[1.5.x] Curios, Stimms, Difficulty Mutators, Player Debuffs & Mechanics

Curio Blessings

Toughness_bonusStamina_modifierExtra_max_amount_of_woundsPsyker, Veteran ZealotOgryn

Icon            Mechanics     Health+X% Max Health

stat buff:

Highest possible value per curio: 21%

Increases a character's maximum health; also applies to health while downed. Stacks additively with max health buffs from other curio blessings, curio perks and small talent nodes.

For example, one +21% health curio, one +17% health curio, and a 10% health small talent node increase a Zealot's base max health of 200 by 200x(0.21+0.17+0.1)=96 to 296 health total.     Toughness+X% Toughness

stat buff:

Highest possible value: 17%

Increases a character's maximum toughness; stacks additively with other toughness percentage buffs from curio blessings and curio perks, their sum stacks multiplicatively with a character's base toughness amount and flat toughness increases.

For example, a Veteran with one +15 toughness small talent node, one +16% toughness curio, and one +14% toughness curio will have his base toughness amount of 100+15=115 further increased by 115x(0.16+0.14)=34.5 to 149.5 toughness total (HUD rounds up: 150).

A character's maximum toughness is the base value that is used in toughness replenished calculations of most talents and blessings.     Stamina+X Max Stamina

stat buff:

Highest possible value per curio: +3

Increases a character's maximum stamina; stacks additively with other stamina curios, stamina weapon perks, stamina small talent nodes, and weapon stamina templates. Each segment of the stamina bar in the player HUD represents 1 stamina.

Note that stamina curios with a 400 rating, despite occasionally displaying +3 in the inventory menu, will in fact only add +2 stamina when connected to game servers.     Wound+X Wound(s)

stat buff:

Highest possible value per curio: +1

Adds one health segment; stacks additively with other wound curios and Zealot's talent Faith's Fortitude. After getting knocked down, one health segment is fully converted to corruption damage; if a character has only one uncorrupted health segment remaining the next knockdown will kill the character.

Base amount of health segments:



Heresy 4 3 2 5 4 3

Curio Perks (Part I)

Max_health_modifier5%Toughness_bonus5%Toughness_regen_rate_modifier Toughness_regen_delay_multiplier0123Base Delay1x Tier 4 Perk2x Tier 4 Perk3x Tier 4 PerkRegen Delay+30%-20%Ability_cooldown_modifier4%

HealthIcon            Mechanics     +X% Max Health

stat buff:

Increases a character's maximum health; also applies to health while downed. Stacks additively with max health buffs from other curios perks, curio blessings and small talent nodes.

For example, one +% health curio with a + health perk, one +8% health curio with a + health perk, and a % health small talent node increase Zealot's base max health of by x(.+.4+.8+.5+.)=4 to 4 health total.Values (per tier)% | % | |

ToughnessIcon            Mechanics     +X% Toughness

stat buff:

Increases a character's maximum toughness; stacks additively with other toughness percentage buffs from curio perks and curio blessings, their sum stacks multiplicatively with a character's base toughness amount and flat toughness increases.

For example, an Ogryn with two +5 toughness small talent nodes, one + toughness curio with a + toughness perk, and one +7% toughness curio with a + toughness perk will have his base toughness amount of 5+5+5=8 further increased by 8x(.5+.4+.7+.5)=.8 to .8 toughness total (HUD rounds up: ).Values (per tier)% | % | |

Toughness Regeneration SpeedIcon            Mechanics     +X% Toughness Regeneration Speed

stat buffs:

This curio perk does two things:

() It increases a character's base amount of toughness regenerated while in coherency; stacks additively with the same buff from other curios, and talents like Ogryn's Feel No Pain, Lynchpin, Stay Close!, or Veteran's small talent node Inspiring Presence; stacks multiplicatively during calculation with Zealot's Fortitude in Fellowship and Loner.



CoherencyCoherency Regen

per second

w/o any buffsCoherency Regen

per second

w/ x%Coherency Regen

per second

w/ x%

w/ LynchpinCoherency Regen

per second

w/ x%

w/ Loner

w/ Fortitude 4.5 .757.594.5 5.65.6875.57.85

() It reduces the coherency regeneration delay. This is the time until coherency regen kicks in after its conditions have been met; stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios.

 x Tier 4 perkx Tier 4 perkx Tier 4 perk.5s.s.96s.768s

For further details on coherency toughness, see the 'Base Stats' section in any of the talent guides.BuffRegen Rate

Values (per tier)+7. | + | +. | +%

- | -% | - | -%

Combat Ability RegenerationIcon            Mechanics     +X% Combat Ability Regeneration

stat buff:

Reduces the maximum cooldown of combat abilities; stacks additively with max cooldown reductions (from other curios, Psyker's aura Seer's Presence, and the difficulty mutators that reduce ability cooldowns by %) as well as with max cooldown increases (from Veteran's Only in Death Does Duty End, Overwatch, or Zealot's Perfectionist).

For example, a Veteran with Overwatch (+.) playing the Maelstrom mutator (-.) with three curio perks (-.) while being in coherency with a Psyker running the cooldown aura (-.), now has an Infiltrate max cooldown of 45+45x(.-.4)=4.95s (HUD rounds up: 4s).

