Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Grimgor Ironhide - Greenskins Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts
Hello everyone. In this guide I will cover:
- Victory conditions, faction and climate;
- Starting location;
- Diplomacy and outposts;
- Mechanics of the race and faction;
- Province edicts and army stances;
- Buildings and research;
- Lords and skills;
- Army compositions;
And give you my final notes on the specific faction. Hope you enjoy it.
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Short victory:
Control at least 5 settlements from a long list either directly or via allies or vassals.
Occupy, loot, raze or sack 30 different settlements.
The reward is decent, +3 recruit rank for new units helps ensure some quality troops right as you recruit them.
This is quite a difficult short objective, as the specific settlements are scattered all over the world and the Greenskins do have some difficulty gaining alliances.
Long Victory:
Achieve the short victory;
Occupy, loot, raze or sack 75 different settlements;
Destroy nearly every minor Greenskins faction there is.
Reward is average/cool for the Greenskins, +2 global recruitment helps getting those extra armies in the lategame right to the 20 units stack.
This can be quite a difficult long objective, mostly because you never know whether these factions will survive and they are located far away. However, given all of them can be confederated by you, it can be a matter of just locating their faction leader, fighting and confederating it.
Grimgor is the Harbinger of Gork, and he benefits from the following:
unlocks the recruitment of Black Orc Big Bosses in all provinces;
Waaagh! has a chance of containing Black Orcs;
Campaign move range +10%;
Upkeep reduced (-15%) for Black Orcs and Big 'Uns
Overall a nice set of buffs, campaign move range is always excellent, and you can enjoy more elite infantry in your armies.
As for climate, it is good, or slightly better than average. You may have issues going into domination campaigns, but other than the Chaos wastes and Ulthuan everything else is nice.
Three settlement province, only 8 buildings allowed in your main settlement. It is a rather "middle of the road" province, so may be difficult to decide where to go early on.
Typical expansion is all over the place, except going North due to the climate. This may prove a campaign where your enemies will dictate for the most part where you go next.
Greenskins are part of the evil tide; anything that is fighting Chaos or any Order faction is probably quickly becoming your friend.
Chaos, Ogres, other Greenskins will definitely become your enemies.
Good outposts should come from Skaven, and maybe the Vampire Counts. You can rely on good cavalry or good armor piercing missiles, maybe some flyers, for an optimal experience.
- Great confederation mechanic that allows instant absorption of the enemy into your ranks. Let some minor Greenskins faction grow, beat their leader in battle, and confederate for a profit.
- Waaagh! is a great mechanic. You keep fighting and keep increasing a bar, which gives you some buffs: Growth and control in all provinces, recruitment cost reduction, winds of magic and leadership to all armies. Those are all great to have. Once you fill out the bar, you can call in a Waaagh! to any settlement you choose. You will then have 20 turns to capture that settlement.
- Once you call a Waaagh! your armies will receive a secondary army that will have as many units as your army in a few turns. This way, all your 20 stack armies will become 40 stack armies while the Waaagh! is active. Once you capture the required settlement, you obtain a banner, which gives you stronger buffs the stronger the enemy faction was. Defeating the strongest faction in the game gives more than the 150th;
- Scrap is another mechanic, a unique currency. You gain it via fighting, mostly, and you use it in your units to upgrade them into at least two possibilities, changing the unit forever. Each different unit has different possibilities, so you should study them a bit to see what they get from scrap, as the impact in that unit is considerable.
- Finally, Waaagh! based Regiments of Renown will be available once you finish a specific difficult Waaagh!. They may provide interesting units not available otherwise, such as Wyverns and Hydras.
- Edicts:
Construction cost reduction and income from all buildings;
Recruitment cost reduction and local recruit capacity;
Control, growth, corruption;
Overall, not much to choose about, note the lack of a defensive one and possible vulnerability to plagues, for example.
- Army stances:
Raidin' camp allows scrap and income per turn, replenishment and global recruitment, immune to most attrition, and it costs 0 movement points. You should nearly always end up your turn in this stance (mind the negative effects in your province, though);
Underway is such a tactical advantage, just use it at the beginning of your movement phase, and you can ignore the terrain, giving you access to other areas quickly. Particularly useful in the mountains or slower terrain areas.
