Cheats (Cheat Codes)

Cheat Codes

First, press "Ctrl + Shift + C" to open the cheat console. Then you can use the following cheats:

(Remember to type in the word without the quotation marks, and then press Enter.)

Type "testingcheats true" to enable cheats.

Now you can shift + left click on the mailbox and select "Alter Needs" then "Fill needs" to fill your Sims needs.

If you want to edit your Sims the way you would in Create-A-Sim mode (CAS), after typing testingcheats true, type "cas.fulleditmode" which will allow you to then shift + left click on your Sim and click on Modify in CAS.

"Motherlode" will grant you $50,000 simoleans.

"Rosebud" will grant you $1,000 simoleans.

"FreeRealEstate on" will make purchasing a home free. Do this from the neighborhood view.

Those are the most useful ones in my opinion and the ones I use frequently. You can also check out this link to an overview of Cheats for The Sims 4 on EA's website:



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