Welcome to ValhallaIf you want to mix drinks and change lives with the best of them, this is the guide for you! From helpful keyboard shortcuts to a comprehensive guide of what drinks to serve to who when, its got it all.
Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts
Enter - toggle fullscreen
Space - advance text, start/stop mixing a drink, serve a finished drink
Ctrl - fast-forward text (warning: FAST)
V - toggle text sound
Tab - show conversation history
Q, W, E, R, T - Add one Adelhyde, Bronson Extract, Powdered Delta, Flanergide, and Karmotrine, repsectively.
Shift+Q, W, E, R, T - Remove one of each ingredient
A - toggle ice
S - toggle aging
I, O, P, K, L - streaming text
Drink List
DrinkPriceAlcoholicIceFlavorPrimary TypeSecondary TypeA Fedora$500 YesNoN/ABottledAbsinthe$500 YesNoN/ABottledBad Touch$250 YesYesSourClassyVintageBeer$200 YesNoBubblyClassicVintageBleeding Jane$200 NoNoSpicyClassicSoberingBloom Light$230 YesYesSpicyClassicBlandBlue Fairy$170 OptionalNoSweetPromoSoftBrandtini$250 YesNoSweetClassyHappyCobalt Velvet$280 YesYesBubblyClassyBurningCrevice Spike$140 OptionalNoSourManlySoberingFlaming Moai$150 YesNoSourClassicClassyFluffy Dream$170 OptionalNoSweetGirlySoftFringe Weaver$260 YesNoBubblyClassyStrongFrothy Water$150 NoNoBubblyClassicBlandGrizzly Temple$220 YesNoBitterPromoBlandGut Punch$80 OptionalNoBitterManlyStrongMarsblast$170 YesNoSpicyManlyStrongMercuryblast$250 YesYesSourClassyBurningMoonblast$180 YesYesSweetGirlyHappyMulan Tea$500 YesNoN/ABottledPiano Man$320 YesYesSourPromoStrongPiano Woman$320 YesNoSweetPromoHappyPile Driver$160 YesNoBitterManlyBurningRum$500 YesNoN/ABottledSparkle Star$150 OptionalNoSweetGirlyHappySugar Rush$150 OptionalNoSweetGirlyHappySunshine Cloud$150 OptionalYesBitterGirlySoftSuplex$160 YesYesBitterManlyBurningZen Star$210 YesYesSourPromoBland
The Guide (Introduction)
DayApartmentCustomerOrderDrink(s) To ServeAdditional NotesThis is where we're gonna start the 'main' section of the guide - a day-by-day list of instructions to get the most out of a single playthrough. It will be formatted like this:
1 (12/13)n/aWelcome to Chapter 1: Primerá
'' is the indicator of what day it is, formatted as [Game ] ([In-universe ])
'' will let you know if there's an action you need to perform in your apartment that day (which is most days).
'' is who's ordering the drink.
'' is their order as interpreted by Jill through the in-game dialogue.
'' is the best drink to serve for flawless service - either the specific drink they ordered, the most expensive drink you can serve at that given moment, or the best drink for ensuring that you get all the achievements / endings you can in a single run.
'' is any extra notes or musings I felt to include while I was writing this guide.
The Guide (Day 1-4)
DayApartmentCustomerOrderDrink(s) To ServeAdditional Notes1 (12/13)n/aWelcome to Chapter 1: PrimeráGillian"Gil wants either a Sugar Rush or a Piano Man."Piano ManDonovan"He wants a Beer. He looks like quite the big guy, though."Big BeerIf you serve a regular Beer here, you'll get the "I know what I said" achievement for messing up an order without forfeiting your flawless service bonus."Beer again. This man likes his Beers. They come cheaper in bulk at the store, though."Big Beer"Third time's the charm… for what? Anyway, better get him that beer."Big BeerIngram"He wants a Gut Punch. I wanna give him a gut punch, alright."Gut Punch"He wants a Piledriver. I honestly feel like suplexing him, though."Piledriver"Alright. Let's give him a Fringe Weaver."Fringe WeaverBREAKSei"Something small, sweet, and icy."Moonblast"A classy drink. Simple enough."Cobalt VelvetKim"Think carefully, Jill. Give her something that will calm her down."Flaming MoaiBecause you can serve Kim any drink here, this is one of the few opportunities to serve a Flaming Moai (served 1 Adelhyde, 1 Bronson, 2 Delta, 3 Flanergide, 5 Karmotrine) without incurring penalty. Summons Secret Client #1."She's asking for a Piano Man."Piano Man"She wants a Brandt-… sorry, a Mar-… AGH!"Brandtini2 (12/14)Purchase a Holo-plant and the Mulan Tea.Donovan"The usual… gee, I wonder what he means."Big Beer"He wants a Marsblast?"Marsblast"Mr. Donovan wants something bitter to wake him up."Grizzly TempleDorothy"Dorothy wants a