Does not interact with Concentration Stimm's remaining cooldown reduction effect which increases a character's base ability cooldown rate of s per second by additional s per second.

For an explanation of how this curio perk interacts with Psyker's Warp Siphon, see the Psyker talent guide.Max Cooldown Reduction (per tier)% | % | % |

Curio Perks (Part II)

Block_cost_multiplier12%Revive_speed_modifier Base     12% Revive Speed  24% Revive Speed  36% Revive Speed  36% Revive Speed W/ LNOBRevive Time12%Sprinting_cost_multiplier15%Stamina_regeneration_modifier12%

Block EfficiencyIcon            Mechanics     +X% Block Efficiency

stat buff:

Reduces the stamina cost when blocking attacks; stacks multiplicatively with block cost reduction buffs from other curios and melee weapon perks, Psyker's Kinetic Deflection, weapon blessings Deflector, Last Guard; and with stamina cost reduction buffs from Veteran's Conditioning, and Celerity Stimm.

For example, blocking a Crusher sideswing with the Chainsword Mk IV: With just the Chainsword equipped, a Veteran has 6 max stamina. The Crusher sideswing deals 4 stamina damage. With three Tier 4 curio perks, and a 20% Block Efficiency perk on the weapon, the sideswing's stamina damage is reduced to 4x0.88³x0.8=2.18 (the HUD will display 64% remaining stamina).

For an in-depth explanation of how this curio perk interacts with Kinetic Deflection, see the Psyker talent guide.Block Clost Reduction (per tier)6% | 8% | 10% |

Revive SpeedIcon            Mechanics     +X% Revive Speed (Ally)

stat buff:

Increases a character's interaction speed when reviving knocked down allies; stacks additively with revive speed buffs from other curios and talents like Veteran's Leave No One Behind (LNOB). Only applies to revive actions, does not apply when rescuing respawned allies, pulling allies up from ledges, or freeing allies from nets.



  3s ~2.68s~2.42s~2.2s~1.92sRevive Speed (per tier)6% | 8% | 10% |

Sprint EfficiencyIcon            Mechanics     +X% Sprint Efficiency

stat buff:

Reduces stamina drain while sprinting; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting cost reduction buffs from other curios, ranged and melee weapon perks, talents like Zealot's Unremitting, and Celerity Stimm; also stacks multiplicatively with stamina cost reduction buffs from Veteran's Conditioning and Celerity Stimm.

For example, Zealot with a Tactical Axe equipped has 4 max stamina. All Tactical Axes have a base drain rate of 0.75 stamina per second while sprinting. So without any buffs, Zealot can sprint for 4/0.75=5.33s until stamina reaches 0. With three Tier 4 curio perks, Zealot can now sprint for 4/(0.75x0.85³)=8.68s. Alternatively, with just an active Celerity Stimm (i.e. a of 0.5, and a stamina_cost_multiplier of 0.75), Zealot can now sprint for 4/(0.75x0.5x0.75)=14.22s.Sprint Cost Reduction (per tier)6% | 9% | |

Stamina RegenerationIcon            Mechanics     +X% Stamina Regeneration

stat buff:

Increases a character's stamina regeneration rate; stacks additively with the same buff from other curios.

For example, Ogryn has a stamina regeneration rate of 1 stamina per second. With three Tier 4 curio perks, this is increased to 1+0.36=1.36 stamina per second. So if Ogryn has 8 max stamina, he now would regen from 0 to full in 8/1.36=5.88s.

Note that this curio perk does not affect the stamina regeneration delay. This delay is set per character (for details on each character's stamina stats, see the 'Base Stats' section in the respective talent guides).Stamina Regen (per tier)6% | 8% | 10% |

Curio Perks (Part III)

Corruption_taken_multiplierEffective Reduction15%Corruption_taken_grimoire_multiplierEffective Reduction20%Damage_taken_by_cultist_grenadier_multiplier Damage_taken_by_renegade_grenadier_multiplierEffective Reduction20%20%Damage_taken_by_cultist_flamer_multiplier Damage_taken_by_renegade_flamer_multiplierEffective Reduction20%20%

Corruption ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Corruption Resistance

stat buff:

Reduces corruption damage taken by any enemy source that is dealing corruption damage, including Poxburster explosion, toxic gas, Poxwalker melee attacks, Pox Hound pounce, Beast of Nurgle vomit/slime/eaten, Daemonhost, grimoires, etc; stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios and other damage reduction buffs.

Against Dreg Tox Bomber and Pox Hound, this curio perk can be stacked with Bomber Resistance and Pox Hound Resistance respectively to further reduce the damage taken by these two breeds.

For example:


Reduction 2x



 1x 1x 

 2x 3x 


 2x 3x

 3x 27.75% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8% 53.76%  68.55% Damage Resistance (per tier)6% | 9% | 12% |

Grimoire Corruption ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Corruption Resistance (Grimoires)

stat buff:

Reduces corruption damage taken by grimoires reducing both the fixed grimoire_chunk of 40 corruption damage per book as well as the corruption DoT (1.2 base corruption damage every 10s); stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios, Corruption Resistance, and other health damage reduction buffs.

