Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires High Queen Khalida - Tomb Kings Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts
Hello everyone. In this guide I will cover:
- Victory conditions, faction and climate;
- Starting location;
- Diplomacy and outposts;
- Mechanics of the race and faction;
- Province edicts and army stances;
- Buildings and research;
- Lords and skills;
- Army compositions;
And give you my final notes on the specific faction. Hope you enjoy it.
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Short victory:
- Destroy the Silver Host, the Necrarch Brotherhood, the Drakenhof Conclave (Mannfred) and the Sires of Mourkain. Basically, clean the Vampire Counts factions near you.
- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 30 different settlements
The reward is one of the best, +15% replenishment rate, playing into the style of quick recovery after a battle. Great to continue into the long and domination victories.
It may take sometime to accomplish this victory, as you have to move into different positions and face some different foes while pursuing this.
Long victory:
- Achieve the short victory
- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 75 different settlements
- Destroy the Followers of Nagash (Arkhan)
- Hold 11 specific settlements (mainly desert area)
- Build up pyramids in the specific settlements
The reward is +35 winds of magic for all armies, great to ensure your casters almost always have good magic to use in combat.
This victory takes some time for certain. Dominating the whole desert is still complicated for the sheer number of Legendary Lords around in the Southlands.
Khalida is the Warrior-Queen of Lybaras, and she benefits from:
- Diplomatic relations +10 with all factions
- Research rate +15%
- Control +4
- Ammunition +20% (all armies)
Overall, this is a nice set of buffs, both for campaign and battle. The research rate is in handy specially with the issues that the Tomb Kings have with it. The diplomatic relations may yet be detrimental to allow some different alliances and outposts.
Climate is fairly good, because Mountains are actually suitable climate for her, which makes Khalida a far better lord to try and dominate the map with compared with the other Tomb Kings lords. Definitely a good choice if you wish to go for that.
Your starting location is quite nice, on the coast, although surrounded by your first enemy. It should not be difficult to overcome that initial challenge, and you will always be able to benefit from the sea for those goodies, helpful in any circumstance.
Typical expansion is to control the coastline and seek out the remaining Vampire Counts factions that you need to destroy. Going further into the desert you will find many enemies, but hopefully by then you will be prepared for those encounters. Enemies are quite varied, including Greenskins, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Dwarfs, etc.
Diplomacy is always difficult to say with the Tomb Kings. They are quite neutral at times and they can go towards most alignments, but having to fight the Vampire Counts you are most likely going to have some chances of good relations with the Order factions. For that, be careful not to engage in diplomatic relations with any factions that are against those Order factions.
The nearby Dwarfs (Thorek) are an issue because you do need to conquer the Lost Plateau as part of the mechanics for the Books of Nagash. Therefore, proceed carefully to ensure you do not undermine future possibilities of alliances with other Dwarfs because of a war, for example.
Still, later on you may find yourself allied with Dwarfs, Lizardmen, High Elves, even Empire. Get some artillery from them, or flying units from those outposts.
- First, no upkeep. Nothing. Lategame, you can support as much as you can muster.
- Instead, you have limits to the number of units based on the buildings you have built. Research, traits, and skills may also provide you with some unit capacity.
- Hero capacity used to be an issue, now solved for Warhammer 3 because you can increase hero capacity with the mortuary cult.
- You can use your unique currency, the Canopy Jars, to get items for your lords and heroes. These range from simple ones to very good and some unique ones.
- Rites are very good:
1 - Great Incantation of Tahoth gives you a Casket of Souls unit to be recruited, as well as Lord recruit rank +3 and recruit rank +2;
2 - Great Incantation of Ptra gives you a unique Necrotect Hero, who can colonize ruins at level 3.
3 - Great Incantation of Khsar causes all regions to do attrition to foreign armies, increases your ambush success chance by 50%, and gives you the army ability Sand Veil.
4 - Great Incantation of Geheb gives you Canopic Jars +1 per turn, Growth +30, Construction time -25% for all buildings, and the army ability Tomb Swarm.
All of these are very useful in their own circumstance. Do not neglect the defensive rite of Khsar whenever you are faced with some trouble.
- You are also one of the factions collecting the Books of Nagash. These can be obtained by completing the objective for each book, and overall provide good bonuses that can effectively change the overall gameplay.