Piano Woman. Easy enough."Piano Woman"One Moonblast coming right up."Moonblast"One big Sunshine Cloud and one Gut Punch."Big Sunshine Cloud, Gut PunchJamie"A Marsblast. Mars."MarsblastBREAK*Kira* Miki"Something like tea… or something not so bitter."Mulan TeaServing *Kira* Miki the Mulan Tea here unlocks her ending."Something soft. I wonder if she means alcohol-free or something else."Blue Fairy"She wants something bitter. Maybe, to sober up a bit?"Sunshine Cloud3 (12/15)Purchase "Your Love is a Drug"Alma"Alma wants a… pffft… a Bad Touch."Bad Touch"A weird drink. Hm… Promo drinks fit that bill, easily."Piano Man"A big Brandtini. Easy enough."Big BrandtiniDonovan"Mr. Donovan wants the usual."Big Beer"He wants a Bleeding Jane."Bleeding JaneBREAKStella"What was that drink whose name was changed after people caused a stink?"Piano Woman"Drink in honor of a good friend… hm… "Piano Man"Two Fringe Weavers, easy enough."Two Fringe Weavers"Two Blue Fairies are due."Two Blue Fairies4 (12/16)Automatically pay $800 for porn subArt"$80. Let's see what kind of drink you can buy with that."Gut Punch"Alright. Let's give him a Grizzly Temple."Grizzly TempleStreaming-chan"Nasty drink, nasty drink… Manly and Promo drinks are both nasty, but that's my opinion."Piano ManThe wiki says you can serve any drink here… but I don't think you can? I tried serving a Fedora while I was making this guide and incurred a penalty."Let's pffft… g-give her a baahaha! *ahem* A big Bad Touch."Big Bad TouchWhile Streaming-chan is here, you might as well and press 'K' to get some extra 'stream chat' text to fly by and the "(´・ω・`)" achievement."She's asking me to get her drunk no matter what. That's an… interesting request."Big Fringe WeaverFringe Weavers have the most alcohol of any drink, but you HAVE to serve it big to get Streaming-chan drunk.BREAKBetty and Deal"Alright. Let's get them two Beers.'Two Beers"Let's get them two Brandtinis."Two Brandtinis"Two Strong drinks. Manly drinks."Two MarsblastsJamie"Jamie wants a Marsblast."Marsblast"Alright. Let's get him a Beer, then."Beer
The Guide (Day 5-9)
DayApartmentCustomerOrderDrink(s) To ServeAdditional Notes5 (12/17)Purchase a Joker CycloneDana"Let's give Boss some Rum."RumTaylor"Let's give this… um… brain a Blue Fairy."Blue Fairy"One Beer to make Taylor happy."Beer"Let's make a Cobalt Velvet, straight from Taylor to Alma."Cobalt VelvetAlma"Wonder what's up with her and Rum. But anyways, let's just give her a Fringe Weaver."Fringe Weaver"She wants a classy drink."Flaming MoaiThis Flaming Moai will summon Secret Client #2, and contrary to what I've seen posted on other guides / the wiki, will not prevent you from getting her ending.BREAKDorothy"Dorothy wants something sweet and alcohol-free."Blue FairyVirgilio"17? The hell does that mean?"A Big Fluffy Dream with 5 KarmotrineVirgilio wants any drink whose ingredient count adds up to 17 - this is really only achievable with optional Karmotrine drinks."He wants a plum… floating … perfume… in a… ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥."A FedoraNice try, guy.6 (12/18)Spend the day Hangin' With the Boss™7 (12/19)Purchase the Cracked DarumaWelcome to Chapter 2: AmargaBrian"He wants a Sugar Rush. I can do that."Sugar Rush"Let's give Brian a Suplex."SuplexStella"Stella asked for a Beer."Big Beer"Let's give Stella something sweet to calm her down."Piano WomanBREAKArt"Let's make a Zen Star for the sore baby."Zen Star"Two Bad Touches… better make them before I laugh too hard."Two Bad Touches"One Piano Man for the detective."Piano ManVirgilio"Something fake… uh… eh?"Frothy Water"He wants purity. I can't give him pure ingredients so… um…"Zen StarHaving successfully navigated all of Virgilio's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ drink orders, you have now unlocked his ending.8 (12/20)Purchase the ""Shoulder Massager""Rad Shiba"This… dog wants a Grizzly Temple. The déjà vu hurts."Grizzly Temple"The dog now wants a Fluffy Dream."Fluffy DreamSei"Sei seems to be in a bit of pain. Let me make sure I give her something sweet that doesn't have alcohol in it."Blue Fairy"Sei asked for a Bleeding Jane. But, is it really the best idea to giver her one?"Blue FairyServing Sei a sweet, non-alcoholic drink instead of a Bleeding Jane extends the