Zharralid: A guide to understanding the Chaos Dwarf Language

What We Know So Far

What we know/Can guess:

Hello, I have a lot of spare time and I absolutely love to do some independent research on fantasy languages. So we know from some other sources that Zharralid resembles Khazalid grammatically (which I know little about) But we do get some words and phrases that can help piece together larger sentences, some even kept from Khazalid. I origonally wanted to do this as a guide, but I figured this would be the most viewed if I did it as a discussion. I may do both for the Zharr of it.

When speaking Zharralid it's important to know how word tenses are spoken. 'R's are almost universally rolled as Zharralid is a more gutteral language with most letters having a hard tense. An example is "Dhrath" which according to the VA for the Chaos Dwarfs pronounces it like "Dd-rah-th" with a rolled 'R'.

Most, if not all of these are gathered from in game sources, by listening to how the sentences are spoken (and how words are changed depending on sentence, if they are. Which actually, fun fact, they rarely are if ever) and breaking them down word by word. There is actually a lot to be gathered and learned from simple sentences, words like "I" "and" "your" go a long way as the most spoken words for a person are these filler words between what a person is trying to convey. Unless they're writing a short essay on fictional languages. Should be good enough for a fanfiction though! Which is sorta the goal for this.

A *huge* thank you to Total War Libraries for compiling voice lines that helped in this quest!

I will put things into categories next to their name guessing their origins, I will put a (?) when it could be either and I simply don't know

Speculative: They add '-kvin' at the end of Agash (son) to make (daughter) this MAY mean that adding '-kvin' will make it a feminine word like how in German adding an 'in' makes it feminine (Kaiser - Emperor, Kaiserin - Empress. Agash - Son, Agash-kvin - Daughter?)

What we know/Can guess:

Wazzok (Khazalid): A fool

Waddel (Zharralid?): March/Marching

Minou? (Zharralid): Give Orders?/Your Command?, What?

Dhrath (Zharralid): (Fire) Dwarf(s),

Drahz (Zharralid): Dark, Foreboding?

Uzkul-Dhrath-Zharr (Zharralid): Fire Dwarf

Shad (Zharralid): Should (maybe: Should I)

Etal (Zharralid): Absolute

Vengrin (Zharralid): Vengeance

Ongi (Zharralid?): Only

Dumshkal (Zharralid): Daemon, Demonic

Frosh (Zharralid): From

Hungra (Zharralid??): Hunger/Hungry, Appetite

Azept (Zharralid): Accept

Iez (Zharralid): I

Udi (Zharralid): Desire

Gahka (Zharralid?): Pathetic

Uzum (Zharralid?): You

Kuhzbu (Zharralid): Tempt?

Tarace-Zuank-uva-Hashut (Zharralid): High priest of Hashut (This one was really hard for me since Astragoth said it really fast, but we can surmise that Zuank (Zuan?) means Priest)

Grat (Khazalid?): Great/Greater

Ba (Zharrlied?): But

Zu (Zharralid): Is

Da (Zharralid): Far, There(?)

Ta (Zharralid): The

Haz (Zharralid): Has

Na (Zharralid): No

Ma (Zharralid): Me

Zoro-zull (Zharralid): Bull God

Zoro: Bull

Zull: God

Ekuz (Khazalid?): Your, Yourselves, You're

Sa (?): So

Rok (?): Why

Wangly (Khazalid?): Vile, Foetid, Repulsive

Slotch (Zharralid): Filth, Filthy

Gordrek (Zharralid?): Creature/Creatures

Lokda (Zharralid): Worthy (worthy of?)

Bargruni (Khazalid?): Pact

Shuti (?): Short, Little, Small

Bes (?): Best

Garuz (Zharralid?): Impress, Impressive

Gan (Zharralid): One, Being, Entity? (being, entity. exm: Vile One)

Intimidash (Zharralid): Intimidate

Kall (?): Call

Dwari (Zharralid): Dwarf (slur)

Khazak-Monga (Zharralid): General, Military Leader? (Unsure if this is a rank or what they call military leaders)

Dwor (Zharralid): Fear

Una (?): And

Zaraz (Zharralid): Give

Diol (Zharalid): Need

Khublu (Zharralid): Make Way

(Khu = Make) (Blu = Way?)

Aframaz (Zharralid): Consequences

Kaza (Khazalid?): Think, Thinking

Danma (?): Taller

Az (Khazalid): Axe/axe weapon?

Den (Zharralid): Then

Dok (Zharralid): See, We'll see?

Kaos (Zharralid): Lord, Noble, Ruler

Wanrok (Zharralid): Black Fortress, Fortress?

Annol (Zharralid): It's True, There is Truth?

(An = It's?) (Nol = True?)

Soldreg (Zharalied): Killer

Rik (Zharralid): Prince

Rik-kvin (SPECULATIVE, Zharralid): Princess

Mortash Ankor (Zharralid-Khazalid): Mortal Realm

Mortash (Zharralid): Mortal, Killable

Ankor (Khazalid): Kingdom, Realm, Empire, Domain

Ungrun (Zharralid): Ally, Friend

Dugal (Zharralid): Slave, worker/laborer (funnily enough, as another Dwarf player it says "Slave" but when you are another faction it says "Laborer")

Khaz (Khazalid?): Halls, Home, City?

Kalz (Zharralid): Come, Come here

Bolg (Zharralid) Wealth, Treasure

Abu (Zharralid): Father

Gorag (Zharralid): Toast, Celebrate

Drath (Zharralid): Brother, Comrade

Trabun (Zharralid): Honor (it is an honor to host)

Drono? (Zharralid?): Host, To Host

Anavdal (Zharralid): Useful

Az aro (Zharralid): "Axe throwing"

Volgalut (Zharralid): Raid, Raiding

Zaruk (Zharralid) Enemies

Abrin (Zharralid): Quickly, With Haste

Urt (Khazalid?) Hurt, Pain

Und (?): Stay

Eza (Zharralid): Generous

Tul (?): Kind, Race, People

Ahkso (Zharralid): Know, to know

Va (?): Now

Gras (Zharalid?): Leave, go

Valkuk (Zharralid): Foe, Enemy

Damaz (Zharralid): Grudges, a Grudge

Valgras (Zharralid): Begone

Victraz (Zharralid): Victory

Aragad (Zharralid): Ran out, emptied

Kakok (Zharralid): Arrogance

Akazak (Zharralid): Agreed?

Intreis (Zharralid): Interesting

Udrik (Zharralid): Plans

Ezerak (Zharralid?): Welcome

Dugala (Zharralid): Thrall, servant

Bengul (Zharralid): Exile

Haraz (Zharralid): Burn

Etal (Zharralid): All

Legionoral (Zharralid): Legion, Legions

Hazkala-Erkala (Zharralid): Infernal Guard

Hazkala (Zharralid): Guard, Warrior

Erkala (Zharralid): Infernal

Agash (Zharralid): Son, Sons

Agash-kvin (Zharralid): Daughter, Daughters

Skan (Zharralid): Hate

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2965970849					

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