The Ultimate Campaign Traits Cheats Guide

The Ultimate Campaign Traits Cheats Guide

The Console

The Ultimate Campaign Traits Cheats Guide image 1

To access cheats in the campaign, just press the ~ or ` key above the Tab key. This will open the console window in the corner of your screen.

Modding Traits

The Ultimate Campaign Traits Cheats Guide image 4
The Ultimate Campaign Traits Cheats Guide image 5

We're going to make our general Vibius a better commander. Start by selecting him.


Load up the console,

Then you can type:

"give_trait this GoodCommander 5"



Reviewing Characters

The Ultimate Campaign Traits Cheats Guide image 14

Once you've added a trait with the command, you can review your changes under stats>traits.

Vibius is now "Vibius the Mighty" and has +5 command from the "GoodCommander 5" trait.

The Give_trait Command

There are some quirks using this command.

Traits have different levels to them, between 1-6.

GoodCommander has 1-5, while GoodFarmer only has 1-3.

Typing "give_trait GoodFarmer 6" will not automatically give you the 3rd level of GoodFarmer.

You need to know which level is the max level in order to apply the trait.

You can also remove traits

For example if you have a general with BadCommander 3, which has -3 Command, you can type:

"give_trait this BadCommander -1" which will remove the trait.

You can give traits without selecting the characterIf you know the name of a character, instead of selecting them and then typing "this", replace it with their name. You need quotation marks for characters with two names. Underscores are needed for character with three names. Single named characters do not need quotation marks.

give_trait "Flavius Julius" GoodCommander 5

give_trait "Fayyid al_Azir" GoodFarmer 3

give_trait Moussa GoodAttacker 5

Perfect General

GoodAmbusher 3

+3 Command when ambushing

GoodAttacker 5

+5 Command when attacking

GoodCavalryGeneral 3

+3 Command when using cavalry

GoodCommander 5

+5 Command

GoodDefender 5

+5 Command when defending

GoodEngineer 3

+2 SiegeAttack +60 points to build siege engines

GoodInfantryGeneral 3

+3 Command when using infantry

GoodRiskyAttacker 3

+3 Command when attacking larger armies

GoodRiskyDefender 3

+3 Command when defending against larger armies

GoodSiegeAttacker 4

+4 Command when sieging

GoodSiegeDefender 4

+4 Command when besieged

HaleAndHearty 3

+6 Hitpoints Your general's health on the battlefield

NaturalMilitarySkill 4

+4 Command

StrategicSkill 3

+3 Command

LogisticalSkill 3

+3 TroopMorale +4 MovementPoints

TacticalSkill 3

+4 Command Ambushing +3 Line of Sight

Intelligent 3

+3 Command +3 Influence +3 Management

Brave 5

TroopMorale +2 +10 Popularity

BattleScarred 4

-2 Influence +8 Hitpoints

Perfect Governor

GoodBuilder 3

-1 Squalor +1 Influence +Construction bonuses

GoodAdministrator 3

+3 Law +3 Management

GoodFarmer 3

+3 Farming

GoodMiner 3

+30% mining

GoodTaxman 3

+30% Tax income +2 Unrest

PoliticsSkill 3

+3 Influence +9 Electability +15 SenateStanding

GoodTrader 3

+30% trading

KindRuler 3

+3 Influence -3 Squalor

Handsome 4

+3 Influence -1 PersonalSecurity

Just 3

+3 Law

HarshJustice 3

+6 Law +3 Unrest

PhlegmHumour 3

-1 Influence +3 Management

GamesFanRomanVice 3

-3 Unrest -20 SenateStanding +20 PopularStanding

PlainRomanVirtue 3

+3 Influence +9 Electability +15 SenateStanding

Upright 3

+30 BribeRestistance +6 Law

Perfect Assassins & Spies

You can add these same traits to both Assassins, and Spies. They both receive the Subterfuge bonuses.

GoodConspirator 3

+3 Subterfuge

NaturalAssassinSkill 3

+3 Subterfuge

GoodSpy 5

+5 Subterfuge +5 LineOfSight

GoodAssassin 5

+5 Subterfuge

NaturalSpySkill 3

+3 Subterfuge

Perfect Diplomat

NaturalDiplomatSkill 3

+3 Negotiation

GoodDiplomat 5

+5 Negotiation

Perfect Merchant

GoodMerchant 4

+4 Finance

NaturalMerchantSkill 3

+3 Finance

Monopolist 3

+3 Finance -1 PersonalSecurity

LegalDealer 2

+2 Finance

SecureMerchant 2

+2 Finance

WorldlyMerchant 2

+2 Finance

MerchantsGuildMember 1

+1 Finance

MerchantsGuildTrained 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeBaseMinerals 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgePreciousMinerals 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeAllMinerals 3

+3 Finance

SharedKnowledgeAgriculturalGoods 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeLiveGoods 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeHomewares 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeBuildingSupplies 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeFabricsDyes 1

+1 Finance

SharedKnowledgeRarities 2

+2 Finance

PotteryCollector 1

+1 Finance

GlassCollector 1

+1 Finance

Negative Traits

This list will be expanded at some point.


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