conversation through your break.BREAKHang out with Sei behind the bar.Talking with Sei behind the bar nets you the "Deep Breaths" achievement.Jamie"A Gut Punch for Jamie."Gut Punch"Jamie asked for something bitter. That's a tad too broad a category, though. Maybe something Manly would be better?"Grizzly Temple"One Beer coming right up."BeerIngram"Ingram wants a Bleeding Jane."Bleeding Jane"Now he wants a Zen Star."Zen Star9 (12/21)Purchase Beer on DiscountNorma"The girl asked for a Fluffy Dream, but she's got to be crazy if she thinks she's getting alcohol so easily."Fluffy Dream (No Alcohol)Mario"A Marsblast for biker guy. I think he said Piano Woman first, though."Piano Woman"Again, he asked for a Gut Punch, but I'm pretty sure he asked for a Moonblast first."MoonblastThink you can get away with that wishy-washy order flopping in my bar, boy?"He actually asked for a Fringe Weaver instead of just something manly. Good for him."Fringe WeaverBREAKDorothy"A Bleeding Jane for Dorothy in honor of her… time of the… month…?"Bleeding Jane"A big Blue Fairy for the small pink-haired pixie."Big Blue Fairy"She asked for a Cobalt Velvet… Weird."Cobalt VelvetGillian"A Beer… for Gil. …haven't I seen that girl before?"Beer
The Guide (Day 10-14)
DayApartmentCustomerOrderDrink(s) To ServeAdditional Notes10 (12/22)Purchase the Cutesy Game PosterVirgilio"*mumble* Sparkle Star for the *mumble*."Sparkle Star"Bad Touch. Whatever."Bad TouchSei"Let's make a Beer."Beer"Let's give Sei something with ice."Piano ManBREAKStella"One Big Brandtini for Stella."Big Brandtini"Two Bloom Lights for the girls."Two Bloom LightsKim"Let's give a Sunshine Cloud to Kim."Sunshine Cloud"Something big and bubbly, huh."Big Fringe Weaver"She asked for… uh… "something". Literally."RumAlways fun to break out the bottled drinks. If you hadn't served Kim a Flaming Moai earlier, now would be the time to do it.11 (12/23)Purchase the MEGA CHRISTMAS TreeNacho"A Manly drink for the dog. Maybe I should just give him something bitter."Crevice SpikeServe a Crevice Spike here to get the achievement "Underappreciated drink" for serving the only drink on the menu nobody ever explicitly orders.Betty"Beer for Betty. I could make it big for the heck of it."Big BeerBetty and Deal"Let's make one Bloom Light and one Fringe Weaver."Bloom Light, Fringe WeaverBREAKAlma"Let's try to cheer Alma up. She might like classy drinks, but what she really likes…"BrandtiniServing Alma a Brandtini here to cheer her up unlocks her ending."Alma asked for something cold and with alcohol."Piano ManIf you hadn't served a Flaming Moai earlier, now would've been the time to do it. Alma will complain, but won't break your flawless service bonus."Let's give her something to help her get over the spiciness of the wings."Piano WomanJill"Jill asked for a Sugar Rush. Now, how did this thing work again?"Sugar RushOh, how the turn tables."A Big Beer. Big Beer, big Beer… what makes a Beer big in this thing?"Big Beer12 (12/24)Automatically pay $8000 for power bill"Vella""The girl asked for a Brandtini. The Lilim… freaks me out."Brandtini"Vella" is cosplaying as a character from YIIK: A Postmodern RPG[] - also published by ysbrd games.""Vella" asked for a Fluffy Dream. The Lilim… still freaks me out."Fluffy DreamDorothy"Dorothy seems down. She asked for a Sugar Rush, but hasn't she told me about a drink that cheers her up?"Piano WomanServing the Piano Woman instead of the Sugar Rush unlocks Dorothy's ending."WWDO: "What Would Dorothy ?""Piano WomanMaybe it's cheating, but it still works.BREAKHang out with Dorothy behind the bar.Unlocks the "Don't call me Becky!" achievement.Sei"Something cold for Sei."Piano Man"Something non-alcoholic for Sei."Bleeding JaneArt"Something strong for Mister Detective. Perhaps something manly?"Marsblast"A Cobalt Velvet for Mister Detective here."Cobalt Velvet13 (12/25)Merry MEGA CHRISTMAS!DanaPlay TRUTH or DARE!Hang out with Alma behind the bar.14 (12/26)Purchase the Alex FigurineWelcome to Chapter 3: DulceVirgilio"Um… Virgilio wants a Bleeding Jane."Bleeding Jane"Something spicy, something spicy…"Bloom Light"Virgilio wants something bitter."Grizzly TempleArt"Gut Punch for the silent detective."Gut Punch"Let's get him a Fringe Weaver."Fringe WeaverBREAKLexi"Let's get her a Fringe Weaver."Fringe WeaverLexi is the first 'Secret Client' who arrives as a result of serving a Flaming Moai to any customer, unlocking the achievement "An old friend". Lexi, as with all the secret clients, is a cameo character from 2064: Read Only Memories."Let's give Lexi a Sugar Rush."Sugar Rush