For example:





 1x 1x 

 2x 3x 


 2x 3x

 3x 36% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8% 53.76%  68.55% Damage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | |

Bomber ResistanceIcon             Mechanics      +X% Damage Resistance (Bombers)

stat buffs:

Reduces any damage taken by Dreg Tox Bomber and Scab Bomber attacks: direct grenade hit, grenade toxic gas cloud, grenade ground fire patch, melee kick; stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios and other damage reduction buffs.

Against Dreg Tox Bomber, this curio perk can be stacked with Corruption Resistance to further reduce the corruption damage taken by grenade's toxic gas.

For example:


Reduction 2x



 1x 1x 

 2x 3x 


 2x 3x

 3x 27.75% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8% 53.76%  68.55% BreedsDreg Tox Bomber

Scab BomberDamage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | |

5% | 10% | |

Flamer ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Damage Resistance (Tox Flamers)

stat buffs:

Reduces damage taken by Dreg Tox Flamer and Scab Flamer attacks: direct fire hit, fire DoT, flamethrower trail on ground, and melee kick; stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios and other damage reduction buffs.

Note that this curio perk does reduce the initial explosion damage of the exploding tank but does not reduce damage taken by the ground fire patch that is left behind by the tank explosion of either Flamer breed.

For example:







 1x 1x 

 2x 3x 

  19%  27.75%  36% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8%BreedsDreg Tox Flamer

Scab FlamerDamage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | |

5% | 10% | |

Curio Perks (Part IV)

Damage_taken_by_cultist_gunner_multiplier Damage_taken_by_renegade_gunner_multiplier Damage_taken_by_chaos_ogryn_gunner_multiplierEffective Reduction20%20%20%Damage_taken_by_cultist_mutant_multiplierEffective Reduction20%Damage_taken_by_chaos_hound_multiplierEffective Reduction20%Damage_taken_by_renegade_sniper_multiplierEffective Reduction20%

Gunner ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Damage Resistance (Gunners)

stat buffs:

Reduces any damage taken by Dreg Gunner, Scab Gunner, and Reaper (ranged and melee attacks); stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios and other damage reduction buffs.

Against Reaper, this curio perk can be stacked with Ogryn's Heavyweight talent to further reduce damage taken by Reaper's attacks specifically.

For example:







 1x 1x15% 

 2x 3x 

  19%  27.75%  36% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8%BreedsDreg Gunner

Scab Gunner

ReaperDamage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | 15% |

5% | 10% | 15% |

5% | 10% | 15% |

Mutant ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Damage Resistance (Mutants)

stat buff:

Reduces any damage taken by Mutant (slams); stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios and other damage reduction buffs.

Note that this curio perk does not reduce damage taken by the Mutant breed variant (with glowing eyes) that is spawned by difficulty mutators ('Waves of Mutants').

For example:







 1x 1x15% 

 2x 3x 

  19%  27.75%  36% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8%Damage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | 15% |

Pox Hound ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Damage Resistance (Pox Hounds)

stat buff:

Reduces any damage taken by Pox Hound (pounced); stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios, Corruption Resistance, and other damage reduction buffs.

Note that this curio perk does not reduce damage taken by the Pox Hound breed variant (with glowing eyes) that is spawned by difficulty mutators ('Hunting Grounds').

For example:







 1x 1x15% 

 2x 3x 

  19%  27.75%  36% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8%Damage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | 15% |

Sniper ResistanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Damage Resistance (Snipers)

stat buff:

Reduces any damage taken by Sniper (shot, melee attacks); stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from other curios and other damage reduction buffs.

For example:







 1x 1x15% 

 2x 3x 

  19%  27.75%  36% ~38.59% 42.2%  45.6%  48.8%Damage Resistance (per tier)5% | 10% | 15% |

Curio Perks (Part V)


Curio Drop ChanceIcon            Mechanics     +X% chance of Curio as Mission Reward (instead of Weapon)

meta stat buff:

Increases the chance to receive a curio instead of a weapon reward when completing a mission; stacks additively with the same buff from other curios. Relevant data is handled by Fatshark's backend, so exact statements on base curio drop rate and the impact of this buff cannot be made.Values (per tier)5% | | 15% |

ExperienceIcon            Mechanics     +X% Experience

meta stat buff:

Increases the amount of XP a character gains from failed or completed missions; stacks additively with the same buff from other curios. Also applies to XP gains beyond level 30 (overlevels can be displayed by the True Level[www.nexusmods.com] mod). Generally, progression data is stored and handled by Fatshark's backend, so exact statements cannot be made. But it looks like that this buff applies to the XP total which would include bonuses from quickplay, side objectives and difficulty mutators.

