I'm guessing you're here because you're interested in checking out some mods available on the Steam Workshop. This short guide should get Patron mods up and running in no time.
Subscribe To A Mod
This is usually the first step. Browse through the Workshop, find a mod you like and click on the Subscribe button. This is all you need to do on the Workshop itself.
When you want to remove a mod from your list, don't forget to unsubscribe here as well. You could delete the mod from the game installation folder, but until you unsubscribe, it will keep on coming back ;).
Download The Mod
Each time you start the game launcher, it will check if there are any subscribed mods in the Workshop. If there is, and you either don't have it yet, or perhaps the version on the Workshop is newer than what you have locally, the game launcher will ping Steam client application to download the content from the Workshop. This can also happen at other times, but the game launcher is sure to call steam for the check.
Once the mods are downloaded, they will get copied over into the game installation folder, more specifically into the Mods sub-folder where they will sit idly as a neat little archive, which brings us to the next step.
Unpack And Activate The Mod
When a mod is available, either for direct usage or as a package, the mod will be displayed in the Mods list of the game launcher.
Each entry (mod) in the list has a checkbox to let the game know whether to activate the mod on start or not. Naturally if you want the mod to be active, check the box :).
And basically, you're done. That's it. When you start the game, all active mods will be used.
Using Multiple Mods
Having only one mod active is not that frequent... let's be honest. Once you start browsing the Workshop, you'll have a dozen mods in no time. It won't be unusual for two mods to collide and affect the same file(s). While this issue can be in a lot of cases mitigated when creating the mod, it is also handy for players who only want to use mods created by others to have some way of prioritizing mods. Which one is more important. A loading order.
There are two buttons in the mods list in the game launcher. One above, and one below the list. Use these buttons to move mods up or down the list. The game will first load the base game files, then the DLC content (if any) and then it will go UP the list of mods. This means that the last mod to be loaded up is the first one in the list. It has top priority.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, using mods is really not complex. Making them is, but it also depends on what one wants to modify.
If you're interested in learning more about modding Patron, have a read of the articles on the official Fandom Wiki[] .
If you encounter problems, please let us know either on the forum (modding section) or by sending us an email directly ( [email protected] ).
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