In-depth Favor-ability Guide

Google Doc Guide

Spent a lot of time creating a fully in-depth guide on everything related to the favorability system within Together BnB.

As a disclaimer this guide includes spoilers and how points are rewarded, as the the game is updated I plan to keep it up to date and adjust areas when necessary. The guide is in English.

The Guide includes the following:


How points are calculated and top 4 items to buy to unlock dress up quickly

Pictures of Items for non English speakers to recognize the item

Name and Price of all gift-able items categorized by Shop

Points Rewarded and Like-Dislike Rating per guest to gift based on personality.

Wine Tasting Strength

Pictures and name of Wine for non English speakers to recognize the item

0-5 Star Rating of how fast a wine will cause a blackout

Cooking Recipes

picture and name of Recipes

1-5 Star Favorably rating of each recipe for each guest to maximize score

Who Unlocks a specific Recipe

TBNB Favor-ability Guide[]

Please feel free to comment or suggest feedback on any changes you feel need to be made or added.


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