This curio perk does not affect weapon mastery XP.Values (per tier)2% | 4% | 6% |

Ordo DocketsIcon            Mechanics     +X% Ordo Dockets (Mission Rewards)

meta stat buff:

Increases the amount of Ordo Dockets gained from failed or completed missions; stacks additively with the same buff from other curios. Generally, progression data is stored and handled by Fatshark's backend, so exact statements cannot be made. But it looks like that this buff applies to the Ordo Dockets total which would include bonuses from quickplay, side objectives and difficulty mutators.Values (per tier)4% | 6% | 8% |


Attack_speed Charge_up_time Fov_multiplier Reload_speed Sprinting_cost_multiplier Stamina_cost_multiplierChain_lightning_jump_time_multiplier Psyker_throwing_knife_speed_modifier Smite_attack_speed Vent_warp_charge_multiplierFov_multiplier Power_level_modifier Rending_multiplierWarp_charge_amountReduce_ability_cooldown_time

Celerity StimmIcon       Mechanics 

Duration: 15s; can be refreshed during active duration

Sets a character's stamina to 100% upon use. Additionally, grants the following buffs:

stat buffs:

• Increases ranged and melee weapon attack animation speed by 20%; stacks additively with other attack speed buffs from talents

• Reduces the charge up time of weapon charging actions (e.g. Plasma Gun, Helbore Lasguns, Psyker staves alt fire) and ability charging actions (Psyker's Brain Rupture / Brain Burst, Smite) by 25%; stacks additively with weapon blessings Volatile, Warp Flurry, and Weight of Fire

• Slightly zooms out FOV

• Increases weapon reload animation speed by 15%; stacks additively with other reload speed buffs from talents, weapon blessings, and weapon perks

• Reduces stamina drain while sprinting by 50%; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting cost reduction buffs from Sprint Efficiency on curios, ranged and melee weapons, and talents like Zealot's Unremitting; also stacks multiplicatively with stamina cost reduction buffs from Veteran's Conditioning and Celerity Stimm

• Reduces any kind of stamina drain by 25% (blocking, pushing, sprinting, Veteran's Deadshot); stacks multiplicatively with the same buff from Veteran's Conditioning; also stacks multiplicatively with sprinting cost reduction buffs from Sprint Efficiency on curios, ranged and melee weapons, talents like Zealot's Unremitting, and Celerity Stimm; also stacks multiplicatively with block cost reduction buffs from Block Efficiency on curios and melee weapons, Psyker's Kinetic Deflection, and weapon blessings like Deflector and Last Guard

stat buffs: (Psyker only)

• Reduces Smite's jump time by 25%, from 0.3s to 0.24s, for both LMB and RMB; stacks multiplicatively with related buff from Empowered Psionics

• Increases the speed of Assail's shard throwing actions by 25% for both LMB and RMB

• Reduces Brain Rupture / Brain Burst's charge time by 25% for both LMB and RMB attacks; stacks additively with charge time reductions from Empowered Psionics and Kinetic Resonance, and multiplicatively with Celerity Stimm's general charge time reduction

• Increases the overall efficiency of quelling by 25%; stacks multiplicatively during calculation with talent Solidity that modifies the speed in which peril is quelled; applies only to active quelling, passive quelling is unaffected

Combat StimmIcon       Mechanics 

Duration: 15s; can be refreshed during active duration

stat buffs:

• Slightly zooms in FOV

• Increases the power level of melee and ranged attacks, explosions, DoTs, and Blitz and Combat abilities by 25%; stacks additively with other power level buffs from weapon blessings, and multiplicatively with damage buffs; 'Power level buffs' increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable)

• Grants 25% rending to melee and ranged attacks, explosions, DoTs, and damaging Blitz and Combat abilities boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding; stacks additively with other rending buffs ('rending') and with rending debuffs that are applied to enemies ('brittleness')

stat buff: (Psyker only)

• Reduces the amount of peril generated by 33%; stacks multiplicatively with other peril cost reduction buffs from Becalming Eruption, By Crack of Bone, Empyric Resolve, Inner Tranquility, Kinetic Resonance, Reality Anchor, and small Peril Resistance nodes

Concentration StimmIcon       Mechanics 

Duration: 15s; can be refreshed during active duration


Additionally to a character's base combat ability cooldown rate of 1s per second, reduces the remaining ability cooldown by 3s per second. For example, with an active Concentration Stimm, a 45s cooldown will be finished after 45/4=11.25s.

Other reduction effects that reduce the remaining ability cooldown proc additionally to the stimm's effect, e.g. Psyker's Psykinetic's Aura, or Ogryn's Bruiser, Go Again!, Maximum Firepower, or Veteran's Tactical Awareness, or Zealot's Invocation of Death, Martyr's Purpose, Pious Cut-Throat.

Does not interact with Combat Ability Regeneration from curios which only reduces the maximum cooldown of a combat ability.

Med StimmIcon       Mechanics 

Duration: 8s; can be refreshed during active duration

Upon use, restores either one health segment worth of health or 25% of a character's maximum health depending on which amount to be healed is greater. Restores both missing health and permanent corruption damage. Cannot be used if the target (self or ally) is at 100% max health; cannot be used on knocked downed allies.

The buff icon shows the 8s duration. During this duration, the total to-be-restored health amount can be restored at any time. For example, for a character with 210 max health and 2 health segments the total amount to be healed will be 210/2=105 health (because 210x0.25=52.5 would be smaller). If this character uses the stimm at 167 health, the missing amount of 210-167=43 health will be restored upon use. This means that the stimm can still restore 105-43=62 health during the remainder of its active duration. So if the character takes 80 more damage before the duration ends, the stimm will restore 62 health and leave the character at 210-80+62=192 health.

