Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Tyrion - High Elves campaign overview, guide and second thoughts

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Tyrion - High Elves campaign overview, guide and second thoughts

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Tyrion - High Elves Campaign Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts

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Hello everyone. In this guide I will cover:

- Victory conditions, faction and climate;

- Starting location;

- Diplomacy and outposts;

- Mechanics of the race and faction;

- Province edicts and army stances;

- Buildings and research;

- Lords and skills;

- Army compositions;

And give you my final notes on the specific faction. Hope you enjoy it.

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Short victory:

- Destroy the Cult of Pleasure (Morathi) and Naggarond (Malekith).

- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 30 different settlements.

Reward is +3 hero capacity for all heroes, as always, a good way to ensure you get a steady flow of scouts and heroes to work with, without having to spend too many buildings for them.

This is quite a lengthy and difficult campaign. It involves at least two places to invade, and you will most likely try to get all of Ulthuan as well, so take your time with it.

Long victory:

- Achieve the short victory;

- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 70 different settlements;

- Maintain control of nearly the entirety of the Ulthuan Island;

- Destroy the Cult of Pleasure, Naggarond, Hag Graef (Malus), The Blessed Dread (Lohkir), The Thousand Maws (Rakarth).

Reward is +10 hero recruit rank, decent, but uncertain it will account for anything; this campaign takes sooooo long given how at least two factions are really far away (Lohkir literally across the world) it is not unlikely you will achieve domination before that. If you have the lucky break of them being defeated before, then perhaps it takes just a long time 😜

Tyrion is the majesty of Ulthuan, so he enjoys the following benefits:

Diplomatic relations: +10 with High Elves;

Construction time: -50% for Shrine of Khaine building;

Recruitment duration: -1 turn for infantry and cavalry units (minimum 1 turn).

Overall good buffs for the early game, the construction time is fairly meaningless, but it helps out to ensure you get good relations early on with other High Elves and can always recruit units fairly fast.

Climate is... quite punishing, especially for a faction that should conquer so much of the world for their victory conditions. Other than the initial Ulthuan island and some nearby territories, everything else is either unpleasant or uninhabitable, making this a particular difficult faction to dominate the map with.


It is a great starting location, one of the best. Highly defensible although it may look in the middle of the map, and it is a 4 settlement province. Most, if not all of your military is going to be possible to recruit there.

Typical expansion is of course taking over Ulthuan, then going into Naggarond and the mainland to complete the victory objectives. You do suffer a bit of climate penalties already in some places there, so it may be a pain.

Two extra notes: you start with a mage which is excellent, and you start near the ocean, which implies you can always take advantage of all of the goodies that are around. A great faction to start with, plenty of options, although difficult expansion path after the initial areas.


You are part of the order tide, Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, they will all eventually become your allies. You are most certainly the faction that may need a bit of help to achieve this, but you do have a proper mechanic to do so.

Dark Elves, N'kari of Slaanesh, Vampire Coast will be your main enemies for some time. Lizardmen, Beastmen, Skaven and others may join soon, and of course Chaos can always decide to visit your island later on.

Outposts should perhaps focus on any armor piercing cavalry which you lack, and good artillery for your forces. Both Bretonnia and Empire are a good option, Dwarfs a close second behind them.


The Sword of Khaine is slightly less desirable for Tyrion because of all the public order and diplomacy issues it carries; however, Tyrion becomes nearly unstoppable with it, so that may be a nice playthrough option if you wish to go for it.

Influence is sort of a unique currency, allowing two things: to recruit better lords and heroes, and to shift diplomacy into what you wish, steering enemies and allies into whatever you prefer. You have tons of options, so whenever someone is refusing a deal, influence them.

Rites are quite powerful:

1 - Immune to attrition, casualty replenish rate, corruption (excellent to at least use to capture those bad climate places);

2 - winds of magic reserve increase, experience for caster heroes and lords, hero action success chance increased for caster heroes;

3 - Influence per turn, construction costs reduced, control;

4 - Dilemma for an item; recruit cost reduction, recruit rank, and armour for elite infantry, army ability for siege battles.

Overall nice choices, some circumstantial while the 3rd option should probably be used whenever possible.

A rather specific mechanic is that each lord has various dedications to choose from, and you can have different army compositions or a different approach in the campaign because of those.



