Weapon To Unlock For Beginners, Literally Starters:
straight before even starting the campaign
1st: ak12 ghost recon network (litterally when you start game, you can get this from start without even unboxing weapon stash or getting attachments, pretty solid with it's red dot and 50 round magazine attachment, should be your best buddy when you started the game)
2nd: G36C (rainbow six siege pack uplay rewards)
3rd: sig556 llama (uplay club,optional, hard hitting rifle for starters)
4th: FN_FAL, year 2 aniversary pack(uplay club,optional, hard hitting rifle for starters)
5th: Deimos Crossbow, free on uplay store, scroll down on weapon pack and get it for free
now below require effords in game
6th: M40A5 (available in north itacua rallypoint (echo), just drive there and take this sniper for starters, long range engagement is useful you know, this sniper is available from early game, use it well)
hint: as part of Amaru Rescue, if you wanna save time, finish amaru rescue and this weapon is in the extraction point
7th: five seven usg (ocoro north cocaine factory, ocoro is really close to itacua, very useful in stealth and even pros usually use this pistol in tier 01, had some people that reached here to prove, this gun is accessable fast, and the best pistol in game along with d50 for loud only, this pistol can even carried to stealth or loud as it's firerate is pretty good with accuracy, forgiving recoil (high handling), and not bad damage)
hint: as part as aggressive competition ocoro, take the gun as u play this (located at the back of the computer's warehouse.
8th: MSR, located in montuyoc on choza padre mine, can easily penetrate their security. Pretty good sniper with high damage, accuracy, range and penetration
9th: Tar 21, located in montuyoc (also) in the city of choza padre, pretty solid even to carried to tier. High accuracy, good handling, ok ish range and penetration, not bad damage
take msr if you having difficulty with sniping with M40A5 or wanna bang vehicles easier in diff 3+ regions
take tar if you wanna get a really good rifle for start
recommended to take 2 montuyoc intel lts to mark location of both guns
remember: this isn't the best rifles in the game, but one of the best, and easily accessable, plus: msr and tar 21 is a bit easy to take, basicly just fly to montyoc, get 2 intel lt to mark both, then get those guns (with not too much guard)
Bear in mind: those above i mentioned is something newbies can grab in their first hour of gameplay, easily. Not the best but one of the best. It's in order 1-5 (without even starting campaign) and 6-9 (need to start campaign and do the job)
Explanation Of Stats:
Edit: A stat of several factors will average all the factors, doesn't mean a low handling rifle will do a slow reload (Fal), or a low accuracy first tap smg will be inaccurate (SR-635), it's roughly average of all factors
Damage: Self explanatory. If I have to explain this, then you need to buy dictionaries or even go to a doctor.
Accuracy: Affect First Tap Accuracy and Affect Weapon Spread (inaccuracy over time).
Handling: Affect Weapon Reload, ADS Speed, and Vertical Kick (vertical-only recoil)
Range: Technically affect weapon drop-off and falloff damage ratio. Weapon with low range will have its damage heavily reduced if shot on ranged target.
Noise: How silent it is
Penetration: How well it penetrate armors/ walls/doors
Bonus: End Game Weapon Set
End game weapon set, proven solid on tier 1 (01) alone
not saying this is best loadout, but should give beginners advices
Primary: Mk17 (accuracy+range build, compensator v2 loud, 20 mag) / ACR (all rounder, compensator v2 loud, 30 mag, high accuracy, medium range, somewhat controllable handling) / Tar-21 (rapid gun, compensator v2 loud, 30 mag, high rof ,high accuracy, medium range, not bad handling) / Mk18 / Mk16
Secondary: Desert Tech HTI BDC suppressed (double damage, 1 shot almost everything ) / extranjeros BFG , the semi auto version of hti
Pistol: Five Seven USG suppressed
Mk17 has it's own superb accuracy that its surpass even the HTI BDC accuracy (shown on tier) that it wont spread horizontally on the recoil (if maxed on accuracy), the tradeoff is the handling is on the lowest as possible, which makes the vertical kick will be high and slow reload, doing a mouse pull downward correctly will make it shoot in a straight line, since Mk17, fal, Sig556 llama, and lvoac bad news is the hardest hitting rifle in the game, i'd pick this cuz i can control it, most people said lvoac bad news is better tho due it's suppressor and controllable spray with close range, but this mk17 is suitable either for spray or tap tap (any loud condition), it has freaking long range that able to do as sniper does. This act like DMR but also a AR. Tap tap for the win, hard to master gun.
Playstyle: Cover N Shoot
TAR-21/ACR for second choice, it has almost Mk17 accuracy but enough to rival snipers, half the range tho, much better handling and less damage, this is good on medium to close combat. Does pretty good with spray. Perfect for newcomer and casual players.
Playstyle: All round, any
Mk18 > excells at close and medium range combat, heavy damage (even more than mk17) and good handling
Mk16 > mk17 with better handling and lesser damage
but if you like to rush (flanking playstyle), consider picking a high handling gun with high ROF, i don't like those kind of playstyle because it's kill fast or die in extreme (suicide for beginners), but again some people may like that style.
HTI BDC? I don't have to explain this game OP sniper too much, given on tier 40, it has twice damage of hti and can explode helis or cars in one shot (insta stop the convoy) i usually shot the miniguns 4x4 first then the truck, 3 shot in 5 sec, bam
Extranjeros BFG if you had it, it's a powerful semi auto which helps u if u miss
Though jungle is much better, but it's broken gun and i don't wanna talk about exploit here >.<
Five Seven USG> The stealth pistol which is spammable on loud, it's very low recoil and suppressed with somewhat okay damage make it solid choice if you wanna kill someone stealthy or when your clip is out in loud, just spam it if you get in trouble.
if you like close combat, get a Deagle50, if you only do one taps with pistol and want accuracy, pick a P227
All strongest weapon in the game PVE is in base game, you had only need to explore
i hope you learn something from this long explanation, happy gaming
Bonus: Things That Most Players Didn't Know
1. Enabling 7.1 or 5.1 virtual surround in pc actually sound different than if its off. Without it, if game detect pc standard (stereo) speaker or a headphone/headset will count as stereo output, while virtual 7.1 /5.1 does sounds surround even with same headphone
Try Nahimic 3, it has toggle-able surround too. Basicly perfect testing area, sounds freaking cool
2. Secrets awaits you in multiple places, there's many of them and i don't wanna spoil but those two clues, because they lead to hidden bosses
a) somewhere in inca camina, where temperature get freezing cold, there's a river that has a stone with a smiling face painted with blood on it, take a inspection
person i meant : El-Yeti
b) look to the most old and spooky place, the ancient cemetery, there's 3 newspapers located in the tombs, inspect and do something about it
person i meant : El-Tio cult leader
3. Trouble dealing with solo challenges? There's always a way around, think outside the box
4. Cartel cannot call land reinforcement if all road to the area blocked, so just set roadblocks before ambushing a base
(in case you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up stealth, they will ram through if your status engaged tho)
5. Got intel lieutenant but all intel gathered in that area? Just stow him to a vehicle and drive to other region, then interrogate him for a fresh intel
how to exploit this: roam around in low level area, grab at least 2 intel lt, more better, then drive to hard / designated area, interrogate all
6. RTX Fix
UPDATE YOUR DRIVER, it's Nvidia fault after all
7. Guerilla and Tier
Activating tier mode in guerilla does give more starting credits, tier 01 is 3200 while non tier/regular is 1000, even if the tier switched off before fight began
Other Useful Guide
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547305497
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