Difficulty Mutators (Part I)

Ability_cooldown_modifierExtra_max_amount_of_grenades Warp_charge_amount_smiteHealth

Combat Ability CooldownIcon       MechanicsPlayers have 20% reduced Ability cooldown.

stat buff:

Reduces the maximum cooldown of combat abilities; stacks additively with max cooldown reductions (Combat Ability Regeneration from curios, and Psyker's aura Seer's Presence) as well as with max cooldown increases (from Veteran's Only in Death Does Duty End, Overwatch; or Zealot's Perfectionist).

For example, a Zealot with Perfectionist (+0.25) playing the mutator (-0.2) with two 4% curio perks (-0.08) while being in coherency with a Psyker running the cooldown aura (-0.1), now has a Shroudfield max cooldown of 30+30x(0.25-0.38)=26.1s.

Does not interact with Concentration Stimm's remaining cooldown reduction effect which increases a character's base ability cooldown rate of 1s per second by additional 3s per second.

For an explanation of how this mutator's cooldown reduction interacts with Psyker's Warp Siphon, see the Psyker talent guide.

Enhanced BlitzIcon       MechanicsEnhanced Blitz.

stat buffs:

For Ogryn, Veteran, and Zealot, this mutator adds 2 grenades to the maximum grenade capacity; stacks additively with Veteran's Grenadier, so for example, playing the mutator with the talent, Veteran can now carry 3+2+1=6 Frag Grenades total.

For Ogryn, also adds 2 rocks to Big Friendly Rock's maximum projectile capacity (now 6 total).

For Zealot, also adds 2 throwing knives to Blades of Faith's maximum projectile capacity (now 14 total).

For Psyker, adds 2 shards to Assail's maximum projectile capacity (now 12 total), and reduces peril cost for Brain Rupture / Brain Burst and Assail by 50%; the peril cost reduction stacks multiplicatively with Kinetic Resonance. For Smite, this mutator does nothing.

Monstrous SpecialistsIcon       MechanicsMonstrous Specialists (Chance that Specialists become weaker Monstrosities).

This mutator grants a 20% chance to spawn a monster instead of a special. Possible monster breeds are Beast of Nurgle, Chaos Spawn, and Plague Ogryn. Monstrosities spawned by the mutator have 60% reduced max health (see table). The maximum amount of monstrosities that can be alive at the same time and are spawned by the mutator is 2. Note that this max amount does not consider monstrosities that are spawned naturally by map triggers (these have full health) and that it can struggle to apply when special pacing has just (re)started (e.g. at the beginning of a map).

Beast of NurgleChaos SpawnPlague Ogryn


Nurgle's BlessingIcon       MechanicsNurgle's Blessing (Enemies have a chance to get a buff that makes them tougher).

This mutator grants a chance that enemies receive a set of buffs when they spawn:

ChanceBreeds 2.5%Groaner 5%Bruisers, Scab Shooter, Stalkers 7.5%Poxwalker 10%Bulwark, Crusher, Gunners, Pox Hound (mutator), Mauler, Mutant (mutator), Reaper, Scab Bomber, Scab Captain 12%Mutant 15%Dreg Tox Bomber, Flamers, Pox Hound, Ragers, Shotgunners, Sniper, Trapper 25%Beast of Nurgle, Chaos Spawn, Daemonhost, Plague Ogryn

Enemies affected by Nurgle's Blessing receive the following buffs:

• adds green VFX to enemies' bodies

• reduces incoming damage by 35%

• grants an impact_modifier of -100% which makes enemies harder to stagger; talents like Ogryn's Crunch!, Slam, or Veteran's Competitive Urge and Executioner's Stance, or Zealot's Grievous Wounds, Hammer of Faith, Punishment, The Emperor's Bullet, and weapon blessings like Hammerblow, Thunderstrike, Trauma, etc, that buff an attack's stagger strength can help mitigate this effect

• increases enemy movement speed by 25%; does not apply to Scab Captain and monstrosities; Mutants are the only specials that have their movement speed increased

• increases ranged attack animation speed by 20%; applies to Gunners, Reaper, Scab Shooter, Shotgunners, Stalkers, and Scab Captain

• doubles the number of shots fired per shooting action for Gunners, Reaper, Scab Shooter, Stalkers, and Scab Captain; for example, a Scab Shooter fires either 2 or 3 shots per action but when buffed now fires either 4 or 6 shots per action; or a Dreg Gunner who fires 40 shots normally now fires 80 shots when buffed

Difficulty Mutators (Part II)


Power Supply Interruption / Ventilation PurgeIcons       Mechanics

The lights are out, bring a torch.Visibility reduced. Keep your melee weapons close.

These mutators provide two noteworthy changes that affect gameplay mechanics, both are related to enemy perception:

(1) The lights are out (Power Supply Interruption) or there is fog on the map (Ventilation Purge) and each reduces visibility for players, but also for enemies. All enemies (except for specials, monstrosities, and Captains/Twins) have their detection radius decreased by 50% (Power Supply Interruption) or by 30% (Ventilation Purge). This is the radius in which enemies try to detect possible player targets.

