Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village)

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village)


Challenges is a side tasks in game. They not required to complete storyline, but can give you extra xp and fun. But they required to finish game on 100% and to achieve "Inconceivable!" achievement.

I wrote this guide because items, required to complete challenge, is hard to find and they not marked on map, unlike other tasks.

I split a guide on locations, because if write everything in one pass, it will too big. Maybe I combine everything into one later.

Items are listed in the order, which they are encountered throughout the game. Of course you can always go back to the desired location and to find the missing items.

Challenges Overview

Challenge: Illumination.

Location: Mountain Village.

You need ignite altars on the knees of statues which stands in different places of this level. To ignite you need stand beside statue and push "use" button. There is ten statues and you need find and ignite altars on all of them.

Challenge: Egg Poacher.

Location: Mountain Village.

You need to collect the eggs from the nests, which lie at higher elevations. To collect you need find the nest, stand beside and push "use" button. There is 5 nests on this level and you need find and collect them all.

This location separated to three areas and you need visit this location three times to open whole location and finish challenges. You can find two nests and two statues on your first visit, three nests and six statues on second visit, two statues on your third visit.

First Visit

You climbing on this location and meet Roth. He is hardly wounded and you need climb on the cliff, find wolf's cavern, searching medpack and radio, defeat wolf and return to Roth. You can find one statue and one nest. After you heal Roth, he gives you the alpenstock and you can climb on the cliffs to source of waterfall. There you find another statue and nest. You can do nothing there anymore, so just leave this location. You will return there later and more areas will be open.

Statue #01 Small Village

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 16

Or maybe even not village, but looks like. Statue stands on center this village and right near campfire, where is Roth lies.

Nest #01 House Above Precipice

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 19

This is big house with two floors and many rooms. He stand right above precipice and you need to get inside to reach high place. When you get in, go to second floor and find place, where you can climb on the roof. Nest lie on roof of this house.

Nest #02 Top Of The Waterfall

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 22

You can reach this place only if you get alpenstock from Roth. When you climb here, take a look on left shore. This is small two-floors building on this shore. Climb on roof of this building and you find nest.

Statue #02 Top Of The Waterfall

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 25

Statue stands on ledge near roof, you just climb. Just jump over at this ledge.

Second Visit

You return on this location after plane crash. Something changed. Plane fall and make a way to high ground. Also you can see zip-line from above to below.

You met Roth again and now need to get to the place, where pilot landed. This place marked by colored smoke. After you meet Roth you need go on mountain trail. Actually this is direct route, but, to find one nest and one statue, you need to turn the other way once. After you reach your aim, you need to leave this location.

Statue #03 Left Of The Waterfall

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 31

Just go forward. You zip down once, and kill couple of enemies. Soon you reach waterfall, where you already been. Statue stands on the left side of waterfall on your way, so you cant miss her.

Statue #04 Right Of The Waterfall

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 34

Go to the another side of waterfall. You find a small building beside a corner of the cliff. Go inside, jump forward, grab ledge of rock and climb up. This is statue on this ledge.

Statue #05 Far Cliff

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 37

Return back to building on corner. You can see a long zip-line from this place to the crash site. More precisely to building on high ground. Zip down and go to cliffs behind this building. Find a ledge, where you climb up. You find a passage up. Just go forward and you find statue.

Nest #03 Roof Beside Passage

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 40

After you find statue go back and jump on near roof. Actually this is a roof, where zip-line is mounting. Nest lies on this roof. Jump on zip-line and climb up, back to the building on corner.

Nothing more you can do down there. Grab zip-line and climb back to passage.

Statue #06 Cave

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 44

You again near small building. Walk around and proceed to edge. You need climb up zip-line and climb up on wall. Stop right before second zip-line. Turn left and you find a small cave. In this cave you can found next statue.

Statue #07 High Rock

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 47

This part is very tricky. You can see a cliff and three separate rocks. They looks like islands. We need a right (statue) and left (nest) rock. Both of them have a gazebo on top.

Well, exit a cave and return to edge. If you looks down edge, you can see a creek, who ends with waterfall. Just go to edge and carefully go down to creek. On far shore of this creek you can see a column for zip-line and fallen log between edges. Take a look on right "island" (highest). Climb on zip-line to this island and walk around the wall. You find a statue.

Nest #04 Fallen Log

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 51

Climb back to creek. Walk on fallen log to other side. Walk around wall and you find a nest.

Statue #08 Fallen Log

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 54

Go back to fallen log, but this time do not cross the abyss. Take look on wall and find climbable zone. Climb up and you find a statue.

Nest #05 Low Rock

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 57

Go to zip-line pillar. This time you need to get to left "island" (lowest). Make a zip-line and climb down. Climb up to the top of the rock, cross gazebo and find another pillar. Carefully climb down the edge near this pillar. You find the last nest.

Third Visit

You return to this location again after monastery.

Statue #09 River

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 62

Go forward until you find a river and broken bridge. Jump into river and turn left. Now you can see a small ledge and statue.

Statue #10 Wooden Gate

Challenges: "Illumination" and "Egg Poacher" (Mountain Village) image 65

Return back to the shore. You can find pillar on the left of the bridge and other pillar on high ledge of the other shore. Make a zip-line and climb up. Follow path until you reach end. This is a road down you and wooden gate on this road. You need jump on top of this gate, cross them, and jump on ledge on other side. Go forward and you find last statue.


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