Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Chanel Catfish (How to Catch)

Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Chanel Catfish (How to Catch)

Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Chanel Catfish (How to Catch) image 0

Here I will show how to catch chanel catfish.

Catching Catfish

Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Chanel Catfish (How to Catch) image 3

Catching catfsih isn't easy but after reading this and watching film you will catch him immediately.

Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Chanel Catfish (How to Catch) image 5

Catfishes are swimming near the botom, so we need to owerweight our float just like on screen below. Use hook size 2/5 and cutbait big.

After dooing this you will catch beautiful catfish. (this on sreen shoot is smaller one but the bigest has 24kg).

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/1656-ultimate-fishing-simulator.html					

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