For example, Shotgunners (like most enemies) have a detection radius of 15m which the mutators reduce to 7.5m and 10.5m respectively, so players can approach enemies further before being detected and aggroing enemies by proximity.

(2) Enemies can be aggroed from a distance if a weapon flashlight is pointed directly at them. This effect exceeds most enemies' natural aggro ranges, especially considering that both mutators reduce enemy perception. The distances depend on the weapons' flashlight templates:




(Infantry, Recon) 28m 21m

(Infantry) 18m 13.5m 18m 13.5m

Note that a Daemonhost, without these two difficulty mutators, can always be alerted and ultimately aggroed by any flashlight that is pointed directly at it from within a 22m distance. The rate at which it builds up anger and therefore the time it requires to progress through its anger stages depends on distance: 3s within 7.5m to 12m, 23s within 20m, 33s within 22m (this is accounting for uninterrupted flashlight exposure and no other additional aggro factors); time starts when the greenish light appears.

Moreover, Power Supply Interruption has a higher chance to fill active monster triggers with Daemonhosts and also enables Poxwalker encampments (up to 6 per map) which are ambient hordes that remain passive until aggroed by players.

Pox Gas (Enemy Buff)Icon       Mechanics 

For details on the debuffs players receive from toxic gas see the respective 'Player Debuffs' section below.

There are currently three sources of toxic gas: Dreg Tox Bomber grenades, the Pox Gas mutator, and the gas clouds from Karnak Twins ambushes and boss fight. All sources apply the same buffs to enemies (see below). Enemies who are in toxic gas receive applicable buffs and keep them for 6s after leaving toxic gas. Buffs are applied to all enemies including Captains, Twins (if they are in Dreg Tox Bomber gas cloud), and monstrosities; toxic gas spawned in relation to Karnak Twins events (ambushes, boss fight) only affects Poxwalkers and no other enemies.

• adds green VFX to enemies' eyes (Beast of Nurgle and Chaos Spawn don't play the VFX but receive applicable buffs regardless)

• reduces incoming damage by 20%

• increases enemy movement speed by 30%; does not apply to Captains/Twins and monstrosities; Mutants are the only specials that have their movement speed increased

• increases enemy hit mass by a factor of 2.5 which makes enemies harder to cleave; weapon blessings like Devastating Strike, Perfect Strike, Savage Sweep, Shock & Awe, Sunder, and Wrath that buff an attack's effective hit mass limit can mitigate this effect

Karnak Twins Hard ModeHard Mode can only be enabled on Damnation difficulty by ringing the bell. The puzzle to unlock Hard Mode can be completed on any difficulty. This section only lists changes that are active with Hard Mode enabled, for a general overview of the fight and some further details refer to this guide.

Empowered Bosses• adds red VFX to their heads

• increases both melee and ranged attack animation speed by 50%

• grants them an impact_modifier of -300% which makes them effectively impossible to stagger with regular attacks; can still be staggered by combat abilities that force stagger (Ogryn's Loyal Protector, Veteran's Voice of Command, Zealot's Holy Relic with Banishing Light)

• increases their hit mass to 12 (from 4) which makes them harder to cleave

• doubles the void shield regeneration to 1600/s (up from 800/s) when one twin's shield is broken; having 12000 max shield, this would let a twin regen from 0 to full in 7.5s

• reduces incoming damage:

 CarapaceFlakUnarmoured-50% damage

(head, right upper arm)-50% damage

(torso, right lower arm)-30% damage

(center mass, left arm, legs)-50% damage

(head, left upper arm)-50% damage

(torso, left lower arm)-30% damage

(center mass, right arm, legs)

Boss Behavior Changes

• random dash: can use a dash randomly

• dash considerations: is overall more likely to use her 'dash and sweep' attack

• grenade throw considerations: is overall more likely to throw multiple grenades at once instead of single grenades; lower grenade throw cooldown (4s, down from 8s); can throw grenades if he hasn't done so within the last 8s (down from 20s); can throw grenades at players at up to 20m distance (increased from 15m)

Combat Pacing Changes• enables additional enemy spawn waves every 20s to 28s throughout the fight; four different wave types with one predominant elite breed (Scab Shotgunners, Scab Ragers, Maulers, Crushers); randomly chosen

• alternating gas phase alarm: lowers the alarm duration to 2.5s (down from 4s); this is the time before the alternating safe zones (brightly illuminated) are about to change during gas phases; during this time the red alarm lights go off in the arena and alarm sounds are being played

• alternating gas phase: lowers the duration intervals of the alternating safe zones during the gas phases to 14s to 18s (down from 20s to 25s for the first gas phase, and down from 15s to 22s for subsequent gas phases)

Player Debuffs (Part I)

Movement_speed Dodge_speed_multiplierZero_slide_frictionMovement_speed Dodge_speed_multiplier

Beast of Nurgle VomitIcon       Mechanics 

Being hit directly by Beast of Nurgle's vomit action applies a debuff that has the following effects:

stat buffs:

