WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces

WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces

Specialised Military Provinces

WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces image 1

WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces image 2
WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces image 3
WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces image 4
WRE Advanced Province Management Part 6: Specialised Military Provinces image 5

When I play as the WRE, I concentrate all my military upgrade / recruitment buildings in a single province, so that any units recruited there can benefit from multiple upgrades at the same time. Maxima Sequanorum fits this purpose perfectly, due to the following factors:

1. It is a frontier province, so armies raised here can be put into action straight away.

2. It's an inland province with no ports, plus there's a missing building slot in Argentoratum, which means it won't be a rich province anyway if you tried to develop it economically.

3. The province is stretched in the North-South direction, which means both the armies of your Rhine front (fighting the Germans) and Italian front (fighting the Huns) can quickly drop-by here for an upgrade, then return to their posts without delay.

3. Octodurum has iron which has bonuses related to military recruitment (+2 recruitment capacity, -15% recruitment cost).

<Maxima Sequanorum is born to be a specialised military province>

Here is the province design for Maxima Sequanorum. Since tax is exempted, there is 0 food requirement.

First thing to note is that there is one building slot missing in Argentoratum. This most likely is a bug - one which the Attila community has been complaining about since release, yet ignored by CA without any explanation. Can somebody make a mod to fix this problem, thank you very much.

Minimum public order requirement is -8 (legendary) -9 (immigrants) -3 (religious differences) = -20. Highest public order I could achieve was +16 so you will need a priest or governor to gain some extra public order. An extra building slot in Argentoratum would have solved this problem by allowing an extra garrison to be built.

Using the above design, you'll have to give up one of infantry, cavalry or archer recruitment. My choice was to give up archery, since I'm not really into ranged units. If you want to fit in all three recruitment buildings you'll have to give up one of the military upgrade buildings in Vesontio.

In the early game, guardhouses will be required in order to hold back the endless waves of Germans. As the Germans are slowly tamed, you can start building up military upgrade / recruitment buildings one by one.

There is another province in the game that is fit to be a military province, and that is Dacia. Dacia has iron, and is located at the centre of the map which means armies raised here can travel to anywhere on the map with relative ease. Moreover Dacia doesn't have any missing building slots which means public order won't be a problem here. However, playing as the WRE you probably won't be able to access Dacia until later in the campaign.

<No building slots missing here>

Anyway, when Maxima Sequanorum is fully developed militarily, it will provide the following buffs to the armies recruited there:

Siege Workshop: 1 unit experience, +15% ammunition

Royal Armoury: 1 unit experience, +15% armour, +15% shield effectiveness

Master Weaponsmith: 1 unit experience, +15% melee damage

Cavalry Compound: +2 recruitment capacity

Infantry Compound: +2 recruitment capacity

Grand Forge: +2 recruitment capacity, -15% recruitment cost

<A truly golden army, that's what I'm talking about>

That's the end of my Advanced Province Management series. Hope my guides have been helpful. I welcome any feedback so please leave comments below. Cheers!

WRE Advanced Province Management Series







Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=632628967					

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