Ambush is the typical, 25% movement cost;
Forced march is the typical one.
Good choices and the Greenskins really benefit then from raiding all the time and going into the Underway.
Not easy to spot, but recruitment capacity is increased by the number of settlements in a province. Therefore, easier to mass up some armies.
Sabre Mountain, your initial settlement, has a Black Orcs building, essential for you to get your elite troops going.
7 military buildings, only 1 able for minor settlements (Squigs). Yikes. Even in your initial province you cannot build every single one easily, so you will have to choose.
However, you do have a barracks that gives melee troops and missile troops, so that helps. Artillery and chariots can prove useful too.
Tier 3 units are somewhat lacking; tier 4 has mostly everything, though, so it does change significantly once you go up that level.
Infrastucture has:
1 - Control, lord recruit rank, corruption and hero recruitment building;
2 - Growth and replenishment rate;
3 - Income;
4 - Campaign move range, income from post-battle (factionwide), income from raiding (factionwide), ambush success chance, income from sacking and looting (factionwide). Overall, a great building to have whenever possible, you can have an entire economy just based around this one.
Research is also very powerful. Not only you get buffs for your low and high quality troops, but there are 2 specific Lords that have unique traits and abilities that you can obtain, for some different army compositions and some variety.
Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Grimgor Ironhide - Greenskins Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts (continuation)
- Grimgor gets nice skills for his combat abilities and his army. He is already a beast of a lord and becomes even better in no time.
- Redline skills are, in my opinion, some of the best in the game. With so many units, you get a lot of variety spending few skill points, from having missiles units, cavalry units, infantry units all in just one skill, it just helps out a lot.
- Blue line has upkeep reduction and nice raiding and looting buffs, but no replenish. Uff.
- Black orc hero gives replenishment to Orc units, while the River Troll Hag gives much necessary replenishment to all units in the army. You may consider one or another accordingly.
- Lords are also different in what troops they buff in their specific skills, but for the most part you can count on Goblins giving something to Goblins, and Orcs to Orcs. Easy.
ARMY COMPOSITION (see images below):
Grimgor gives buffs to Black Orcs and Big Uns, so that is what we give him. Then we can have either a mobile force, or a monster/artillery force.
Both the Goblin Great Shaman and Night Goblin War Boss have some skills to benefit Goblins, so some nice Goblin-based armies are useful for them. I tend to use these as reinforcing or sweeper armies, although they can deal with most enemies when the Waaagh! is active because of the extra units.
The strength of these should not be underestimated, though, notice the possibilities with the Trolls and Arachnarok spiders joining in, for a truly massive force.
Finally, in the third image, some different armies focused around Orcs, monsters, cavalry units... I have yet to find a good Orc-Goblin combination, but there are definitely great combos to try out.
Notice overall how cheap it is to buff all those troops, and how the armies have enough units for each role, anti-large, armor piercing, monsters, flanks, artillery... etc.
Growth is actually a bit faster than it looks like, provided that the Waaagh, edict, building buffs are all online. You may have more growth than expected, so use it to evolve your troops as fast as you can.
Your armies all have this brute force and serious damage idea that you will definitely love. Once they are engaged, it is carnage, and only a few enemies can withstand once they pop the Waaagh! mid battle.
Compared to other aggressive and melee factions, they are so much MORE BALANCED. Seriously, you can play the waiting, defensive game with the Greenskins, making them even more terrifying.
Scrap Mechanics and the Waaagh! allow a lot more combinations of units. The variety alone is what makes, for me, this faction so fun to play.
Your army consists of:
1 - Great damage dealing infantry;
2 - Good missiles and artillery;
3 - Great monsters and single entities;
4 - Good chariots;
5 - Cheap units in all categories;
6 - Lacks Anti-large halberd style units;
7 - Average cavalry;
Replenishment is bad to average, if you have a River Troll Hag with you, and even then you really have to pay attention to the climate. You have Raiding camp, use it.
Overall, a wonderful campaign for you to play a variety of styles. Let me know your thoughts on the faction, and have fun!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940460032
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