• Duration: 10s; can be refreshed when vomited on again

• Marks the player as a potential target to be eaten by Beast of Nurgle; Beast of Nurgle only tries to eat players that have been vomited on

• Reduces player movement speed by 15% (can stack up to 3 times); stacks additively with the movement speed reduction from Nurgle Slime on the ground and with movement speed buffs from talents and weapon blessings; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting speed buffs (Zealot's Swift Certainty)

• Reduces dodge speed by 10% (can stack up to 3 times); stacks multiplicatively with itself and with dodge speed buffs from Veteran's Weapons Specialist and Zealot's Inexorable Judgement

• Health Damage: the debuff itself deals no damage but the direct vomit hit that applies the debuff deals 2.8 base corruption damage (Damnation) per instance

• Toughness Damage: ignores toughness dealing damage immediately to health instead

Nurgle SlimeIcon       Mechanics 

Nurgle Slime on the ground can be created by Beast of Nurgle (vomit and slime trail), by the Phage Tree in Hab Dreyko, and by map props like Corruptors (when destroying their eyes) or the lab tanks in Warren. Since the map prop slime has no additional properties besides dealing corruption damage, this section only details the Nurgle Slime created by Beast of Nurgle; the Phage Tree slime has the same properties as the Beast of Nurgle slime (except for having half the duration and dealing twice as much corruption damage).

Nurgle Slime lasts for 20s (the yellow goo VFX is roughly 1s shorter than the actual effect duration) and has the following effects on players who are on it:

buff keywords:

stat buffs:

• Reduces player movement speed by 20%; stacks additively with the movement speed reduction from Beast of Nurgle vomit and with movement speed buffs from talents and weapon blessings; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting speed buffs (Zealot's Swift Certainty)

• Reduces dodge speed by 10%; stacks multiplicatively with dodge speed buffs from Veteran's Weapons Specialist and Zealot's Inexorable Judgement

• Removes friction while sliding on slime which allows to keep sliding until back on normal ground

• Tick Rate: every 0.35s; while sliding or sprinting, every 0.25s

• Health Damage: 2.5 base corruption damage per tick (Damnation) which increases to 3.125 corruption damage per tick while sliding or sprinting on slime; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: ignores toughness dealing damage immediately to health instead

Player Debuffs (Part II)

Prevent_toughness_replenish_except_abilitiesToughness_regen_rate_multiplier Spread_modifierPrevent_toughness_replenish_except_abilitiesToughness_regen_rate_multiplier Movement_speed Spread_modifierMovement_speed Spread_modifierPrevent_toughness_replenish_except_abilitiesToughness_regen_rate_multiplier Spread_modifier

Ground FireIcons       Mechanics


There are effectively four different ground fire templates that vary slightly in their effects on players: ground fire from (1) flamethrower trails of Dreg Tox Flamer and Scab Flamer, (2) Scab Bomber grenades, (3) Scab Flamer tank explosion and fire barrels, and (4) Dreg Flamer tank explosion.

(1) Dreg Tox Flamer / Scab Flamer (Flamethrower Trail)buff keyword:

stat buffs:

• Duration: 11s

• Coherency Toughness Regeneration: disabled

• Toughness Replenishment: any toughness replenishment from melee kills, talents, or weapon blessings is disabled except for Veteran's Voice of Command and Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude

• Tick Rate: every 0.35s

• Health Damage: deals 12 base damage per tick (Damnation) which increases over the first 17 ticks[i.imgur.com] ; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: 4x multiplier

• Weapon Spread: after leaving ground fire, increases ranged weapon spread by 100% which decreases linearly over 1.75s until losing its effect; stacks additively with spread reductions from talents and weapon blessings

(2) Scab Bomberbuff keyword:

stat buffs:

• Duration: 8s

• Extension: 100 units; adjusts to map geometry

• Coherency Toughness Regeneration: disabled

• Reduces player movement speed by 20%; stacks additively with other movement speed reductions and with movement speed buffs from talents and weapon blessings; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting speed buffs (Zealot's Swift Certainty)

• Toughness Replenishment: any toughness replenishment from melee kills, talents, or weapon blessings is disabled except for Veteran's Voice of Command and Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude

• Tick Rate: every 0.35s

• Health Damage: deals 15 base damage per tick (Damnation) which increases over the first 17 ticks[i.imgur.com] ; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: 4x multiplier

• Weapon Spread: after leaving ground fire, increases ranged weapon spread by 100% which decreases linearly over 1.75s until losing its effect; stacks additively with spread reductions from talents and weapon blessings

(3) Scab Flamer (Tank Explosion) / Fire Barrelstat buffs:

• Duration: 12s (tank explosion), 15s (fire barrel)

• Extension: 85 units; adjusts to map geometry; incentivizes enemies to path around it

• Reduces player movement speed by 25%; stacks additively with other movement speed reductions and with movement speed buffs from talents and weapon blessings; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting speed buffs (Zealot's Swift Certainty)

• Tick Rate: every 0.5s

• Health Damage: deals 10 base damage per tick (Damnation); knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: ignores toughness dealing damage immediately to health instead

