Profile "Mosaic"

Profile "Mosaic"


Profile "Mosaic" image 1

Salutations this is a guide on how to make a workshop showcase "mosaic". If you have 6000 Steam Points™️ to lose you can upgrade from 1x5 tiles to 3x5.

This process is easier with a "Save All / Export All" plugin but it can be done without.

Getting Started

Find an image. Don't make it too lewd or Gabe will get upsetti.

Scale your image to exactly 820x502px.

(Every tile is rendered at 122px HOWEVER Steam renders these smaller than their actual size so we'll make every tile 160px sq. This includes the optimal spacing of 5x11px relevant to this scale).

Editing In G.I.M.P.

Profile "Mosaic" image 9

In this step we'll cut the squares into new tabs. (You may find a plugin to do multiple "New Guides" at once.) You can also cut all of these squares out manually in most graphic editors.

Image > Guides > New Guide > Add the following numbers in:

Vertical: 160, 165, 325, 330, 490, 495, 655, 660

Horizontal: 160, 171, 331, 342

Option 1: Image > Slice Using Guides. You should now have a bunch of tabs. After you export these 160x160px files to png (or jgp, ew). Name them whatever you want.

Option 2: Use Filters > Web > Slice. This automatically places all sliced files into a specified folder.

Close the extra thin+small trash segments or delete them later. Only keep your 160x160px images.

You're done with GIMP.

Upload To Wallpaper Engine

Profile "Mosaic" image 19
Profile "Mosaic" image 20
Profile "Mosaic" image 21

Open Wallpaper Engine

Click "Wallpaper Editor" in the bottom left.

Select any file for "Create Wallpaper" which you "want to share" (it really doesn't matter what you upload for this step because no one probably wants your dumb wallpaper)


Click the Workshop tab on the top left and click "Share wallpaper on Workshop"

Insert a random title (people can see this)

Set age to "Everyone"

Visibility must be "Public"

ONLY USE "Import File" and upload one of the 150x150px images you created. (Snapshot will mess it up, trust me).

You may need to agree to the EULA at this point if its your first time. Congrats go do that up to 14 more times.

Finishing Up

Add it to your profile: Profile > Edit Profile > Featured Showcase > My Workshop Showcase > select your workshop previews. As of publishing this guide: Steam's user interface is really buggy in this step. Just move them around if you make a mistake.


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