unarmoured

This guy is always Unarmoured


Different Enemy Armour Types image 21

He is Unyielding everywhere except on the arms and shins where is Carapace Armoured

A bit of extra info: for some reason as long as you are in front of him it will always count as you hitting his shield which is 0 damage, even if you hit him in the legs or head or side. So if you want to do consistent damage to him, make sure you are always behind him because his shield will magnetically draw your bullets for some reason.


Different Enemy Armour Types image 25

He is always Carapace Armoured

Dreg Gunner

Different Enemy Armour Types image 28

He is Flak Armoured on the chest and left foot, but arms, head, shoulders, legs and right foot are Unarmoured

Dreg Rager

Different Enemy Armour Types image 31

He is always a Maniac

Dreg Shotgunner

Different Enemy Armour Types image 34

He is Flak Armoured, except in the arms, legs and head where he is Unarmoured

Dreg Tox Flamer

Different Enemy Armour Types image 37

They are always Maniacs


Different Enemy Armour Types image 40

Mauler is Flak Armoured everywhere except the head where he is Carapace Armoured


Different Enemy Armour Types image 43

He is always a Maniac


Different Enemy Armour Types image 46

It is always Infested


Different Enemy Armour Types image 49

He is Unyielding in the head and bicep areas and legs, Carapaced on his right shoulder, his hands, wrist and shins, and Flak Armoured on his chest

Scab Bomber

Different Enemy Armour Types image 52

He is always Flak Armoured no matter where you shoot him.

Scab Flamer

Different Enemy Armour Types image 55

They are always Maniacs

Scab Gunner

Different Enemy Armour Types image 58

He is Flak Armoured except on the legs where he is Unarmoured

Scab Rager

Different Enemy Armour Types image 61

He is always Flak Armoured

Scab Shotgunner

Different Enemy Armour Types image 64

He is Flak Armoured on the head, chest and feet, but Unarmoured on whole arms and legs.

Scab Sniper

Different Enemy Armour Types image 67

He is always Unarmoured

Scab Trapper

Different Enemy Armour Types image 70

She is always a Maniac

Thank You!

Thanks for reading, I really hoped this helps!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2901116328					

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