• Weapon Spread: after leaving ground fire, increases ranged weapon spread by 100% which decreases linearly over 1.75s until losing its effect; stacks additively with spread reductions from talents and weapon blessings

(4) Dreg Tox Flamer (Tank Explosion)buff keyword:

stat buffs:

• Duration: 12s

• Extension: 85 units; adjusts to map geometry; incentivizes enemies to path around it

• Coherency Toughness Regeneration: disabled

• Toughness Replenishment: any toughness replenishment from melee kills, talents, or weapon blessings is disabled except for Veteran's Voice of Command and Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude

• Tick Rate: every 0.35s

• Health Damage: deals 12 base damage per tick (Damnation) which increases over the first 17 ticks[i.imgur.com] ; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: 4x multiplier

• Weapon Spread: after leaving ground fire, increases ranged weapon spread by 100% which decreases linearly over 1.75s until losing its effect; stacks additively with spread reductions from talents and weapon blessings

Player Debuffs (Part III)

ConcealedToughness_coherency_regen_rate_multiplier Toughness_regen_rate_multiplier Toughness_replenish_modifierConcealedToughness_coherency_regen_rate_multiplier Toughness_regen_rate_multiplier Toughness_replenish_modifierConcealed Prevent_toughness_replenish_except_abilitiesToughness_regen_rate_multiplier

Toxic Gas (Player Debuff)Icon       Mechanics 

For details on the buffs enemies receive from toxic gas see the respective 'Mutators' section above.

There are effectively three different toxic gas templates that vary slightly in their effects on players: toxic gas from (1) Dreg Tox Bomber grenades, (2) the Pox Gas mutator, and (3) Karnak Twins events.

(1) Dreg Tox Bomberbuff keyword:

stat buffs:

• Duration: 16s

• Extension: 80 units; adjusts to map geometry

• Tick Rate: every 0.75s

• Health Damage: 10 base damage per tick (Damnation) of which 8 are dealt as corruption damage and 2 as regular damage; note that if a player does not yet have any corruption damage taken, the first tick deals 10 total damage (8:2 ratio) and subsequent ticks then only deal 8 base corruption damage per tick; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: 7x multiplier

• Coherency Toughness Regeneration: disabled

• Toughness Replenishment: any amount of toughness replenished by melee kills, talents, or the Momentum weapon blessing is reduced by 30%; stacks additively with the toughness replenishment buff from Ogryn's Too Stubborn To Die, Veteran's Tunnel Vision, or Zealot's Blood Redemption, and multiplicatively with Psyker's Empyric Resolve

• Concealment: players inside toxic gas count as being '' which provides the same effect like Veteran's Smoke Grenade

• Outlines: players inside toxic gas do not see the outlines of team mates or pinged enemies; this also disables outlines applied by talents like Veteran's Executioner's Stand, Focus Target!, or Psyker's Disrupt Destiny

(2) Pox Gas Mutatorbuff keyword:

stat buffs:

• Duration: between 16s to 20s; the build up phase of 8.5s has no effect

• Tick Rate: every 0.75s

• Health Damage: 10 base damage per tick (Damnation) of which 8 are dealt as corruption damage and 2 as regular damage; note that if a player does not yet have any corruption damage taken, the first tick deals 10 total damage (8:2 ratio) and subsequent ticks then only deal 8 base corruption damage per tick; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: 7x multiplier

• Coherency Toughness Regeneration: disabled

• Toughness Replenishment: any amount of toughness replenished by melee kills, talents, or the Momentum weapon blessing is increased by 50%; stacks additively with the toughness replenishment buff from Ogryn's Too Stubborn To Die, Veteran's Tunnel Vision, or Zealot's Blood Redemption, and multiplicatively with Psyker's Empyric Resolve

• Concealment: players inside toxic gas count as being '' which provides the same effect like Veteran's Smoke Grenade

• Outlines: players inside toxic gas do not see the outlines of team mates or pinged enemies; this also disables outlines applied by talents like Veteran's Executioner's Stand, Focus Target!, or Psyker's Disrupt Destiny

(3) Karnak Twinsbuff keywords:


stat buff:

• Duration: gas phases during boss fight (Damnation) can last between 20s and 25s (first phase) and 15s and 22s (subsequent phases); with Hard Mode enabled, gas phases can last between 14s and 18s; gas during boss ambushes lasts until boss vanishes

• Tick Rate: every 0.25s

• Health Damage: up to 10 base corruption damage per tick (Damnation) which scales per time spent in toxic gas dealing full damage per tick after 12s; knocked down players take 75% less damage

• Toughness Damage: 3x multiplier

• Coherency Toughness Regeneration: disabled

• Toughness Replenishment: any toughness replenishment from melee kills, talents, or weapon blessings is disabled except for Veteran's Voice of Command and Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude

• Concealment: players inside toxic gas count as being '' which provides the same effect like Veteran's Smoke Grenade

• Outlines: players inside toxic gas do not see the outlines of team mates or pinged enemies; this also disables outlines applied by talents like Veteran's Executioner's Stand, Focus Target!, or Psyker's Disrupt Destiny

• When leaving toxic gas, deals one tick of 4 base corruption damage

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3318538305					

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