The Guide (Day 15-16)
DayApartmentCustomerOrderDrink(s) To ServeAdditional Notes15 (12/27)Purchase the Movie posterStella"Cobalt Velvet for Stella."Cobalt Velvet"Cold and sweet. I think I've heard that one before."Moonblast"Two Beers for the girls."Two BeersSei"Something classy for Sei."Cobalt Velvet"Something bubbly for a bubbly girl."Cobalt VelvetBREAKDorothy"The usual… I wonder what's wrong with her, though."Piano Woman"I should make her a drink. At the very least, I'll have something to throw at her."RumAnother one of the few 'any drink' orders - crack out the bottled stuff from under the counter.Mario"Sunshine Cloud for Mario."Sunshine Cloud"A Piano Man for Mario."Piano Man16 (12/28)Purchase the Maneki NekoIngram"A Marsblast for the guy that wouldn't come back… twice."Marsblast"Let's give Ingram a Suplex… Wow, that sounded weird."Suplex"Let's give him a Gut Punch… again, that didn't sound right.Gut PunchAlma"*pffffft* A Bad Touch for Alma."Bad Touch"A Brandtini, alright."Brandtini"A… Beer… man, I AM going crazy, aren't I?"BeerBREAKGillian"A Bleeding Jane for Gil."Bleeding Jane"A Beer for Gil now."BeerDorothy"A Fluffy Dream for the Dorothy on the go."Fluffy DreamTOMCAT"A Brandtini for the mysterious visitor."BrandtiniTOMCAT is the second 'Secret Client', who arrives as a result of serving Alma a Flaming Moai, unlocking the achievement "On a hacking pilgrimage". TOMCAT, as with all the secret clients, is a cameo character from 2064: Read Only Memories."Let's give the mystery client a Zen Star now."Zen Star
The Guide (Day 17-End)
DayApartmentCustomerOrderDrink(s) To ServeAdditional Notes17 (12/29)Purchase the *Kira* Miki PosterMake sure to save the game here! 17 is the last day before rent is due - perhaps the most important turning point in the game! If you're on your first playthrough and you want to stay on track for flawless service, only buy the poster and then go to work - if you're trying to get the 'bad ending', spend as much money as you possibly can - buy everything at the shop and purchase as much Nanocamo as you can.Donovan"Mr. Donovan's usual drink, huh…"Big Beer"A Moonblast? That's a new one for him."Moonblast"Let's give him a Piledriver… Literally."Piledriver*Kira* Miki"Miss Idol wants something sweet."Piano Woman"Something Tea-like. If I remember correctly,Mulan Tea"A Sparkle Star for Miss Idol."Sparkle StarBREAKSave the game here, again.Stella"A Bleeding Jane for Stella."Bleeding Jane"Now, let's give her a Brandtini."Brandtini"Stella wants something classic now."See NotesAPPARENTLY, you can fix up but NOT serve a Flaming Moai, reset your drink making, and serve Stella a beer, and it will still 'count' for serving a Flaming Moai and summoning Secret Client #3.Jess"Let's get her a Sugar Rush."Sugar RushJess is the third 'Secret Client', who arrives as a result of serving Stella a Flaming Moai, unlocking the achievement "A different breed of cat". Jess, as with all the secret clients, is a cameo character from 2064: Read Only Memories."Now, let's get a Brandtini."Brandtini18 (12/30)Automatically pay $10000 for rent, (optional) purchase the PC-9X and the Assorted CartridgesIf you REALLY are going for a full 100%, you can now attempt the Magical Warrior Julianne minigame - a side-scrolling bullet hell shmup that can be accessed by clicking on the little TV in the bottom right of Jill's room, provided you have purchased both the console and the cartridges. Additionally, receive the "I feel like an adult" achievement for paying all your bills, and "Focus!" for never being distracted.Betty"A Friday Beer for a cheerful Betty."BeerBetty and Deal"I need to serve a Bloom Light and something non-alcoholic."Bloom Light and a Bleeding Jane"Now, I need to serve a Piano Man and a Piano Woman."Piano Man and a Piano WomanStreaming-chan"Something *sigh* She wants something nasty again."Piano Man"She's asking for a girly drink now."MoonblastBREAKHang out with Gil behind the bar.Dorothy"D-Dorothy wants a