- enemy campaign move range reduction; enemy hero chance reduction; ambush success chance increased, chance of intercepting an army increased;

- income from all buildings and factionwide trade tariffs;

- recruit rank and recruit capacity +1;

- corruption;

- growth and construction cost reduction;

Overall good ones, so that you can have choices whenever anything bad is happening or about to happen. Flexibility is very good, which helps; nothing that provides influence is a bit unfortunate.

Army stances:

- encamp at 50% movement, immune to attrition, replenishment;

- Lileath's blessing gives winds of magic, more experience and less miscast chance for casters, and speed for casters; costs 10% movement;

- ambush is the typical 25% movement;

- forced march;

All in all, good ones, lacking raid of course, but Lileath's blessing is excellent to ensure good winds of magic when attacking.


Lothern has 2 great buildings, both for income and general buffs for your faction overall. There are also plenty of special buildings in Ulthuan, you will soon learn of all of them and adapt your construction plans (I do not wish to spoil too much).

Military requires 7 buildings, and 2 are able to be fully built in minor settlements. These do include cavalry, infantry and missile infantry, which is very good. Tier 3 units are already quite formidable, with tier 4 and 5 only enhancing existing roles.

Infrastructure consists of:

1 - Growth and replenishment;

2 - Income and resource production;

3 - Control and income (GREAT);

4 - Income from buildings and Hero recruitment (Noble)

5 - Influence per turn, hero and income buffs.

Do not neglect the influence building, specially in the early to mid game. It is valuable to have at least a steady income of influence to allow recruitment of better lords and heroes or to influence other factions diplomatically.

Research is crazy good. Many techs require a specific building to unlock, but are nearly all useful. Ensure you take some time checking which techs you desire for your playthrough initially, and consider that nearly every unit gets buffs to the point they can become a nightmare in the lategame vs anyone in the game.

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Tyrion - High Elves Campaign Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts (continuation)

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- Tyrion can choose to become a campaign god, or a battlefield god, and he will be excellent at both.

- The blue line has upkeep and replenishment, although it may prove expensive in terms of skill points. Special not to tradeable resources (used to be bugged, no idea if it still is).

- Redline in combination with the dedications and the specific lord and hero buffs can provide some nice army compositions. Average spending of redline buffs as you can see in the pics below.

- Heroes are excellent and provide alternatives to nearly everything. 2 heroes (Noble and Handmaidens) provide replenishment for your troops. Handmaidens provide bonuses to nearly every archer unit, loremasters are great hybrids, casters have a lot of different lores of magic, and nobles are decent melee combatants.

- Tyrion can both be a menace with lower quality troops and higher quality troops. He can enhance all of them without spending too many skill points, which ensures a better transition into the later stages.

- Given how lords provide specific buffs, you may wish to spend some time planning those out. Nothing wrong with a steady line of infantry with sisters of avelorn and monsters, or chariots if you prefer.

- Below is an actual army that I have used on a character that buffed Lothern sea guards and ellyrian reavers. They can be a surprise on how strong they actually were (those were wrecking lizardmen armies, you know?);

- Finally, Alastar is a specific Legendary lord that provides a unique set of skills to most White Lion units, so of course that composition fit like a glove.

- As always, these are based on my preference on trying to come up with different strategies to use nearly any unit in the roster. Hero selection is based on a typical 1 caster hero & 1 melee hero that I always do, but nothing wrong with you guys choosing anything else. Play for fun, and plan what you play a bit, is what I say.


Tyrion is probably one of the easier starts in the whole game, and the faction has great synergy throughout. Were it not for the victory conditions, it would be 1st recommendation I would give for new players for certain.

The sword of khaine allows you to have a second go with the faction if you prefer to take an evil side to it;P

Research and magic, combined with a powerful army roster, give you one of the best armies in the entire game. You can go against multiple foes at the same time with the High Elves without even having to plan too much into it.

Army consists of:

1 - Great infantry;

2 - Great missile infantry;

3 - Good cavalry and chariots (lacking some armor-piercing);

4 - Great single entities;

5 - Average artillery;

6 - Lacking early armor piercing overall;

Replenishment is good, but the climate is always a pain. You do have good options for reinforcing or global recruitment, so there is at least an alternative.

I believe now you can start thinking about that Tyrion playthrough. Let me know your thoughts below as always, happy playing! If you prefer a link let me know.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940460867					

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