- Lastly, army capacity is increased via research or via the Mortuary cult. It may prove difficult to increase it after a certain point, but you will always have more than enough.
Campaign movement range +10%; growth +25
Control +5, corruption -2
Ambush success chance +15%; melee defense +5
Casualty replenishment rate +20%, recruit rank +1;
Construction cost -10% for all buildings, income from all buildings +5%;
The income and growth based ones are likely the edicts you will be bouncing off from time to time, but do not neglect the others, specially the defensive ones when you are having trouble.
Army stances:
Channeling, costing 10% movement for Winds of Magic +15 per turn;
Entombed Beneath the Sands is like Encamp, enabling replenishment and access to the global recruitment pool, immunity to attrition, and the Sand Veil army ability, as well as vanguard deployment. Costs 50% movement
Raiding costs 50% movement , immunity to attrition
Ambush costs 25% movement
Forced March
Very typical ones, but the Entombed is likely a much better option to surprise some opponents trying to attack you while you are replenishing.
Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires High Queen Khalida - Tomb Kings Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts(continuation)
There are no special buildings for Khalida's starting province, other than resource ones. However, Lahmia does have a sort of different province capital settlement with a bit more research rate and some control.
Note that, similar to the Greenskins, every settlement in a province increases the local recruitment capacity by +1. This makes your starting province already great to be a military focused one.
Militarily, you have 10 specific buildings. These are all intended to force you to build more to support extra forces. At tier 3, however, you already have Catapults, Chariots, Infantry, Necropolis Knights, Tomb Scorpions, and Ushabti units. Most of these can easily be used for a lot of army compositions, which gives you great flexibility. The top tier ones are mostly for single entities, your best constructs.
1 - Control and corruption, as well as Carrion building
2 - Growth, replenishment and corruption denial
3 - Income and campaign movement (remember the edict: your armies can move crazy fast to defend in your territory)
4 - Mixed building giving good corruption control, Lord and Hero buffs, as well as Canopic Jars per turn.
Research is slightly different than others, a mechanic in itself.
Each dinasty will give you an unique lord and unlock some specific research. It also increases your army capacity, but decreases your research rate.
A common tactic is to research all until the very last turn, and only unlock them when it is absolutely necessary.
All the lords are quite unique, and will benefit from having specific bonuses to specific units, so you might want to have them lead different armies.
Finally, we have plenty of Heralds that can used to change and enhance units in your army. Plan these out as they massively alter them.
The blue line has replenishment in the first part, and canopic Jars production, so I rarely go in the second part of it.
Redline skills are decent and relatively inexpensive, which helps as Khalida has a lot to spend skills upon. However, remember that due to Heralds, Traits, Specific Abilities, you have a tremendous variety of units that suddenly will become great and you can generate good and varied armies with them.
Note how both low tier units and elite units share the same skill line. This helps ensure you can benefit from these skills for the early game, and still benefit from them for the elite units.
As for heroes, Liche Priests provide replenishment, and Necrotects can heal the constructs, which is excellent.
Khalida has a series of bonuses for ammunition, gives her entire army poison attacks, and focuses on Skeleton Archers, Sepulchral Stalkers, and Necropolis Knights. Therefore, a typical army of hers may be heavy on those units. You can also build around some Tomb Guards frontline.
Then we have some different army types, one based on monstrous infantry style, others on basic frontline + missiles with constructs.
Finally some more armies checking with Bone Giants and only monstrous infantry army with double necrotect for those heals. Note the average cost in terms of redline skills to buff all those units (number in yellow).
Khalida enhances the experience of the Tomb Kings by focusing on different types of units, her campaign objectives, and better climate options. Definitely a better choice if you wish to go for Domination, compared to other Tomb Kings Legendary Lords.
She is herself a nice fighter and her army suffers less attrition, perfect to keep her going on the offensive.
It is one of the factions that benefits greatly from how unique the research tree is, because you can then compose different armies in accordance to the benefits every one of those specific Lords give you.
The army consists of:
1 - Good infantry
2 - Average missiles
3 - Good artillery
4 - Good monstrous infantry and cavalry
5 - Great single entities
6 - Lacks some flyers
7 - Weak early game units
Replenishment is good, climate is still an issue later on. Luckily Khalida is better in this point compared to the other Tomb Kings LLs.
I believe now it is time then to follow Khalida of the Tomb Kings.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2972224238
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