Gut Punch. Is the world ending?"Gut Punch"Something sweet. That's more like it."Piano Woman"A Sugar Rush, alright."Sugar RushStreaming-chan"Sugar Rush… again."Sugar Rush"Now I need two big Beers."Two Big Beers19 (12/31)Purchase as many things as you have money for in anticipation of NG+Gaby"Let's make something to toast Gaby with. Preferably something sweet."Piano Woman or Blue Fairy w/o AlcoholCongratulations - you've served your last drink of the main playthrough!Watch the credits roll."Please come again", and thanks for playing.End 1 (2/3)VirgilioEnjoy some curry.Virgilio's ending - "Tim's Curry" achievement.End 2 (1/30)Stella and SeiEnjoy the *Kira* Miki concert.*Kira* Miki's ending - "Listen to my song!" achievement.End 3 (2/25)Alma and GabyEnjoy the sleepover.Alma's ending - "Sisterly bonding" achievement.End 4 (1/15)Dorothy and AnnaEnjoy some conversation.Dorothy's ending - "Dorothinquisition!" achievement.End 5 (8/25)Gillian and DanaEnjoy some time off.Good ending - "And now, for something completely different…" achievement. And don't forget to save your heart data for NG+!
The Guide (Last Achievements)
Finishing UpIf you've been following the guide faithfully so far, you should be missing the following 8 achievements (assuming you've powered through Model Warrior Julianne). Welcome back!
Cozy hell
I like it, okay?
So unnecessary
Living with style
Hit the jukebox
Jill of all tradesTo get 6 of these achievements, return to the save I said to make at the start of Day 17, in your apartment. Instead of continuing to work after buying the *Kira* Miki poster, purchase all of the remaining items availiable for sale at the shop - that will net you "So unnecessary". Next, purchase as much of the Nanocamo as you can, starting with the cheapest first - apply both the wall and table leopard pattern nanocamo to get "Cyberfunk". You might be short some cash for the last couple of the priciest nanocamo, but don't worry - you'll get more money at work.
Proceed to work, and when the jukebox comes up, fill it up with all the same song and get "I like it, okay?"
When you get back to your apartment on day 18, purchase all the remaining Nanocamo (you don't need the $10,000 RAD SHIBA camo, don't worry), netting you "Living with style". Proceed through day 18 and day 19 (use Ctrl to fast forward text) and get the 'bad' ending for being evicted, earning the "Cozy hell" achievement.
Begin New Game Plus by loading your Heart save data - as soon as you begin, you'll get "Welcome back!". Proceed through your first day at work, performing flawlessly for as much money as possible, and when you get back to your apartment, go to the store. There will be a third page of items to purchase, which includes all the music your Jukebox doesn't have yet - buy it all. You'll get "Hit the jukebox", and since it's the last achievement, "Jill of all trades" will pop as well. Congratulations!
Closing Remarks
You've done it! If you've followed this guide faithfully, you will now have all the achievements in VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action.
Before you go, you should play the extra 'Anna' chapters - click on the blue + on the main menu, and select ANNA, play through DEMO, which takes place before the start of the main game, and then you'll unlock START - new content that takes place after the game's events.
After that, you can put the game down, or you can go through New Game Plus - now that you don't have to restrict yourself to flawless service, you can experiment a little - serve your optional karmotrine drinks with as much of the stuff as you can pack, see who responds to different kinds of drinks or particular orders, and since your money and furniture carries over, you can finally buy that RAD SHIBA nanocamo for your walls.
When it's all said and done, I hope you had as good a time with VA-11 Hall-A as I did. It's one of my favorites, and I'll be thinking about it for a while to come.
See you at Tres Alicias...
Sequel Announced!
Be sure to check out Sukeban Games' recently announced sequel: N1RV Ann-A ~Trouble in False Paradise~! Expected in 2020 when it's done and releasing for PC on Steam, PS4, and Nintendo Switch! Information available at! Trailer here!
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